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The Death of a Celestial: X vs. Celena_

Xerneth Karjen

First Post
(( The following fight occured tonight in the Arena, and the battle posted here is the result. It has been edited for spelling and removal of irrelevant posts for length, otherwise, it has not been altered. Enjoy the read. ))

xerneth_karjen forms from black mists that fade in within a shadowed section of the stands, coalescing into solidity, his cloak covering his form and his crossbow slung over his right shoulder.
celena_ looks at the mist, her aura becomes blindingly bright.
celena_ says,
"halt there evil beast"
xerneth_karjen sneers at the aura, which reveals a mask of black leather covering his face, "Where is the paragon, celestial?"
celena_ says, "away from you"
xerneth_karjen smirks behind the mask, "You cannot protect her forever, the time will come when she and all of your kind will fall." With those words, he trains his crossbow on Celena, resting the stock on his forearm.
celena_ smiles, casting entropic sheild
celena_ says,
"your atonement starts now vile spawn of darkness"
xerneth_karjen growls low beneath the mask as he pulls the lever on the crossbow, firing the silver bolt which splits into three soon after leaving the weapon, all aimed at chest level.
celena_ draws her double bladed celestail sword that glows bright with blue fire and hums loudly
celena_ darts forth and slashes at x's chest, the arrows some how seem to fail even though his aim was dead on
xerneth_karjen leans to the side as he attempts to move from her attack, dodging the main swing and raising a knee to aimed to catch her in the stomach.
celena_ 's spins her sword as she misses and a upward swing with the second blade
xerneth_karjen snarls as the blade catches him in the leg, cutting a deep gash. He sweeps his left hand into his cloak and pulls out a hand axe that gleams with a dark radiance, taking a swing as he tries to spin around behind her, aiming the blade at her right shoulder.
celena_ ducks as she spins her two bladed celestial sword over her back blocking the axe
xerneth_karjen sneers beneath the mask, jumping back a few feet and landing on the arena floor, beginning to mutter a few words in mixed Abyssal and Drowic.
celena_ chants in celestial, adding buffs to her defense
xerneth_karjen raises his right hand and motions her forward,
"Come on celestial, is that all you've got?"
celena_ unfolds her wings and flaps them, taking off into the air and pointing her finger at him chanting in celestial
xerneth_karjen outstretches his hand, calling a vertical curtain of whirling blades comprised of force into being where Celena flies.
celena_ casts diamond dust at x
xerneth_karjen dives to the side, but is caught halfway in and out of the effect, seemingly wracked with pain as he rolls to his feet.
celena_ swoops down at him, doing a great cleave
celena_ in mid dive, she arches her body and wings, pulling to the side and whimpers as she gets a blade across her leg, the cut deep and bleeding
xerneth_karjen ducks beneath the cleave swinging upward with the handaxe at lower stomach level in a low hacking type swing, then moves to tumble away.
celena_ celena grunts and slams in to the ground skipping, 10 feet away
xerneth_karjen tosses his crossbow to the side, sending it into a shadow and his pulls his battleaxe in his right hand, replacing the handaxe at his left side, watching Celena as he settles into a readied stance.
celena_ stumbles to her feet slowly, holding her gut, blood running down. One wing drops probably broken in the crash
xerneth_karjen glances down at his deeply cut knee and the scorchmarks across his form from the spell and sneers as he begins to clearly favor his injured leg.
celena_ says,
"i will strike you down or fall in the atempt"
xerneth_karjen growls low in his throat, "Then we are in agreement..."
xerneth_karjen begins to utter once more in the combination of Abyssal and Drowic, reaching beneath his cloak and withdrawing an unholy symbol, holding it forth.
celena_ points her hand at him and chants, her eyes glow white as she speaks in celestial
celena_ casts shards of storm at X
xerneth_karjen clenches his hand into a fist and brings it down to the ground, igniting the air around Celena in a column of unholy fire, greens and black flames mixed in with the oranges and reds.
celena_ 's body is surrounded by pulsing starts of bright white fire
celena_ 's spell makes all 10 ten stars fire at x
xerneth_karjen howls in pain as the stars strike him, acrid smoke arising from across his form and knocking him back forcefully into the side of the arena floor's walls.
celena_ drops to one knee, fatigue setting in
xerneth_karjen remains in a smoking heap against the stone and sand as a pulse of dark energies form around him, drawing on an inner strength.
celena_ looks up as x's spells strikes her not being able to react she screams painfully as shes tossed 12 feet back landing, on her back being badly burnt and bleeding from her mouth now
xerneth_karjen slowly rises, planting the top of his battleaxe into the ground as his form twitches, the burn wounds and gash begining to seal shut.
celena_ slowly gets to her feet and stumbles before the stands and points her hand at him again, chanting
xerneth_karjen snarls, the mask being burnt off from his face now, revealing seared closed eyes as he begins chanting again, his hand glowing with black energy as he darts forward with unnatural speed, reaching out to touch her skin on her upper arm.
celena_ looks at him, rushing and spins slashing at him her, spell is cancelled in her rushing attack
xerneth_karjen hisses loudly in tremendous pain as his hand is caught at the wrist below the rim of his bracer, slicing it cleanly off. His face showing a vicious rage, he draws his axe upward in the other hand and brings it down aimed for her left shoulder.
celena_ screams as her shoulder is smashed, she stumbles from the hit
xerneth_karjen 's head twitches slightly to one side, showing the strain his body is now under, his fangs grown long from the rage filling his form as he lurches forward, raising the axe once more and aiming a heavy overhand blow towards her left arm.
celena_ brings her blade up and plants her feet, blocking the attack at a cost her sword brakes one blade off from the powerful attack, realeasing a sonic boom effect with holy enegry and divine powers going spastic
xerneth_karjen snarls painfully at the burst of energy being released, raising the stump of his left arm to the side of his head as he staggers back.
celena_ the force of the power erruption launches celena back through the air, she crashes into the wall and slumps down, the back of her head split open
celena_ 's head bleeds like a river, knocked out and continuing to bleed from the back of her head
xerneth_karjen 's form is now smoldering, being sent back several yards from the second shockwave of energy, with white smoke rising from him in several places, covered with burn wounds from the holy energy unleashed upon his form, sending him collapsing to the ground on his hands and knees, a physical wreck.
celena_ celena doesn't move
xerneth_karjen once more pulses with the dark energies, a shroud like a dozen spirits sourrounding him as he calls upon his inner reserves once more, the energies melding with his form, expending the last of his stored energy. He plants his axe once more into the sand and begins to rise to his feet slowly, still smoldering with white smoke.
celena_ blinks her eyes open
xerneth_karjen staggers a bit once he gains his footing, far from being stable on his feet and still showing the startling amount of punishment his form has taken, he begins to move toward her, still holding his axe in his right hand.
celena_ staggers to her feet
xerneth_karjen gurgles his words as he gets closer to her,
"Now...we... end... this...", then raises his axe and swings it in a right to left arc at shoulder level towards her once in striking range.
celena_ screams as shes hit and stumbels abck falling on her arse and looks at him
celena_ says,
"you might kill me but i allready won"
xerneth_karjen glowers down, his eyes only half functional but his ears providing him with his sense of direction, snickering, "There is no winning, there is no losing, only death and pain...." He raises the axe and swings downward in another cleaving stroke toward her left shoulder.
celena_ screams and touches him useing her inner ability, useing cure critical wounds on him
xerneth_karjen hisses in tremendous pain as the energy strikes him, white fumes erupting from his skin as he utters several foul curses, stumbling back and dropping to his knees.
celena_ grins at him
xerneth_karjen snarls painfully as he mutters in the blended Abyssal and Drowic once more, waving his remaining hand before him.
celena_ starts rambling in celestial saying exalted things to enrage him
xerneth_karjen unleashes a plume of negative energy over himself, healing a large amount of the wounds, but leaving him looking in terrible condition as he rises to his feet and picks up his axe once more, glaring down at her, and uttering a curse more foul than reasonable, unleashing a Blasphemy spell to daze her.
celena_ utters in celestial forming an archon sword arm and rises up with the last of her power
celena_ dashes forth using her last strength to pull off the attack and slashes full force, putting her weight into the attack aimed at his chest
xerneth_karjen growls low and deep as he takes the strike, dodging just slightly to the side and raising his arm to take the slash in the side, cutting deep into him. In the same instant, he brings his axe up in a heavy overhanded swing aimed for her left shoulder and neck area, going for a lethal slash.
celena_ 's arm is stuck him, unable to block as she sees the attack and she speaks,
"a celestail never dies, i see you again", then screams as she's hit and falls to her knees, dead
xerneth_karjen growls in pain and agony as the weight of her fall pulls the blade downward, dragging him to the ground as well. He strains to speak, but gets the words out nonetheless,
"Count on it...."
celena_ is dead
xerneth_karjen struggles to free the blade from his flesh as he begins to rise, staggering once he regains his feet. He walks slowly and painfully over to his crossbow and lifts it, achingly slowly, then disperses into a black mist, fading from view and leaving the area.

arzethros appears in an orb of gleaming golden light.
celena_ lays, not moving, bleeding from her neck with her broken sword in hand and a smile on her face
arzethros spots Celena's fallen form,
. o O ( By the gods.... I'm too late.... ). He rushes to her side and checks for signs of life.
celena_ lays dead, no life force
arzethros sighs as he stoops low to lift her into his arms very carefully, muttering with a sad tone to his voice,
"Don't give up hope...."
celena_ is lifted up in his arms, the symbol of tyr breaks and falls to the ground
arzethros 's eyes tear up slightly as he holds her lifeless form close, walking out toward the emporium with her.
arzethros steps in from the arena carrying Celena in his arms, he looks around for a moment and sighs as he walks off toward the portals, heading for the Celestial realms.

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First Post
Looks at the post and gives it a confusing look...then writes his response.

Why waste such great space on the board with this garbage. Like anyone cares that someone died. Everyone dies. Even I will some day. Deal with it...


First Post
The woman listens to those describing the battle with great interest. Though she tries to avoid combat herself, it seems everyone is drawn into it sooner or later. And hearing about, or observing, the combats of others helps learn of effective moves and of actions that might be used against you, allowing you time to plan how best to deal with them.

(( OOC: not everything in the Emporium section is supposed to be a piece of parchment attached to the message board; maybe think of it as someone telling about the battle afterwards or as being there while it actually happens in front of you. ))

Voidrunner's Codex

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