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The Dragons Reborn I: Burning Streets (Feng Shui)

John E Smoke

First Post
Streets of the Wanchai District

Shinji moves quickly to make his makeshift bomb and tosses it out into the street, catching the yakuza van dead in its path. Though it emerges in working order, the van's driver has to swerve drastically to keep control of his vehicle at such a high speed.

Fong makes a sudden U-Turn and the tires of his Camaro squeal horrificly as he changes directions almost on a dime, trusting his beloved vehicle's handling to deliver him safely. It works without a hitch, and Fong zooms past the van in the opposite direction.

Leaning out the back of the Camaro, Kane tosses out a sizeable chunk of glass from the Camaro's shattered rear window as they pass the van. His makeshift dart finds its mark in the yakuza thug's throat, who loses his grip and is tossed out of the van and to the street as it swerves to keep up the chase.


Shinji: +10, -3, +15 Martial Arts = HIT!
Fong: +3, -4, + 2 Signature Ride +15 Drive Vs.
Yakuza: +4, -4, -2 from Shinji's interference, Fong wins
Kane: +4, -5, +13 Martial Arts = HIT!

One more successful escape check and you guys will be on your merry way...

Hai Lee Fong: 7
Kane: 7
Shinji: 8
Gunman: 6
Mooks: 7
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First Post
Another insult...
will see how I can drive. Continu your good job, guys!"

Fong puch on the accelerator, and turn in a small park, driving between the trees, trying not to hit people and to get back on the road on the other side of the park.


Jadefinger rolls backwards, under and behind a table as the bullets shriek overhead. He takes a few minutes to compose himself as he reloads the USP -- he's allowed himself to lose control of his anger because of what happened with his son, and if he doesn't get it back under control, he's going to get himself killed and he'll never find out who got to the boy.

His eyes focus on Two Smiles. He smiles grimly.

Then, in one smooth motion, he pops up, ratchets back the slide of the USP and calls out his old rival with the nickname he went by in his younger days:


With that, Jadefinger opens fire.


Jack scans the room, looking for the red-haired hostage-taking buffoon. He catches a glimpse of bad dye job hiding behind a table.


Jack fires.

Just a straightforward Guns attack on Tony, with Eagle Eye being used to help reduce Tony's cover bonus.


First Post
As the car swerves in and out of traffic, Shinji blows a plume of smoke as he scans the floor for another present to give the pursuer. His lips curl up slightly as he spots just the thing: a tire iron. One of the four pronged type at that. Shinji picks the weapon and rolls the window down, angling his torso out and waiting for the perfect moment to send it spinning through the van's wind shield.

OOC: Tossing the iron like a big shuriken as soon as I get a clear shot.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Kane's eyes are drawn by the tire iron, but Shinji reaches it first. Instead, Kane grabs the can of motor oil lying next to the iron, sending it flying at the driver's face through the jagged hole where the rear-view mirror was.

John E Smoke

First Post
OOC: Currently holding for Mao's action, but if he doesn't post by later tonight, I'll go ahead and update with Jadefinger and Jack Frost's actions and stop at shot 7. You other guys in the chase, I don't mean to leave you out either, but I'm (admittedly) trying to finagle you guys into the scene at the end of the current Golden Flower sequence, so bear with me...


John E Smoke said:
OOC: Currently holding for Mao's action, but if he doesn't post by later tonight, I'll go ahead and update with Jadefinger and Jack Frost's actions and stop at shot 7. You other guys in the chase, I don't mean to leave you out either, but I'm (admittedly) trying to finagle you guys into the scene at the end of the current Golden Flower sequence, so bear with me...
OOC: Considering we're in the middle of a shootout with Tony and Two Smiles, it'll probably be a case of "out of the frying pan and into the fire" for both groups, especially since the Yakuza boys presumably don't have a high opinion of Triads or Tongs.


First Post
<OOC: Sorry for the delay. Terrible head cold sapping will to post. ;)>

Mao issues a stream of curses intermixed with a quick prayer as Two Smiles' bullets rip through the table, showering him with splinters. 'Played it out this far,' thinks the gambler as he cinches up his will. Rather than rise up right into Two Smile's sights, Mao slides out the right side of the table along the floor. Sighting quickly, he pops off a shot at Two Smile's lower body. /Fortunately/, Mao pops off the shot just as Jadefinger shouts 'Scarface' from across the room, perhaps providing a momentary distraction.

<OOC: Tossing in another fortune die. Ideally, the shot will strike in the knee or groin. Something incredibly painful and with lasting reprecussions. Although with my AV, I'll be happy with a simple hit. ;) >

John E Smoke

First Post
OOC: Not a problem, Corinthi. I've been dealing with one of those myself. Now, where were we? Oh yes! The

Golden Flower Bar

Jadefinger takes a moment to reload...

Jack Frost sets his sights and shoots at Tony, whose nearly preternatural sense for being shot at sends him bolting from cover just in time to avoid the attack.

Mark Huan's remaining two men continue their brave stand uneffectively.

Now reloaded and ready to go, Jadefinger rises, shouts "SCARFACE!" and fires, sending a bullet scraping Two Smiles' shoulder.

Mao trusts in his usual good fortune to aid him in dealing with the new threat. With a snap of the wrist, he sends hot lead straight into Two Smile's head, cleanly nailing him in the center of his forehead.

Two Smiles' head rocks back with the impact but remains standing. A faint trail of smoke rises from the new hole in his head, and amazingly, Two Smiles straightens himself. The scar in his throat splits open, revealing a set of teeth. It grins horridly as it takes a moment to spit out the bullet, and the man(?) sets his attention on Mao as he raises his MP5 K and fires a burst, nicking the gambler's leg.

Tony takes advantage of the horrific scene to make his move, dodging past Two Smiles and darting through the front door. His two remaining men quickly follow suit, confident that the "cavalry" can handle the situation, and more than a little creeped out as well.

OOC: Well, I was just waiting for somebody to score a good hit on Two Smiles. Thanks, Corinthi, your luck in this really helped out on that one. A damned shame you spent a fortune point to do it, though. I hope you don't mind my altering your target, but with such a high outcome...

Jack Frost: +2, -1
Jadefinger: +2, -1 = HIT! No damage.
Mao: +11, +5, -2 = HIT! No damage.
Two Smiles: +2, -2 = HIT! Mao takes 6 Wound Points.

Jadefinger 4
Jack Frost 5
Mao 4
Tony 4
Tony's Men 3
Mark's Men 5
Two Smiles 4

Wanchai Park

Shinji takes the first opportunity to throw the tire iron with great force and nails the van's windshield with a dead shot to the middle. The entire windshield crashes in and the van swerves aside as the driver and passengers are showered with glass and a big ol' piece of cold steel.

Hai Lee Fong takes advantage of the moment and tears across the park at full speed, occasionally swerving to avoid late-night visitors, benches, and foliage.

Kane quickly sees that the trio is safe for now. The only question is where they are headed.

Shinji: +10, -4
Fong: +7, -8 versus
Gunman: +1, -1, and I think we can see where this is going after the tire iron incident.

Your first fight is over, gentlemen! You can scratch off any injuries you may have suffered (though when you turn up later you'll still be bruised and battered, but miraculously in full working order).
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