• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Font of Useless Knowledge


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- The famous rules lawyer Phermadt has claimed to have developed the optimum character build, which includes two levels of commoner. Sadly, he did not have space to write the character sheet down in the margin of the book he was reading, and rules lawyers ever since have been trying to reproduce it.

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  • It takes 2.345 dwarven war-axes put down together in a perfect circle to surround the Great Secret Temple of Velsharoon.
  • Halfling urine mixed with peppermint glows in the dark.
  • 20 consecutive hours of hopping backwards will grant you XP sufficient to advance from level 1 to level 2.
  • The Tarrasque is afraid of its reflection in a mirror and will attack mirrors on sight.
  • Most of these facts have been researched by Malvor, a human that had been reincarnated as an elf, and after 100 years, was bored out of his head.


-1 in 10,000 humans is actually 2 halflings disguised by one standing on the other's shoulders.
-The average Gelatinous Cube is deaf.
-When you are in a room full of people, and yours is the only reflection in the looking glass, you may be in trouble.
-7 out of 10 kobolds are certifiably insane.
-Tiny Gelatinous Cubes are poor substitutes for ice cubes.
-Some Frost Giants line their hoods with dwarf beards.
-3 out of 10 kobolds are probably insane.
-The "magical" ring of lead weight fall is only slightly more popular than the ring of flatulence.
-If a Treant falls in the forest, and there is no one there to hear it, no one knows if it says "I've fallen and I can't get up."
-A halfling's foot has 4 toes and a thumb.
-Most gnomes hate gardening.
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Weeee, more!

-Anyone that stares into a large mirror long enough without blinking can see their mirror opposite on the other side, taunting them. Drinking large quantities of alcohol shortens the length of time one must stare into the mirror.

-A cockatrice can be cooked into a stew that, when consumed, grants the imbiber immunity to a cockatrice's petrification for 1 hour. It also will make the imbiber exhausted , no save allowed, and cause their skin to turn dusty grey, much like stone, for 1 day.
(ok so that might be borderline useless. But anything that encourages players to mess with petrifying animals is gonna be fun :eek: )


-The average person can't tell the difference between a spectre and a ghost.
-Most dungeon floors are conveniently made out of 5' by 5' blocks of stone.
-The draconic word for a village full of halflings is smorgasbord.
-Falling isn't dangerous. It's the landing you have to look out for.
-Orcs have over 50 ways to say fight, but no word for bath.
-Never let a rogue watch your back.
-The cleric always seems to be the last person to show up at the start of a quest.
-A squirrel's favored class is rogue.
-Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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