The Fallbacks Are Getting Another D&D Novel

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The Fallbacks, a D&D adventuring group that first appeared in a Penguin Random House novel published in 2024, will get a second book later this year. Penguin Random House has announced The Fallbacks: Dealing With Dragons, a new D&D novel featuring the misfit Fallbacks adventuring team that's set in the Forgotten Realms. The group first appeared in The Fallbacks: Bound for Ruin and made a cameo appearance in artwork in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide.

Dealing With Dragons will be written by Jaleigh Johnson, who also wrote the first novel. The new book will be released on July 29, 2025.

A description of the novel is below:

The Fallbacks might not be Faerun’s first choice for saving the day, but if the money’s right they’ll get the job done. In this ragtag band of adventurers, each member plays a vital role: Tess the disciplined elven thief; Anson the courageous fighter; Lark the cunning bard; Baldric the wily cleric; Cazrin the inquisitive wizard; and Uggie, their pet monster who eats garbage. Squint a little and they’re the heroes Faerun needs.

Fresh off a harrowing journey into the infinite dungeon of Undermountain and the defeat of a powerful undead lich (with the help of a giant hungry worm or two), the adventurers are now a proven and dedicated team, ready for a new adventure which will take them to strange new realms.

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer

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The Fallbacks, a D&D adventuring group that first appeared in a Penguin Random House novel published in 2024, will get a second book later this year. Penguin Random House has announced The Fallbacks: Dealing With Dragons, a new D&D novel featuring the misfit Fallbacks adventuring team that's set in the Forgotten Realms. The group first appeared in The Fallbacks: Bound for Ruin and made a cameo appearance in artwork in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide.

Dealing With Dragons will be written by Jaleigh Johnson, who also wrote the first novel. The new book will be released on July 29, 2025.

A description of the novel is below:

The Fallbacks might not be Faerun’s first choice for saving the day, but if the money’s right they’ll get the job done. In this ragtag band of adventurers, each member plays a vital role: Tess the disciplined elven thief; Anson the courageous fighter; Lark the cunning bard; Baldric the wily cleric; Cazrin the inquisitive wizard; and Uggie, their pet monster who eats garbage. Squint a little and they’re the heroes Faerun needs.

Fresh off a harrowing journey into the infinite dungeon of Undermountain and the defeat of a powerful undead lich (with the help of a giant hungry worm or two), the adventurers are now a proven and dedicated team, ready for a new adventure which will take them to strange new realms.

That is one of the worst book summaries I've ever seen in my life, it summaries the previous book, says nothing about the actual book in question to get you excited for it. I mean all we learn is they go to new realms, that could be anywhere.

If they are going to publish a second novel then this should mean the first one enjoyed a good number of sales, shouldn't it?

How would be a fantasy romance set in Birthright? With a female character who isn't a passive damisel either a Mary Sue saving the day always, and the main character shouldn't look like the stereotpicial "bad guy" as if all the female readers had got traits of hybristophilia. Maybe the alliance with that annoying and dangerous guy was unconfortable but at least it was her choise. And they both learnt to fix conflicts thanks social skills like diplomacy, negotiation and empathy.

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