D&D 5E [Let's Read] Azrael's Guide to the Apocalypse


Out of curiosity - does this book have statblock for Lucifer? I was surprised he wasn't in Adventurer's Guide to the Bible and it sent me off on a tangent of trying to find any book which has given him stats and was surprised how little there is of that. You'd think Lucifer would be first guy everyone wants to punch.
So they do but it's refered to as The Dragon. If you want something with less than seven heads and has more the original name, look up Inferno: Dantes Guide to Hell and it's companion book for that and stat block.

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Specifically, this book has his Stat block. That's him on the cover.



The Dragon is more or less a manifestation of Satan, so that's the closest we get to a stat block.

There's also the Avatar of Satan, which is perhaps a more authentic portrayal of the Devil's mentality and tactics. I covered both of those creatures in this review.

So they do but it's refered to as The Dragon. If you want something with less than seven heads and has more the original name, look up Inferno: Dantes Guide to Hell and it's companion book for that and stat block.
I wil lcheck it out, thanks
There's also the Avatar of Satan, which is perhaps a more authentic portrayal of the Devil's mentality and tactics. I covered both of those creatures in this review.
I have asked before going into the let's read, my bad.

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