The D&D Multiverse needs a "Crisis on Infinite Oerths"

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Unfortunately 5E already assumes by default that all campaign settings are part of the same Great Wheel, including the entire cosmologies of Eberron and Magic: The Gathering, which are explained away as being part of each setting's Material Plane.

Not quite true...

Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron said:
Eberron has always been a part of the multiverse. Eberron is surrounded by its thirteen planes. These planes play an important role in the setting, producing dramatic effects as they shift in and out of alignment with Eberron. But the Astral and Ethereal Planes surround and enfold Eberron, and if someone ventures into the Deep Ethereal it’s possible to pass beyond Eberron’s closed system and step into the Great Wheel or the World Tree.

So it appears that Eberron, at least, is a closed system just on the outer edges of the Great Wheel that you access by travelling deep into Deep Ethereal. I wager Athas's the Gray will be a similar filter/gated garden cosmology, while Oerth, Faerun, Krynn, and such will share the Great Wheel.

As for Ravnica, I think the we won't get anything more official than "its up to the DM" but the fact that Ravnica has angels, demons, and other planar creatures wholly distinct from the normal cosmology's version hints of similar closed system. (Depending oh how much you want to value MtG's multiverse or D&D's multiverse).

While I'm a fan of the idea that Sigil's portals can open on Ravnica or the Demiplane of Dread can snatch up Eberron PCs, I also like the fact it can be ignored if the DM and players wish it too as well.


This is less Crisis and more Secret Wars.

Really, it isn't worth the effort because few peoople care about all of these characters. I've played for decades with hundreds of players and I know (perhaps) three people that could write a meaningful paragraph about each of the characters you mention.

Greg K

Eberron is underestimated. If you have not explored it, it is worth exploring just to see an exampl of how to create a world of great possibilities and story hooks.

Read through the core book, read several Dragon article, and looked through some supplements. Nothing about it does anything for me.


This sounds like the exact last thing (D&D wise) I would pay money for. As [MENTION=6702445]jayoungr[/MENTION] said, there is no reason why you can't do it yourself.


Mod Squad
Staff member
So it appears that Eberron, at least, is a closed system just on the outer edges of the Great Wheel that you access by travelling deep into Deep Ethereal.

Just so we are clear- if you can get into and out of it... by definition it is *NOT* a closed system.


Just so we are clear- if you can get into and out of it... by definition it is *NOT* a closed system.
Gated might be a better term; to get from Eberron to The Abyss requires first going to the Ethereal, Deep Ethereal, then to the Great Wheel, rather than a simple portal like Faerun requires. Likewise, a Faerun mage can't get to Feria as easily as an Eberron mage can. As such, it might not be an airtight seal, but it's usually worth the effort for Eberron natives to go to the Great Wheel and vice versa.

Voidrunner's Codex

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