
There is currently a huge bundle for Modiphius' DUNE RPG and I was hoping to get an idea of what the game is like and how it plays -- specifically if it supports campaigns that aren't necessarily retreads of the book conflict (a danger of all licensed games based on proeprties defined by a singular story).

So, if you have played DUNE, tell me about it. What sort of adventures and activities does it support?

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I guess these games are at a point where you can say it’s the 2d20 system and Dune IP and that’s pretty much as detailed a description as you need assuming you know what those two things are.

So don’t want to know about the system or the IP? I assume anybody asking about the game knows the IP (why else would you be asking?) so it’s a system question?

2d20 is a devisive system due to its heavy focus on metacurrency. Some people love it, some hate it.

I played Dune for a bit, but it was the Last Unicorn Game version that used a lightly-modified version of the engine for their Trek games so I'm afraid I'm no help here.

Man, that was a ways back, wasn't it?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
There's a bunch of adventures described on that bundle. i'd copy some of the text but the interface won't let me.

aramis erak

There is currently a huge bundle for Modiphius' DUNE RPG and I was hoping to get an idea of what the game is like and how it plays -- specifically if it supports campaigns that aren't necessarily retreads of the book conflict (a danger of all licensed games based on proeprties defined by a singular story).

So, if you have played DUNE, tell me about it. What sort of adventures and activities does it support?
I don't know if the house management rules made it into print yet.
It can be run either to mirror the books, or to just use the setting. the pregens in the core are book focused, but one can readily build other houses.

The Starter Set seems to seize on a tiny throwaway - there's a line that implies the Harkonnen had previously lost the Arrakis Fief, then regained it. And it presents us with House Narisha -
and the PCs being trained by the Harkonnen to take over Arrakis. And then sabotaging their efforts

The character gen is not tied to any particular house.

It is the most narrativist ruleset I've seen in the 2d20 space. I've had about 12 players since the beta. All had no issues.

Note also: it's d20's only. Players will want 5 each if they don't share dice; 4+(number of players) d20 is about the maximum needed if sharing is tolerable, as that's a full 5d20 roll, plus every other PC helping. There are no effect/combat dice. It has the usual momentum/threat, and Determination, with the usual effects (except additional CD/ED).

The 5 skills, and 5 beliefs will be suitable for a range of play that's fairly comprehensive.

Due note: One concept explicit in the playtest isn't explicated in the rulebook, but is used: the difference between actor and architect modes. In the actor mode, you're running your PC as your focus character. In Architect mode, the action is a subordinate, but your character's stats are used for many rolls. Architect mode is great for those occasionally needed military actions on a larger scale.


I guess these games are at a point where you can say it’s the 2d20 system and Dune IP and that’s pretty much as detailed a description as you need assuming you know what those two things are.

So don’t want to know about the system or the IP? I assume anybody asking about the game knows the IP (why else would you be asking?) so it’s a system question?

2d20 is a devisive system due to its heavy focus on metacurrency. Some people love it, some hate it.
No, I am asking what sorts of adventures and campaigns you can build with it. I am not particularly interested in Not Lawrence Of Arabia, but the larger universe has strong 40K vibes (obviously because 40K stole it). Does the game -- and specifically stuffin thd bundle -- support that sort sci fi game or is it all Arrakis all the tine?

Wolfram stout

No, I am asking what sorts of adventures and campaigns you can build with it. I am not particularly interested in Not Lawrence Of Arabia, but the larger universe has strong 40K vibes (obviously because 40K stole it). Does the game -- and specifically stuffin thd bundle -- support that sort sci fi game or is it all Arrakis all the tine?
I have the core book and the source book on Arrikas. I don't think it would be a problem at all to run a campaign very different than the books. If the bundle includes the book on the Emperor's Court or the Landsraad I think you would be gold.

Voidrunner's Codex

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