Pathfinder 2E The Glass Cannon podcast moving to Pathfinder 2E


Game Designer
Troy Lavallee of The Glass Cannon Network (link) made several announcements regarding their network. I'm not super knowledgeable about all their shows, but I know their main podcast (Pathfinder) is very popular, bringing them to over 11,000 patrons on Patreon, and their second show, Android & Aliens (Starfinder) was also quite popular.

The announcements were made throughout a two hours video. Some of the announcements include new seasons of some previous show. Most interestingly they're starting shows with some new RPGs, notably Blades in the Dark and the new Dune RPG. Unfortunately for some, they're putting their Starfinder show on hiatus.

However, the part that interests me is them moving their flagship show from Pathfinder 1E to Pathfinder 2E. In the video, he also emphasizes how they want to move agains their competition and create a Pathfinder Second Edition show and fill the void that there is.

Secondly, they announced that a new setting is being developed specifically for the show in association with other writers, including Jason Bulmahn of Paizo.

I'm curious as to how you think this can potentially impact the success of Pathfinder 2E? It will surely bring new eyes to the new edition of Pathfinder, it will surely potentially show some people how to run it but I have no idea how big of a deal the new setting in collaboration with Paizo is.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I must admit, I’m surprised it wasn’t already! If you’d asked me, I’d have assumed it was PF2E. Shows what I know!


I'm curious as to how you think this can potentially impact the success of Pathfinder 2E? It will surely bring new eyes to the new edition of Pathfinder, it will surely potentially show some people how to run it but I have no idea how big of a deal the new setting in collaboration with Paizo is.
I guess any exposure is good exposure?

Hope they have fun.


I must admit, I’m surprised it wasn’t already! If you’d asked me, I’d have assumed it was PF2E. Shows what I know!
I think they were in the middle of a 1st edition campaign when 2nd edition released and it's just now they are finishing up and ready to play something new.

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