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The Gods of Bal-Sagoth


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Bal-Sagoth is a Symphonic Black Metal band from great Brittain, and they're lyrics are pretty much the reason I bought the Immortals Handbook. They literally sing about battles between entities that normal DnD cannot even begin to justify with stats.

This is a project I've wanted to get started for a long time and I've finally gotten the spare time to jumpstart it. I'm going to attempt to stat up some of the more notorious personalities of the Bal-Sagoh mythos.

FOr those of you who've never heard of them (which is probably all of you) their setting is an amalgamation of Howard, Lovecraft, Tolkien, Moorcock, etc with original introductions, spanning an enitre life-age of the universe in its bredth. Literally, there's sci-fi, sword and sorcery, Elder Gods, Galactic Empires, Psionic Warlords, and everything in between, Just pure Epic.

I'll be summarizing the flavor for each entity so you can get a general idea of their backstory. This will be me paraphrasing the numerous songs in which they appear and adding my own interpretations of the stories.

I'll also add links to the lyrics for the songs in which they appear; keep in mind, some of these read more like 10-page short stories than any lyrics you've ever read.

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Angsaar, the Dark Liege of Chaos, was a the result of hideously-failed genetic experimentation by the First Ones, the Mera, in attempt to replicate the genetic template of the cosmic deity Zuranthus. From this abomination was spawned the sidereal pariah, Zurra, an insane and raving demigod perilously obsessed with sublime diabolism. In his maniacal cavorting, Zurra waged stellar war with not only his brothers, Zuranthus and Klatyrmadon, but also the Order of Klaa, also known as the Traveling Ones, in pursuit of the Empyreal Lexicon. The malign deity of chaos took as his apprentice the hellspawned sorcerer Angsaar, whose malign ambitions in pursuit of immortality had led him to apotheosize Zurra as the perfect embodiment of Chaos.

Opening himself unto the Z’Xulth, the nebulous dimension of entropy known as the Outer Darkness, Angsaar achieved an unholy font of power sufficient to rival even Zurra in capacity for cataclysm. He turned his attentions to the marbled realm of Lemuria, kin-city-state of Atlantis, where he discovered a fragment of the Empyreal Lexicon, the Ninth Crystal of Mera and utilized its extra-spatial powers to open a direct portal to the Outer Darkness, invoking the Fell Worm of the Black Galaxy and condemning Lemuria, like its sister, Atlantis, to the embrace of the abyssal sea.

However, in the throes of his eldritch spell-weaving, Angsaar had been contested by the apocryphal Shadow-King, a brooding liege of tenebrous majesty, the last of the Immortals of Ultima Thule, who reigned over Lemuria from the legendary Sapphirean Throne.

In the course of their battle, the Shadow-King sacrificed his very existence to divest Angsaar from the Z’Xulth and seal his tarnished spirit beneath the cryptic, labyrinthine confines of the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura’Kai, far to the north. Foreseeing in that final instant that his assistance would one day be needed again to confront the Chaos-Liege in the event of his inevitable release, the Shadow-King imprisoned his consciousness within his ebon sword, awaiting the day when he would once more battle Angsaar.

Millennia later, the King of Hyperborea (a windswept, boreal realm of glistening grandeur and stoic warrior-sovereigns) was shown a mysterious augury, that his retainers and servants had fallen victim to a malign curse and were plotting to assassinate him. Consulting his sorcerer, he discovered that an ancient evil had arisen to threaten Hyperborea. Using the theurgic power of the Crystal of Mera, the sorcerer divined the source of this ill, pin-pointing its location to the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura’Kai, an abandoned and ruined temple once housing an advanced genetic laboratory of the Mera.

Rallying the Royal Legions of Hyperborea and the Seventh Fen-Lander Army, the King set out to meet this doom, passing through the ominous Mountains of the Dead. Passing through those foreboding peaks, he was called to the resting place of the infamous Shadow-Sword, the ancient bane of Angsaar.

Taking up both the Shadow-Sword and the Crystal of Mera, the King rode with all haste to the Shrine, where his army met with the roiling, cacophonous Wraith-horde of Angsaar, their squameous pseudo-flesh flickering eerily between dimensions.

As the battle begun, the King ordered his warriors to form into the renowned Omega Phalanx, from which they dispensed pattern-welded death unto their nighted adversaries.

Using both the powers of the sword and the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
</st1:City>Crystal</ST1:p, he called upon a furious storm of destruction to annihilate the debased legions of Chaos. However, it was then that Angsaar’s lieutenant, the hideous Arch-Wraith, swooped down in keening rage upon the Royal Scion and wrested the Ninth Crystal from his possession.

Carrying the mystic jewel back to the shrine, the Arch-Wraith enacted a ritual of unbinding, which, empowered both by the tremendous psionic power of the Crystal and the native spellcraft-enhancing dweomers of the Shrine, was sufficient to free the Dark Liege of Chaos from his prison of millennia.

Taking the field, Angsaar soon began to eradicate the warriors of Hyperborea. Slain Wraiths rose once more in ravening ire to feast upon human flesh, and ten thousand men died before the sun rose once more.

Exhausted and bloodied, the King and his few surviving elite guards, prepared for their last stand. But it was then that the true potency of the Shadow-Sword reawakened. The Immortal’s consciousness melded with the King’s own, and in an act of messianic sacrifice, the Royal Scion of Hyperborea gave up his own future in order to ensure the defeat of Angsaar.

Looking upon his nemesis of old, Angsaar trembled with millennial resentment, He conjured forth legions of darkling, winged fiends and all manner of abominations to confront his antithesis.

They closed upon each other, both in the height of their power, prepared at last to end their ancient feud.

The results of that battle are shrouded in eternal mystery. It is not known if either prevailed, or if they destroyed one another in their confrontation, for even to the most clairsentient seers, the Vista of Eternity remains darkened in the hours surrounding that titanic struggle.

Lord Angsaar


The Dark <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Liege</st1:City></ST1:p of Chaos, The Bane of the Atlantean Kings, the Scourge of Lemuria, Arch-Foe of the Immortals of Ultima Thule<O:p</O:p

Half-Fiend Human Sorcerer 64
Medium Outsider, Intermediate Deity
HD: 60d20 +1,140 (2,340 HP) (4,680 HP in Azura’kai)
Initiative: +32 (+20 Dexterity +12 Divine)
Speed: 90 ft.
Armor Class: 101 (+32 Deflection +20 Dexterity +12 Divine +15 Natural +12 Profane)
Flat-Footed: 81 Touch: 87
Base Attack/Grapple: +32/+42
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Unarmed Strike +74/+67 1d4+10+ 32d8 Chaotic Damage
Melee Touch +74 192d8 Chaotic Damage or (Damage as spell)
Or Ranged Touch +82 (Damage as spell)
And Gaze 64d8 Chaotic Damage, Will DC 76 negates

Special Abilities: Divine Abilities, Divine Aura (740 ft.), Smite Good, Spell-Like Abilities

Special Qualities: DR 30/Epic, Divine Bonus (+12), Divine Senses (10x), Double Chaos Portfolio, Godly Realm, Grant Spells, Immortality, Immunity to Natural Effects, SR 86, Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire

Saves: Fort +77 Ref +78 Will +82
Abilities: Str 31 Dex 51 Con 49 Int 53 Wis<ST1:p 47 Cha 75

Skills: Bluff +111, Concentration +98, Craft +100, Knowledge Arcana +100, Profession (Archivist) +100, Spellcraft +170

Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (24), Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell, Empower Spell, Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Ignore Material Components, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Permanent Emanation (Antimagic Field), Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Rapid Metamagic, Sixth Sense, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Opportunity, Spell Penetration, Spell Stowaway (Time Stop), Violate Spell, Widen Spell

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
ECL: 128
CR: 85
Possessions: The Ninth <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Crystal</st1:City></ST1:p of Mera<O:p</O:p

The Ninth <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pCrystal</ST1:p</st1:City> of Mera
This mystic icosahedron is a remnant of the Mera, the ancient pan-galactic confederation of psionic overlords who reigned over the earth in the age predating the First Great Cataclysm. It was long used by the Atlantean Magi until it fell into the nefarious hands of Angsaar, the maleficent Dark Liege of Chaos, resulting the conjuring of the Great Galactic Worm and the destruction of that fabled realm. Afterwards, Angsaar lost possession of the <st1:City w:st="on">Crystal</st1:City> in heated battle with the Shadow-King of Ultima Thule in an epic battle over the fate of the i<st1:placeType w:st="on">sland</st1:placeType> of <st1:placeName w:st="on">Lemuria</st1:placeName></ST1:p. It was later taken up by the Royal Scion of Hyperborea as he led his valorous forces against the encroaching animus of the Dark Liege of Chaos at the ancient Mera ruin, the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura’kai. In the midst of the battle, Angsaar’s Arch-Wraith descended upon the king and tore the crystal from his grasp, delivering it once more to Angsaar, who utilized its sidereal power to break free of the dimensional shackles which bound him to the planar prison beneath the Shrine, freeing himself at last from the bondage laid upon him by the Shadow-King.
The <st1:City w:st="on">Crystal</st1:City> is, in reality, both a key and a libram, a fragment of the legendary Empyreal Lexicon, the culmination of all the Mera’s lore. It provides nearly unequalled access to the Psionic Epsilon Matrix, the cosmic energy source laid down by the Mera in every corner of the universe from which they drew their astral power. In the hands of a skilled sorcerer, it magnifies the potency of their theurgies monstrously, empowering one such as Angsaar to a god-like level of arcane mastery.
The Crystal of Mera affords the wielder the following benefits:

  • Twelve (12) instances of Automatic Metamagic Capacity as Bonus Feats
  • A +60 Bonus to Spellcraft
  • A +16 Bonus to Caster Level
  • It doubles the number of Epic Spells normally available to the wielder each day
Double Chaos Portfolio<O:p</O:p

Spell-like Abilities: Angsaar may use any Chaos Domain Spell as a Swift Action and adds all Chaos Domain spells to his list of Spell-like Abilities

Hostile Environment: Angsaar suffers a -24 Divine Penalty to Attacks, Armor Class, and Damage in any Lawful-aligned locale

Axiomatic Vulnerability: Angsaar suffers 100% extra damage from any Lawful-aligned effect

Transmutation Immunity: Angsaar is unaffected by Transmutation effects

Transmutation Reflection: Angsaar automatically reflects any Transmutation effect upon its user whenever he is in his Divine Realm

Scion of Chaos: Angsaar receives a +24 Divine Bonus to Attacks, Armor Class, and Damage in any Chaotic-aligned locale

Perfect Summoning (Chaotic): Any Chaotic creature summoned by Angsaar has 200% more HD than normal

Greater Taint of Chaos: Healing effects are only 25% effective against any damage inflicted by Angsaar unless the healing is performed in a Lawful-aligned locale
Superior Anarchic Effect:

Beam: 128d8 Chaotic Damage, 2,960 ft. Ranged Touch

Blast: 64d8 Chaotic Damage, 2,960 ft. Range, 160 ft. Radius, <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Reflex</st1:City> <st1:State w:st="on">DC</st1:State></ST1:p 76 for 1/2

Blood: 32d8 Chaotic Damage on being struck, Ref DC 63 negates

Breath: 128d8 Chaotic Damage, 160 ft. Cone or 740 ft. Line, <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Ref</st1:City> <st1:State w:st="on">DC</st1:State></ST1:p 51 for ½

Hand: 192d8 Chaotic Damage, Melee Touch

Immolation: 192d8 Chaotic Damage on death, 740 ft. Radius centered on Angsaar, Ref DC 63 for ½

Storm: 32d8 Chaotic Damage/Round, 740 ft. Radius centered on Angsaar, Ref DC 76 for ½ (Must attempt to exit)

Strike: 32d8 on hit

Wrath: 64d8 Chaotic Damage, 160 ft. Range, Will DC 76 negates

Uncanny Anarchic Mastery: Angsaar may shape his Anarchic Effect to target only his enemies

Godly Realm
Angsaar, having been imprisoned for aeons beneath the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura’kai, has corrupted the once-wondrous locale into a shifting, miasmic hell of unbridled chaos. All of the land surrounding the Shrine for 700 miles is considered to be part of his Godly Realm. Angsaar may impose a -12 Divine Penalty to all enemies within his realm.

Divine Abilities<O:p</O:p

Greater Aura: The power of Angsaar’s Divine Aura is magnified. His aura receives the following additional effects:

Sleep: Those within Angsaar’s Divine Aura (700 ft.) must make a Will Save (DC 76) or be unable to act for 1d4 rounds.

Pain: Those within Angsaar’s Divine Aura (700 ft.) must make a Fortitude Save (DC 76) or suffer a -4 penalty on all rolls for 1 hour or until they exit the aura.

Greater Heroism: All allies within Angsaar’s Divine Aura receive a +4 bonus on Attack Rolls, Saves, and Skill Checks, are immune to fear and receive 20 temporary hit points.

House of Death: Petitioners to Angsaar’s Divine Realm automatically become Undead

Perfect Aura: The power of Angsaar’s Divine Aura is tremendous. His aura receives the following additional effects:

Insanity: Those within Angsaar’s Divine Aura (700 ft.) must make a Will Save (DC 76) or go permanently insane.

Death: Those in Angsaar’s Divine Aura (700 ft.) must make a Fortitude Save (Dc 76) or die. Angsaar can only kill up to 640 HP of creatures per round in this fashion.

Perfect Heroism: Allies within Angsaar’s Divine Aura receive a +8 bonus on Attack Rolls, Saves, and Skill Checks, are immune to fear, and receive 60 temporary hit points.

Profane Body: Angsaar receives a +12 Profane Bonus to his Armor Class

Profane Mind: Angsaar receives a +18 Profane Bonus to his Attack Rolls

Profane Soul: Angsaar receives a +18 Profane Bonus to his Saving Throws

Profane Spirit: Angsaar receives a +12 Bonus to the DCs of all his special abilities

Seventh Sense: Angsaar’s perceptions extend 1 round into the future. He may replay 12 rounds of combat per day

Spell abatement: Angsaar ignores the effects of the first spell cast at him each round

Spell Absorption: As a Free Action, Angsaar may absorb a spell which targets him. He may then utilize it himself afterwards. He may store up to 64 such spells at any given time.

Spell Block: Angsaar is immune to the effects of Mage’s Disjunction

Spell Reflection: Spells which fail to penetrate Angsaar’s Spell Resistance are automatically reflected upon the caster

Superior Combat Casting: Angsaar’s concentration cannot be broken when casting a spell

Third Eye: Angsaar may make a Gaze Attack as a Free Action every round

Vengeful Effect: Angsaar may double the power of any effect, however, he takes half of the effect’s damage in return.

Cosmic Abilities<O:p</O:p

Alter Reality: Angsaar may duplicate the effects of any spell with an effective level of 33 or less as a standard action

Cursed Soul: Opponents within Angsaar’s Divine Aura receive a -32 Luck Penalty to their Saving Throws

Doombringer: Angsaar may make a single Melee Touch attack to deal 50% of the target’s Maximum HP. He may only affect the same opponent with this ability once per day

Slipstream: Angsaar exists outside of the time stream, cannot be undermined by time travel, and is immune to all temporal effects

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 76 DC 76 + Spell Level
At Will- Animate Objects, Blasphemy, Chaos Hammer, Cloak of Chaos, Commune, Contagion, Darkness, Desecrate, Destruction, Dispel Law, Dream, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Etherealness, Horrid Wilting, Magic Circle Against Law, Magic Jar, Poison, Protection from Law, Sending, Shatter, Summon Monster IX (Chaotic or Evil), Tongues, Unholy Blight, Unholy Aura, Unhallow, Word of Chaos
12/day-Wish <O:p></O:p>

Spells: Angsaar uses Alter Reality to duplicate the effects of any spell. DC is 76 +Spell Level, CL is 76 (82 to overcome SR)

Epic Spells: Angsaar holds knowledge of the following Epic Spells. He may cast 6 Epic Spells per day.

Epic Mage Armor (+80 Armor Bonus), Memento Mori ( DC 114), Time Duplicate, Superb Dispelling (Swift-Action Casting Time, +130 Max CL Check), Peripety (Reflect 40 attacks)

<O:p</O:pAngsaar appears in the following stories:

The Splendour of the Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire
<O:pThe Dark Liege of Chaos is Unleashed at the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura'Kai </O:p
Cry Havoc for Glory and the Annihilation of the Titans of Chaos </O:p
<O:pThe Sixth Adulation of His Chthonic Majesty </O:p
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First Post
Who knows? That would be so awesome though. I'm not sure how you'd get their email address. It could be on their site and I know they have a mypsace, so maybe there.

I would imagine that Byron (the mastermind behind the stories) is a DnD fan based on his other hobbies and interests, so maybe.

Howdy Belzamus mate! :)

Belzamus said:
Who knows? That would be so awesome though. I'm not sure how you'd get their email address. It could be on their site and I know they have a mypsace, so maybe there.

I would imagine that Byron (the mastermind behind the stories) is a DnD fan based on his other hobbies and interests, so maybe.

Its definately something I'll look into, although preferably I'd like to have at least one volume of the Immortals Index released before I approach them - to give them an idea of what I mean. ;)


First Post
Hey U_K,

Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

Also, I have to apologize for how obnoxious those first stats are; this new EnWorld coding is pretty much beyond me. It ran some odd javascript that interacted with MSWord when I uploaded it and messed it awfully. Hopefully I can figure out what I'm doing eventually.


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The Shadow-King, the brooding and enigmatic ruler of ancient Lemuria, last of the Immortals of Ultima Thule. Little is known about the long years of his reign over that aeon-veiled realm of shadowed grandeur.

During the marble island’s last days, the Shadow-King stove against the diseased machinations of the pseudo-human sorcerer, Angsaar, as the Dark Liege of Chaos endeavored to conjure the Fell Worm of the Black Galaxy upon the hallowed land. <O:p</O:p

Taking up his mythic arms, the Shadow-Sword, the Ebon Scepter, and the Obsidian Crown, he made battle against the Scourge of Lemuria in a confrontation immortalized in legendry for its tenacity.<O:p</O:p

Nearly equally matched in arcane prowess, the two god-like figures fought a nigh-endless feud until they had both reached the uttermost limit of their strength. It seemed as if they would destroy each other in the last as they rained ruin and death upon the cyclopean temples of Lemuria.<O:p</O:p

However, through treacherous deception, Angsaar had completed the final incantations of the ritual to release the Worm. As the Vortex (which had heralded before the annihilation of the crystalline realms of both Atlantis and Kor-Avul-Thaa) swirled malignly in the starless skies and the moon burned dourly black, the Shadow-King watched in revulsion as the unadulterated malevolence of the Z’Xulth was released upon the Tellurian Sphere.<O:p</O:p

Cackling in glee, Angsaar, empowered by a heretofore unprecedented oneness with the Outer Darkness, unleashed the last vestige of his power in effort to destroy the cosmic spirit of the Shadow-King. <O:p</O:p

A tumult of abysmal power poured over the ancient liege, humbling him in defeat. The Shadow-King, realizing the imminence of his own eradication, prepared a final effort to destroy Angsaar at the cost of his own fleeting life-force. <O:p</O:p

Damning himself to a bleak eternity of torture within the abyssal dimension contained within the Shadow-Sword, the Shadow-King expended the last of his power to fetter Angsaar beneath the labyrinthine vaults of Azura’kai, separating the Dark Liege of Chaos from his dire conduit with the Z’Xulth.<O:p</O:p

Millennia later, cataclysmic ages after the sinking of Lemuria, the Shadow-King was released from his tormented abidance within the Shadow-Sword by the Royal Scion of Hyperborea, who, by entering an irreversible union with the Shadow-King, at long last defeated Angsaar and put an end to the Dark Liege of Chaos’s malign influence over the Telluric Nexus. <O:p</O:p

The Shadow-King<O:p</O:p

Last of the Immortals of Ultima Thule, Scourge of Angsaar, Wielder of the Black Sword, Immortal Lord of Darkmere<O:p</O:p

Large Outsider (Lawful)<O:p</O:p
Lesser Deity<O:p</O:p
HD: 80d20 +2000 (3,600 HP) (7,200 HP within the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:PlaceType alt=
</st1:placeType>Valley of <st1:placeName w:st="on">Silent </st1:placeName></ST1:pPaths)<O:p

Initiative: +41 (+25 Dexterity +8 Divine +8 <ST1:pSuperior </ST1:pInitiative)<O:p</O:p
Speed: 90 ft.<O:p</O:p
Armor Class: 98 (+26 Deflection +25 Dexterity +8 Divine +20 Natural -1 Size)
Touch: 78 Flat-Footed: 73<O:p</O:p
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft.(20 ft. with the Shadow-Sword)<O:p</O:p
Base Attack/Grapple: +80/+120<O:p</O:p

Attack: The Shadow-Sword +183/+183/+183/+183/+183 152 damage 13-20/x5 (x10 on 20)<O:p</O:p

Special Abilities: Divine Abilities, Divine Aura (900 ft.), Spell-like Abilities

<O:p</O:pSpecial Qualities: DR 20/Epic, Divine Bonus (+8), Divine Senses (x10), Godly Realm (340 Miles), Grant Spells, Immortality, Immunity to Natural Effects, Immunity to Negative Energy, Integrated Class Features (Fighter), Positive Energy Vulnerability, Resist Cold 80, SR 98
Saves: Fort +75 Ref +75 Will +75<O:p</O:p
Abilities: Str 100 Dex 60 Con 61 Int 46 <ST1:p<st1:State w:st="on">Wis </st1:State></ST1:p60 Cha 62<O:p</O:p

Skills: Climb +136, Craft +109, Handle Animal +118, Intimidate +118, Jump +136, Ride +116, Swim +136<O:p</O:p

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Mastery, Dire Charge, Dodge, Double Standards, Epic Weapon Focus (Longsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Great Cleave, Greater Critical (Longsword), Greater Critical Multiplier (Longsword), Greater Power Attack, Greater Sunder, Greater Weapon Focus (Longsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (Longsword), Improved Critical Multiplier (Longsword), Improved Dodge, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Light Eradication, Combat Expertise, Perfect Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Spring Attack, Sixth Sense, Superior Cleave, Superior Initiative, Superior Sunder, Superior Whirlwind Attack, Supreme Dodge, Timely Dodge, Uncanny Power Attack, Weapon Abatement, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Whirlwind Attack

Alignment: Lawful Neutral<O:p</O:p
ECL: 120<O:p</O:p
CR: 80<O:p</O:p
Possessions: The Shadow-Sword, The Obsidian Crown, The Ebon Scepter, The Sapphirean Throne
The Shadow-Sword<O:p</O:p

This coruscating brand of night-black ebon war-steel is the signature weapon of the Shadow-King. It is perpetually wreathed in a cackling corona of emerald lighting and shrieks madly whenever it is swung in combat. When wielded, it cuts a swathe of devastation across the battlefield, felling five-score left and right with each swing. <O:p</O:p

The Shadow-Sword is a Large +25 Echoing, Speed, Vorpal Longsword. It is wrought of adamantine and infused with 12.5% Orichalcum, increasing its base damage eightfold.
It increases the wielder’s reach by 10 ft., weaving between the bounds of space-time to deal vicious death to all adversaries. Once per day, the wielder may cast, as a standard action in which he brandishes the sword wildly over his head, a 4xEmpowered, 4xWidened, Maximized Storm of Vengeance, proclaiming, “By the darkling power of the Shadow-Sword, I call forth the fury of the storm of eradicate my enemies!”<O:p</O:p

The Obsidian Crown<O:p</O:p

This baleful diadem is forged of some unidentifiable astral metal which glimmers in translucent blackness and drinks in light. It is an artifact of incredible potency, perhaps the culmination of all the Shadow-King’s terrible lore. It radiates a constant Utterdark effect in a 4,000 ft radius around the caster. The spell is considered heightened to 30<SUP>th</SUP> level and, if dispelled, springs back into being 1d4 rounds later.<O:p</O:p

The Crown grants the wearer the ability to evoke a Cosmic Blast once per round as a standard action, doing 40d20 Divine Damage in a 3,600 ft. cone.<O:p></O:p>

The Ebon Scepter<O:p</O:p

This darkly-bejeweled rod of sovereignty is carved from the black wood of <ST1:p<st1:placeName w:st="on">Darkenhold</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">Forest</st1:placeType></ST1:p and has been passed down as an heirloom of the kings of the North for millennia. It is a symbol of regency and supremacy and affords its wielder tremendous regal might.<O:p</O:p

The bearer of the Ebon Scepter receives a +20 Divine Bonus to all ability scores and is rendered immune to Critical Hits and Death Effects. It cannot be disarmed and, if sundered, will reassemble itself in 1d4 rounds. The bearer need not hold the rod to gain its benefit and retains its blessing even if divested of its possession. No one else may enjoy the Scepter’s royal aegis without either killing the former wielder or gaining his endowment. <O:p</O:p

The Sapphirean Throne<O:p</O:p

This bedazzling seat of cerulean majesty is the heart of the Shadow-King’s tenebrous dominion. It looks to be a magnificent throne cut of exquisite sapphire, the lustrous gems aglow with some inner somberness which casts a baleful ambiance about the royal chambers of the Shadow-King.

<O:p</O:pWhen within the domain of the Sapphirean Throne (340 mile expanse extending from the Tower of the Black Serpent and covering the Valley of Silent Paths), the Shadow-King’s Divine Bonus is doubled to +16. In addition, any foe within the Throne’s dominion finds his most powerful ability nullified as though by the Abrogate Cosmic Ability.

Double Darkness Portfolio<O:p</O:p

Spell-like Abilities: The Shadow-King may use any Darkness domain spell as a Swift Action at will and adds all Darkness domain spells to his list of Spell-like Abilities<O:p</O:p

Darkest Vision: The Shadow-King can see perfectly through any kind of darkness<O:p</O:p

Hostile Environment (Sunlight): The Shadow-King receives a -16 Competence penalty on all die rolls when within a sunlit environment<O:p></O:p>

Cold Resistance: The Shadow-King possesses Resistance to Cold 80

<O:p</O:pPositive Energy Vulnerability: The Shadow-King takes 100% more damage from Positive Energy based attacks and spells<O:p</O:p

Negative Energy Immunity: The Shadow-King is immune to Negative Energy spells and effects<O:p</O:p

Greater Scion of Darkness: The Shadow-King receives a +16 Competence Bonus to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, and Saving Throw when shrouded in darkness<O:p</O:p

Perfect Summoning (Shadow): Shadow creatures summoned by the Shadow-King have 200% more HD than normal<O:p</O:p

Perfect Embodiment of Darkness: Negative Energy Immunity is ineffective against the Shadow-King’s spells and attacks

<O:p</O:pSuperior Negative Energy Effect:
Beam: 13 Negative Levels, 3,600 ft. Ray, +113 Ranged Touch

<O:p</O:pBlast: 6 Negative Levels, 225 ft. Radius Blast, 3,600 ft. range, Reflex DC 52 for 1/2

<O:p</O:pBlood: 3 Negative Levels when struck, Reflex DC 51 negates

<O:p</O:pBreath: 13 Negative Levels, 225 ft. Cone or 900 ft. Line, <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Reflex</st1:City> <st1:State w:st="on">DC</st1:State></ST1:p 51 for ½<O:p</O:p

Hand: 19 Negative Levels, +133 Melee Touch, <O:p</O:p

Immolation: 19 Negative Levels on death, 900 ft. Radius centered on the Shadow-King, Reflex DC 51 for ½<O:p</O:p

Storm: 3 Negative Levels/Round, 900 ft. Radius centered on the Shadow-King, Reflex DC 52 for 1.2 (Must attempt to exit)<O:p</O:p

Strike: +3 Negative Levels on hit<O:p</O:p

Wrath: 6 Negative Levels, 225 ft. range, Will DC 52 negates<O:p</O:p
Divine Abilities <O:p</O:p

Perfect Weapon Focus (Longsword): The Shadow-King’s Base Attack Bonus ignores Epic Progression<O:p</O:p

Perfect Weapon Specialization (Longsword): The Shadow-King maximizes all damage dealt by his chosen weapon<O:p</O:p

Superior Critical (Longsword): The Shadow-King’s <ST1:p<st1:placeName w:st="on">Critical</st1:placeName> <st1:placeName w:st="on">Threat</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">Range</st1:placeType></ST1:p is quadrupled<O:p</O:p

Superior Critical Multiplier (Longsword): The Shadow-King’s Critical Multiplier is quadrupled<O:p</O:p

Superior Power Attack: The Shadow-King may trade Attack Bonus for Damage at a 1:2 ratio<O:p</O:p

True Strike: The Shadow-King receives a +20 bonus on all attack rolls<O:p</O:p

Uncanny Cleave: The Shadow-King may move his entire speed between Cleave attacks <O:p</O:p

Uncanny Weapon Focus (Longsword): The Shadow-King uses his highest Attack Bonus for all iterative attacks<O:p</O:p

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 88, DC 52 +Relevant Ability Modifier

<O:p</O:pAt Will- Blindness/Deafness, Black Tentacles, Commune, Create Greater Undead, Deeper Darkness, Dream, Etherealness, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, Nightmare, Obscuring Mist, Power Word Blind, Power Word Kill, Magic Jar, Sending, Shadow Walk, Tongues<O:p</O:p
6/day: Wish

The Shadow-King appears in the following Bal-Sagoth Publications:

Spellcraft and Moonfire Beyond the Citadel of Forsts

As a Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria

Enthroned in the Temple of the Serpent Kings

And Lo, When the Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud the Citadel of the Obsidian Crown

Cry Havoc for Glory and the Annihilation of the Titans of Chaos

The Obsidian Crown Unbound


Into the Silent Chambers of the Sapphirean Throne


First Post
Oh, and another thing, U_K, that might throw a monkey wrench in the plans.

Byron's stories are nowhere near finished. He has 6 albums full of sagas published, but he's quoted saying that he has matieral prepared for at least another 6 more plus a slew of graphic novels and short story anthologies.

I've pretty much scoured every single one of his stories to glean enough info to form a coherent backstory for these characters, and even then, I've had to extrapolate some it on my own, associating certain entities and events that are only arguably related.

Even if you went with no flavor, relying on the existing canon, it also presents a problem in statting them up, in the instance of finding them thematically-appropriate abilities and classes. Plus, after the Shadow-King, no one has anywhere near the ideal amount of iconic artifacts, or really any at all. I'm sure it can be done, it just requires some creative input from the designer.

Of course, with all the awesomeness you have locked away in your head, maybe you have more than the ability to do them justice.

For instance, I'm having a hard time thinking of how to stat the "Unspeakable They-Who-Lurk-And-Breed-In-Limbo" and the "Dread Dwellers in Eternal Shadow" without having seen your Umbrals to use at least for bague comparison. (I can't be the only one who sees an affinity between Byron's Z'Xulth, the Outer Darkness, and the Black Galaxy and your own 0th Dimension of Entropy.)

Just throwing that out there. Right now, I'm having a ball statting up my favorite iconics from the sagas, even if it takes some interpretation on my part. I just hope I'm doing somewhat right by Byron's vision.

Hi Belzamus mate! :)

Belzamus said:
Oh, and another thing, U_K, that might throw a monkey wrench in the plans.

Byron's stories are nowhere near finished. He has 6 albums full of sagas published, but he's quoted saying that he has matieral prepared for at least another 6 more plus a slew of graphic novels and short story anthologies.

Thats what second volumes are for. ;)

I've pretty much scoured every single one of his stories to glean enough info to form a coherent backstory for these characters, and even then, I've had to extrapolate some it on my own, associating certain entities and events that are only arguably related.

Well lets just say you'll have to be my liason in all this. ;)

Even if you went with no flavor, relying on the existing canon, it also presents a problem in statting them up, in the instance of finding them thematically-appropriate abilities and classes. Plus, after the Shadow-King, no one has anywhere near the ideal amount of iconic artifacts, or really any at all. I'm sure it can be done, it just requires some creative input from the designer.

A pre-set amount of artifacts is not required...also I am thinking this may be for 4th Edition anyway.

Of course, with all the awesomeness you have locked away in your head, maybe you have more than the ability to do them justice.

I like a challenge.

For instance, I'm having a hard time thinking of how to stat the "Unspeakable They-Who-Lurk-And-Breed-In-Limbo" and the "Dread Dwellers in Eternal Shadow" without having seen your Umbrals to use at least for bague comparison. (I can't be the only one who sees an affinity between Byron's Z'Xulth, the Outer Darkness, and the Black Galaxy and your own 0th Dimension of Entropy.)

Certainly the latter may share some ground with the Umbrals, but there are half-umbrals and beings like that so they could well be unique anyway.

Just throwing that out there. Right now, I'm having a ball statting up my favorite iconics from the sagas, even if it takes some interpretation on my part. I just hope I'm doing somewhat right by Byron's vision.

At the moment I am sorting out a Finnish mythology listing, just to see what it would look like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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