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The Game of Kings


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The kobold's eyes never turn from the captive, but to Doral he states, "Unless you have a means to bind his will, than to fire it is." To the captive, all he says, "Of course, you can tell me where this tunnel is, who are the guards, and the general layout of where the Prince would hold such 'important' prisoners."


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Deuce Traveler

Doral shakes his head. "I could make him see me as an ally, but it wouldn't be a true binding. I cannot make him betray someone or something he wouldn't be willing to betray for a friend."


First Post
Head swiveling back and forth to take in the all-important conversation, the bugbear blinked nervously when Vhir addressed him again. He drew a quick breath, stole a glance in Dragen’s general direction, and then said as clearly as his shaking voice could manage:

“Ah swear I ain't gonna cross yeh! Whad’a I care if one pirate loses a pris’nor to another? I’m ’ere for the Prince’s protection, tha’s all... protection’s what I'm loyal to.”

[sblock="Doral:"]Host, this better work... I ain’ gotta worry about the Prince if th’ crazy kobold don’ want me dead. Look at him! An’ that butcher...[/sblock]
The bugbear’s voice climbed a notch with his last declaration. His eyes swept over the group then stopped on the kobold’s face, fearfully trying to decipher how his suggestion was received.

Even as the bugbear spoke, the two figures in the rain Glasia were watching drew closer. They strode along, neither wanderingly nor particularly intentionally, their gait unaffected by puddles and gutter rivulets. The young wizard saw no telltale gestures, but she couldn’t see their faces yet, so she did not know if they walked in silence.

The gap between them and the storefront shortened, and soon they would be close enough to notice the candle flickers coming from the shop. The figures showed no sign of slowing or turning, and Glasia could not discern whether or not they were guards. All the same, what pedestrians would be out on a wretched night like this?
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Deuce Traveler

"We can get the information, and if he tells the truth we can just knock him out and tie him up for his friends to find him after we are done," Doral lies. "Of course, if we sense he's lying I think we just hand him over to our cook."The beguiler adds, jerking a thumb towards Dragen. He then goes to check the room's entrances and also checks for a back way out, all the while concentrating on the bugbear.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The kobold's voice draws to a low menace, crisp, and clear. It is a sign of annoyance. It is the tone of someone who wants to be answered. "Details. Entries, guards, and wards. All of it. Now."


"Two people approaching," Glasia hissed, her voice just far enough above a whisper to cut through the conversation. "Should we extinguish the flames?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The kobold scowls at the wizard's words. He gaze at the prisoner intensifies. "You will remain quiet now, I *will* have some bugbear for dinner." He does not turn from the bugbear, but he addresses the group. "If they come close, kill them. It is time we get this job done, and we cannot allow any other delays."


First Post
Partash grips his mace tightly and tries to find a suitable place to hide. "Somebody move that bugbear out of here. We can't risk him alerting the people outside. Glasia extinguish the flames. I'd rather that we avoided further fighting." His voice is a little shaky making it obvious that he isn't used to be the one in charge, but on the other hand he's not interested in the whole party blowing its cover just because Vhir feels like tormenting the bugbear.


First Post
The young wizard blew out the lamp without pause. A thick and uncomfortable darkness filled the room, and all further words were stilled. Only the rain showering on the windows and cobble street, and heavy and nervous breathing, were audible.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness and their ears to the quiet, the sound of footsteps began to drum through the cold air. Glasia, pressed to the wall but still able to see the figures, watched them approach. The low ring of their footsteps grew louder and clearer as they drew closer.

Then, abruptly, the sound died. The figures stopped in the street across from the shop, turning to face the storefront, one pointing. As all those within collectively held themselves as still and quietly as possible, even the bugbear, the two figures’ voices drifted through the sound of the rain, too muffled to understand.

After a few aching moments of this exchange, the two figures turned and continued on their way, sloshing through the rainwater puddles. They turned at the next cross street, and began to stride in a safely different direction. As they passed under the light of the corner lamp, Glasia saw that they were indeed guardsmen.

All around the room, pent up breaths of air were released, and there was a rustling as people relaxed. Vhir returned his attention to the bugbear, seemingly unperturbed.

Craning his head to look past the kobold, the bugbear whispered, “They gone?” The kobold only nodded silently, and the bugbear gave him another nervous glance before going on in a hushed tone.

[sblock="( Doral: )"]There's no bargaining with 'im, he ain't gonna play but I gotta live somehow, can't let them drop me offa dock with a dagger—no, maybe they won't let 'im, they know I can still help.[/sblock]
“Prince's manor's, it's, it's got a tall fence all 'round. Always two guards in front, in nice armor an' the works, fer show. Then, uh, two at th' manor front doors. Yeh'll run in'ta more inside—I don' know how many, it changes, see? Might be five, mebbe ten. They stay close ta th' front, though; they ain' allowed upstairs, 'less the Prince or the Brothers say so... but they won' just sit on their arse if yeh break int' the secon' floor, either.”

“And the wards? The Prince?” Vhir said sharply.

Eager to please, the bugbear babbled on. “Prince's floor stays locked, most'a the time... don' know if there's no wards. Ah don't go tryin' t' look in 'is private rooms. He's like as not to feed yeh to his sharks for it... this one, uh, maid girl. She gets light fingers wi' his things... she lef' without an arm, an' we all knew where it went.” He stopped, breathing deeply and still looking up at the kobold.

“More. You’ve only told us ways not to go in.”

The prisoner whined quietly, but continued. “Oh—the place got a big double doors, on the east side by th' fencin'. Bit 'eavy fer just sneakin' through, but there ain't any pirates guardin' it. Leads in'ta the kitchen. Prince Kolberkon don' like 'is servants trackin' mud through th' halls when they bring th' groceries...”

At that point the kobold cut him off with a threatening glance and a visible flexing of his clawed fingers. The bugbear, afraid to break eye contact, sat in fearful silence, awaiting his fate now that he had at last revealed something of use.

[sblock="Doral:"]Doral finds that besides the front door and the door to the second room, there is also a door leading outside and a staircase to the apartment above in the back room. Other than the steel front door, all the doors were simple and wooden, including the one at the top of the staircase.[/sblock]
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First Post
Coming out of his hiding place, Partash says: "I don't want to ruin it for everyone, but the divine powers granted to me are close to spent. I will need some rest to clear my mind for another day's heroic efforts. I believe Doral and Glasia must feel the same way."

Then he turns to Carver. "Is it possible for us to rest here, Carver, or do we have to find shelter some other place?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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