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The Five Kingdoms


Thy wounds are healed!
The Great Church of the Pentacle


[sblock=Notes] So far it is a central church that has all five major deities at it's core. Each country worships one deity above all others but the church is trying to unifie the Five Kingdoms through religion.

Justicars are secert servants of the church give co-vert missions that daily clerics shouldn't have. [/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
Knowledge Nobility - House Ravensworth

(Lord) Alexander J. Ravensworth IV (Raven’s Worth)

[sblock=DC13] An eccentric young noble, hailing from the house of Ravensworth of Pesh[/sblock]

[sblock=DC18] Hair Apparent of house Ravensworth, Alexander has a reputation of being a smart mouth, practically whenever his title comes into play with commoners. A common event given that whenever he introduces himself he makes sure to note his title at least once, and then, at the first rising of an annoyed eyebrow, he drones on about the idiocies about gauging who he is based on his title while also inserting what he expects to happen.[/sblock]

[sblock=DC20] He has, on several occasions, had sudden, fowl, shifts in mood when his brother, Lord Samuel, is mentioned, as if he was both gravely insulted and struck by the mere mouthing of his brother’s name. Fortunately, he has never acted on his sudden mood swifts; he has also never been pushed on them.[/sblock]

[sblock=DC23]He has a reputation for his own brand of logic and being unflinchingly free willed; while he appears, for all intent and purposes, level headed and reasonable when not exited, once he decides he will do something, it is done, and should something bar his path, something will be shattered, be it him or the thing that bars his path. He has yet to shatter.[/sblock]

House Ravensworth
[sblock=DC5] A countship of Pesh, it’s colors are violet, sky blue, bright green and orange, it’s standard is a Violet, nearly back, raven with its wings splayed out, standing on a green hill; behind the raven a orange sun frames the raven, with a blue sky behind all three.
[sblock= Knowledge(geography) DC8] The of House Ravensworth rules over the territories of Raven River; also known as the Raven’s river. The territory earns its name from a river, at is its bending center, which is consistently packed with numerous hordes of ravens. The countship’s border closely fallows the shape of the river.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=DC10] One of, if not the wealthiest countship of Pesh; it is in the southwest and borders Nordan. The countship’s blood line is notoriously intermingled with the noble houses of other kingdoms. Poplar rumor has it that there is no Pesh blood left in house Ravensworth.

The house presently has six unequal Signets, three rings and three amulets.
Also, its former colors, used in side of dining halls, worn by personages, etc, are violet and black; its battle standard is a massive black raven chasing down a yellow lion on a dark green field with a violet night sky. (or mockingly, a raven chasing down a tinny lion)[/sblock]

[sblock=DC15]Renown best for its wealth which is highly disproportional for its meager size, House Ravenwsorth is also know for employing a large number of wizards and producing a wide verity of potent arcane items as well as trading in all items necessary for the creation of magical artifacts.

House Ravensworth is cursed with notoriously frail stock, while its members, males in particular, have been known to live well beyond the average, even among nobles, they are by no means known for being robust, they are, however, known for an acute sense intellect that as allowed the house to capitalize on numerous gains, feeding its treasury.

Of the house’s six Signets, three are used two rings and one amulet, The first ring, used and worn by Count Alexander S. Ravensworth III , depicts a raven sitting on an olive tree’s branch, overlooking a wealth of coins and jewels; The amulet, used and worn by Countess Janis L. Ravensworth, depicts a raven resting in its nest up in a lush tree; and the second ring is worn and seldom used by Lord Alexander J. Ravensworth IV, it depicts a raven’s head, details include that the raven’s beak is sharply pointed, smooth at its front and then increasingly serrated as it gets towards the raven’s cheeks, it seems to be smugly grinning, as if it knows some cruel joke that is unknown to all others.[/sblock]

[sblock=DC20]The single largest producer of constructs in all of Pesh, and arguably all of The Five Kingdoms; it’s military power, as its wealth, is highly disproportional to its size do to a large collection of iron golems and other constructs.

The remaining 3 signets were worn, and used, by Lord Samuel D. Ravensworth VII, Lady Aries W. Ravensworth, and Lady Margret G. Fandrake(Fan Drake).[/sblock]

[sblock=DC25]Despite numerous protests from other countships for military aid, House Ravensworth has been reluctant to send constructs to aid the general war effort; Count Alexander S. Ravensworth III’s reason has continually been that “If the courtship’s defenses are weakened by sending its defenders elsewhere, it could be easily taken by Treylor forces.” Count Alexander S. Ravensworth III has been wroth with paranoia since the death of his first son(see below)
Most recently his paranoia has been aimed towards the “…distinct possibility…” of Treylor teleporting forces into his countship at any given moment. Raven Manor has since become like unto a fortress.

Because of House Ravensworth’s great reluctance to spare military forces, among other quirks and oddities to numerous to go into at length, many noble houses have began to speculate that the house of Ravensworth dos not simply have blood ties to other kingdoms, possibly including Treylor, but is secretly a vassal of Treylor, if not another kingdom; however the speculations are, as of present, groundless.

Lord Samuel D. Ravensworth VII died many years ago for reasons still undisclosed; all attempts to later revive the young lord failed, he was twenty two; mad with the loss of his favored hair, Count Alexander S. Ravensworth III made all manner of accusations about foul play. The exact circumstances of the lord’s death have yet to be found out, and the count has yet to truly recover.

Lady Aries W. Ravensworth died three years ago while giving birth to Lord Samuel D. Ravensworth VIII, Hair Presumptive to House Ravensworth. An embarrassment to the house, Lady Aries was a renown vixen who had started several affairs and ended marriages with no more effort then a cheerful wave of the hand and the calling out of a man’s name, she was also a zealous consumer of alcohol; she was seemingly immune to the Ravensworth curse of frailty.

Lady Margret G. Fandrake, married to Zandran(Zann-Der-ran) Fandrake five years ago, as is House Ravensworth custom, she gave up her Signet after her marriage, she has since had two children, and is expecting twins, else she is going to give birth to a full grown dwarf.[/sblock]

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