D&D (2024) The Great Nerf to High Level Martials: The New Grapple Rules


Just had the finale of my campaign in which the party got to enjoy a 20th level fighter. And as I had suspected, the grapples came out. The party was fighting a fey master who had sunk into the ground to absorb the power of the land. Well the fighter ripped him out of the ground with the first attack, moved him through a portal with forced movement, and then threw his anti-magic artifact hammer at the portal to close it. It was a critical scene at a time when a TPK was looking likely.

Through other high level play, my players have learned to respect the power of high level grappling....a power that will soon go away if the playtest continues as is.

What makes grappling so good is....at high levels its very easy for a strong front line fighter to pull off against a wide variety of monsters. In other words....its control on tap. Now sure you aren't dominating any minds, banishing, stuffing someone being a wall of force for the rest of the fight. Compared to those, a little forced movement, prone, and maybe restrain isn't all that sexy....but its the ease of the use that makes it a solid high level viable counter to what casters can do.

The casters have way stronger control options, but they have to get through the saves. The fighter can only do a few basic controls, but when he desires it, that control HAPPENS. This to me is a great way for martials to compete at those levels.

While I can see some appeal to the new grapple system, at the end of the day high level fighters will no longer have the ease of grappling they have now, and I think that's a real shame. Sure the new weapon masteries will give them a bit more punch, but nothing I have seen is replacing the simple "control on tap" they are giving up. At a time when we constantly complain about martial vs caster, I don't think the nerf is justified.

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The fighter can only do a few basic controls, but when he desires it, that control HAPPENS. This to me is a great way for martials to compete at those levels.
Have you looked at the new mastery system?

High level fighters can trip, slow, or push 3 times a turn, in addition to dealing damage. They can even push with a bow.

Still basic control. But your going to land one of those attacks.


Have you looked at the new mastery system?

High level fighters can trip, slow, or push 3 times a turn, in addition to dealing damage. They can even push with a bow.

Still basic control. But your going to land one of those attacks.
Prone requires a save. Slow is not restrain. Push is comparable to moving grapple opponents in some cases, though it doesn't have the precision (but you could be able to push a person farther if you hit enough so hard to say which is ultimately better).


Prone requires a save.
And no longer takes up one of your attacks. So you still get to deal damage.
Slow is not restrain.
Grapple is not restrained.
Push is comparable to moving grapple opponents in some cases, though it doesn't have the precision (but you could be able to push a person farther if you hit enough so hard to say which is ultimately better).
Push doesn't require a free hand, and you still get damage.

Also, grapple now gives disadvantage. So it's more powerful.


I don't see this as a giant nerf in general - overall, I think martial classes (except monks) get a significant buff from masteries. Very significant. However, it may well be a situational nerf, as you describe.

Assuming that you are okay with masteries overall, what modification would you suggest to solve this specific problem?

Voidrunner's Codex

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