The Happenings of Lucifus Cray: Update{23}07/06/06 - The Threading of the Weave

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The Death of a Clan

Earlier, with the raging storm at its zenith…

Jengus of the Pianatha opened his mouth to the storm as the swirling winds violently twisted his cloak in contorted angles around his massive frame. A spirit compelled by the Shaman Karodo guided him towards the spiritual home of the Strauchn where he would soon seek out the death of their clan’s Shamaness. The spirit, a native to the plane of air maintained its semblance without effort in the ferocious conditions, ignorantly drifting through the tempest with speed and purpose. The mortal it was bonded to looked ahead to where several of the Strauchn warriors crouched behind one of the massive boulders that dotted the primal landscape. The spirit slowed then halted. Jengus knew that the spirit protected him from being seen {1} and so he momentarily rested near their refuge, his proximity to his enemy recklessly near.

They huddled pathetically close to one another, not venturing interest beyond their own circumstances. A rippling of hate swelled in Jengus’s breast. Under normal circumstances, they would be dead: his axe slicing through their vitals before they could counteract his devastating attack. He was tempted but with effort, he stilled his rage and continued moving on. The Strauchn warriors were oblivious to the candles of their fate flickering to nothing before blooming once more with Jengus’s movement away from their position. He ran.

In a period of time defined by the storms ever so slightly loosened grip, Jengus ran to within the outer boundaries of the peninsula of his hated enemy. A sight there stopped him cold as he broached the rise of a hillock. Lit up like a flaming spire at the extremity of his vision was the slashing form of… something. The elemental had continued unheedingly as Jengus slowly shifted his perspective. He watched the distant creature’s movements for several moments deciding that the remote form was somehow trapped; its base unmoving. He moved forward and adjusted his perspective once more to try and gauge the size of the creature but this just ramified that it was of an order of magnitude beyond his experience. Jengus continued moving cautiously towards the area – the completion of his mission still foremost in his mind.


A period of time later upon the sward currently housing the Greater Devil Sarrash…

Jengus moved quietly around the perimeter of the Strauchn site. Adrenaline coursed richly through his veins as he shifted through the tainted heart of his enemy, several warriors moving nearby completely unaware of his presence. From behind a small rock he cast an eye to observe the monstrous beast that had been entrapped by his enemy, a crowd having gathered near it. An aberrant emotion gurgled through his system. Fear was something strange to Jengus. It was like a tugging in his gut, the previous tension and exhilaration turning against him. Could the creature see him? He would have to keep distant from its horrible eyeless gaze to be sure. The only difficulty was that the Strauchn bitch was nowhere to be found. He would have to skirt back around and search the other side of the sward. The spirit that clung to him tightly was no longer able to provide him with suitable direction to his target and so he would have to rely upon his own senses.

As he went to stalk through the now misty rain, the enslaved creature of the Strauchn horrifically whirled in a cyclonic thrashing upon its own position, its roar sonically pounding the entire area to make Jengus instinctively lower his bulk. He saw the remains of some warrior strewn like chaff near the creature, a spray of dark crimson flesh landing wetly upon the sodden ground. The crowd of Strauchn ran in all directions expecting the creature to come chasing after them. Jengus held his ground trusting his earlier senses and judgment. The massive creature seemed unmoving with no readable emotion from its recent actions. It was then that Jengus’s head suddenly snapped to a point opposite from the creature, his senses gauging the presence of his target unnaturally. The bitch had appeared. Jengus’s feet were swift, his rage fanatical and axe most deadly.

Jengus’s frame coursed around the back part of the area, his feet leaving savage gouges in the mud as he powered to his target, his enemy completely unknowing in the circumstances and conditions. It was several heartbeats longer and he was behind the outcropping that she had stopped upon to view events. He stalked up the incline and saw her fresh back and exposed neck. As his axe arched backwards, the booming voice of the enraged creature stopped Jengus’s fatal movements only five feet from her. The creature’s red glow moved violently as it wailed in a tongue beyond his understanding. He stopped his weapon trying to comprehend what was going on as it tried to blast apart a floating figure in front of it. The figure seemed unaffected by the attack.

It was then that Jengus snapped back to his mission, the distraction providing an opening for his enemy. The warrior standing next to the Shamaness twisted around sensing something amiss. It saw nothing. Then it saw the shamaness’ body lurch forward, blood spraying backwards from the base of her spine. He then saw the immense eight-foot frame of horror, the Pianathan’s axe leaving her body before being thrust back into her neck in a furious frenzy of pure hatred. Jengus had grabbed her hair as the axe parted head from body. Blood violently sprayed from her transversally opened neck as her rent body collapsed to the ground. The Strauchn warrior instinctively moved towards the nightmare but with a backhand swipe of minimal effort, Jengus’s axe had smashed the Strauchn to his death below the outcropping. Jengus lifted the severed head by its ragged ropes of hair presenting it to the clan in fevered victory, its small bulk pervertedly bouncing to the tenets of gravity. Jengus, clan leader of the Pianatha roared his defiance and victory to them. “UYH TU GNASA!”

The warriors of the Strauchn clan turned almost as one, the flame linking their fate and existence destroyed in an instant. Several moved towards the massive warrior as he jumped from the outcropping but they fell to the ferocity of his arcing axe. From nowhere Tunthi appeared. His stroke was blocked as he realised who it was he faced. His rage bellowed as his axe swung to penetrate the defences of the Beast of the Pianatha. The blow cut deep but Jengus looked down at Tunthi in victory, his teeth crushing Karodo’s charm in his mouth. As Tunthi provided the stroke that would have disembowelled the giant, Jengus: the Beast of the Pianatha was gone.


{1} The spirit was conjoined to Jengus by Karodo: his Master and Shaman of the Pianatha. It provided the effect of an invisibility spell, selectively applied to work against those of the Strauchn clan. This was consistent with the sacrifice of a Strauchn clansman whose lifeblood still graced and empowered Karodo’s Lahrum (offering stone). It is also worth mentioning the charm in Jengus’s possession that would be used to instantly take him back to Karodo’s cave. Karodo trusted the air spirit to guide him there but insisted on more powerful magic to get Jengus back out. See post #** for further details.


Thanks everyone for reading so far. If you think things are at rock bottom at the moment, just wait until the next update. :]

Pogre said:
Herremann the Wise said:
I apologise in advance for the length of this update
I should think so! I was hoping for something much longer

The details of the summoning and the diabolical negotiations continue to fascinate.

In which case I must sincerely apologise for the length of this one. :)
I really appreciate your support and readership.

Inconsequenti-AL said:
Great stuff...

Thanks for the answers there!

I've got the feeling that however Lucifus escapes from this one, he's going to have a very unhappy Sarrash keeping an eye on him in future.

Definitely enjoying Lucifus's outlook on life. It's refreshing and very different from the norm!
I'm glad I can keep you entertained with Lucifus's exploits. I hope I can catch up to current events quick enough and I'll be hearing your guffaws from Sydney. ;)

Mortepierre said:
Eh, no problem there. Haven't updated in a while so there wasn't much to comment upon. Look for an update soon though

For Conan and the particular issue of summoning fiends, I would recommend stories such as The Snout in the Dark. Though Howard never spent much time describing the ritual summonings themselves, its stories dealt a lot with the unfortunate consequences of having a fiend 'loose' among mortals (mostly because the summoner had far less control over it than he had anticipated!). I agree with you about Legions of Hell, btw (though I prefer the more recent Book of Fiends which updated and added to it).

No need to thank me for reading. Continue to produce such high-quality work and it will be a pleasure I'll continue to enjoy
It's a pleasure to keep you enjoying it. Thanks for the Conan references too. My wife and I are going away to Tropical Nth Queensland for a holiday today and the chronicles are safely packed away for some good holiday reading.

moritheil said:
This was very good. Was English your first language?
Thanks for the compliment. It's all a matter of perspective a to the good Queen's english being my native tongue. "If I's talked with me broad Ostrailyun accent" - I'm sure you would consider me partially illiterate. :D
I should not laugh. Mortepierre's native tongue is not English and his language put's mine to shame. I suggest you head over to his thread to have a read - you will enjoy.

Funeris said:
Just subscribed to this thread...and am halfway done with the first page. Just wanted to say Damn I'm impressed. Excellent writing and desciptive quality. Hell, just excellent quality. Can't wait to catch up; I'm hooked.

Keep it up.

All caught up now. Awaiting an update...
Don't make me reread this thread a hundred times

I'll do it...I swear...

So cool to have you aboard! :D
I can't have you waiting there for an unnecessarily long period of time so glad to post this update - short as it is. I hope you continue to enjoy the ride.

A Crazy Fool said:
the evil toad gaurded by the extremely stupid orc, errm unique
note to self: use a fiendish doad in campaign sometime
I hope you keep reading. :)

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

And finally to whet your appetite for the next update.

Note of Importance: The situation for the Strauchn was most grave. With no obvious successor groomed and with Ugari’s head neatly parted from her body, the spiritual flame of the Clan was about to die.


I see you have followed the advice you left for Sep. I heartily approve and look forward to whatever writing you care to post. Have a great holiday!


First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
Thanks for the compliment. It's all a matter of perspective a to the good Queen's english being my native tongue. "If I's talked with me broad Ostrailyun accent" - I'm sure you would consider me partially illiterate. :D
I should not laugh. Mortepierre's native tongue is not English and his language put's mine to shame. I suggest you head over to his thread to have a read - you will enjoy.

Eh, I would never have guessed from your style that you were writing from down under!

As for me, all I'll say is :eek:

Oh, aye, and that I have updated my own SH as a result of your numerous praises as well ;)


First Post
Wandering Cleric Arrives

"So this explains the origins of the nefarious Lucifus Cray.
Well may ye seek the forgiveness of Galasso.
Know ye that His obedient servant Father Brian MacPhail sees and observes.
I shall continue to scry your past."

Nice work by the way Herremann/Lucifus. I reckon that in game terms you're at least 40,000 words behind. Something for your growing readership to look forward to. Hehehe, no doubt you shall inform them in due course of the high regard in which Father Brian holds Lucifus.

Just so your readers know, at the start of these posts Father Brian was a L11 cleric. That was 13 x 8 hour sessions ago. Keep writing Herremann.

As you know, I've been reading this all along. I finally managed to get access to the site to reply. Wohoo. I promise I will give no spoilers.
Last edited:


Hey Glauron,

I love it when fellow players pipe up in a story hour - be sure to comment often on your perspective. Assuming it doesn't annoy Herreman too much ;)


First Post
Angel of Adventure said:
Hey Herremann,

So it the Tomb of Horrors upcoming, or what? I hope you guys do it as it is an awesome adventure! (Protect the Cleric at all costs!!!!)

Worry not Angel. Father Brian is nothing if not a survivor. I'll leave it to Herremann to answer your query re Tomb of Horrors.

Glauron101/Father Brian

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