• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Dungeon Masters' Foundation


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I'm going to be really tied up with work the next week, so I will be out of pocket. So a pbp campaign would be out of the question for the next couple weeks.

Have fun!
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Dyne said:
I might want to take part in such a campaign. But, before, we were gonna start at level 15. I would prefer that we started lower level, max level 5, to have a chance to develop our characters and everything.

Instead of restarting to introduce new people to the game, I don't see why they couldn't just be added to an ongoing campaign. I'm not very fond of starting a game and then restarting not long afterward.

umm...thinking of the IFWG? WE never got any specifics, buecause we got told that we could only do it in this one place on the WotC boards, and in that place we had to have been there as a player for a while to be allowed to DM it was pretty stupid, but it got shut down before it started. We won't start with characters any more than lv 5.

Assuming we get enough people here will be the character creation rules:
Standard point buy OR 4d6 minus the lowest result.

Dice Roller
(click on the link to the left labeled "Roller" and from there it's pretty easy. Make sure to use the EXACT SAME CHARACTER NAME FOR EVERY ROLL YOU MAKE. When posting your roll results on the boards, make sure to say what the character name is so your DM can see your rolls. Also, all rolls must have a note describing what the roll is. This note is put in the Note (optional) line.)

Character Class level: 1
ECL Max: 5

In other words, level in in character class will be 1 and the total ECL will be no more than 5 due to race. The highest ECL of the characters chosen will be the standard for the group. (for example the group is an elven wizard and a drow fighter. The drow has an ECL of 3 but the Wizard has an ECL of 1. Therefore, before the game starts, the Wizard will be raised to Level 3 to match the drow)

Standard starting money (based on class. High ECL characters DO NOT get more money)

Other than that, it's all up to you. Use any class from any book.

So what do you think of the creation specifics? Good? Bad? Give me your feedback. This project will be relayl great and we'll be able to get some newer DMs some experience DMing with this. I'm going to start as DM so it can get up and running. After that anyone who wants a shot at it can DM!
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Well, befor we begin we should git a list of every member who wants to be involved. Then a list of what position each member intends to fufill in the group. That is my extremly inportant opinion though and, although an excellent idea, is subject to some form of oppistion though I dont know why anybody would disagrea with my infoulable logic.
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I have created the campaign thread. It contains soem of the IG specifics. Go ahead and create your characters if you want to play. Remember ANYONE who wants to play must post a character. From all the characters posted only 4-6 will be chosen, so make interesting characters!

The Campaign thread is here

Post your characters and let the game begin!!
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@ CE: What kind of pace are you shooting for in the game. I've always wanted to get in on a PbP game but RL can tie me up for days sometimes. I'd hate to slow down the game if I'm awol on a business trip or such.

You claimed that all 3.5 material is open. Does that include all 3rd party material.

*Looks over shoulder at bookshelves full of material not written by WotC*


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AH Nightcloak, you bring up an excellent point:

All non-WotC and homebrew stuff needs to go through your DM first, if you have any of that, post it at the campaign thread or AIM me.


ChaosEvoker, you might also check out the built-in die roller here on the boards. Check the Got Dice? thread in Meta for details on how it works. It might be a little more convenient than using something out-of-band. *shrug* Your call though.

@CE A few things...
1. What should be alignment spectrum? Good, Neautral, or Evil? Or does it not matter?
2. How are we doing campaign world?
3. As I said before, if we have too many people, we can have more than one campaign, since nobody should be excluded. The two groups could effect each other, maybe as rivals.
4. If I'm in, I'll be whatever the party needs. I could be a tank or a caster, whatever. If I end up as a tank, I'll be barbarian; spellcaster as a warmage (CA); or a rogue. If we need a cleric, whatever. I'm not picky.
5. What if we use those Ultimate variants I showed you all before?

@CE A few things...
1. What should be alignment spectrum? Good, Neautral, or Evil? Or does it not matter?
2. How are we doing campaign world?
3. As I said before, if we have too many people, we can have more than one campaign, since nobody should be excluded. The two groups could effect each other, maybe as rivals.
4. If I'm in, I'll be whatever the party needs. I could be a tank or a caster, whatever. If I end up as a tank, I'll be barbarian; spellcaster as a warmage (CA); or a rogue. If we need a cleric, whatever. I'm not picky.
5. What if we use those Ultimate variants I showed you all before?


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Character gold should be determined by ECL, not character level. That is, if everyone starts off at the same ECL (which it seems like, by the way you put it). It doesn't seem fair that a character gets less gold than everyone else because they decided to choose a race with a LA, especially when LA's can already be brutal.

I don't think that anyone should be excluded. If we're going along and someone else wants to join in, *bam* they're in. There are plenty of ways to work their character in. If someone wants to start up another campaign while this one is already going on, then they are welcome and able to.

I've been contemplating something, ever since I found those tests concerning characters and stats. I've always thought of having a game in which everyone's character was of the same race and class as indicated by the test, and that they're stats were according to how the test rated them. I think it would give the game a different feel, and make the characters more personal. Of course, if someone preferred something different, they are welcome to make a different character. It's just a thought. What does everyone else think?

I'm aiming for a campaign that will last for some amount of time. I'd also prefer a more low-magic setting instead of one that is so chock-full of magic that it becomes mundane. Of course, I wouldn't really mind much either way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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