Ramen Sandwich Press is back on Kickstarter with a new location module for our Places by the Way (D&D 5E compatible) and Found by the Way (Pathfinder 1E and 2E compatible) series! The Hobgoblin's Fortress/Path to the Hobgoblin's Fortress is a place and a story from a time of war — your party comes upon a company of hobgoblin and goblin mercenaries garrisoning a ramshackle stronghold along a key supply route. The goblin soldiers are unhappy with such light duty at the edge of the war zone; they were promised opportunities for loot and plunder, and there are none here. They're tired of being bullied by the hobgoblins and the Captain's bugbear lieutenants. And they're about to mutiny. Plunked in the middle of angry humanoids prone to violence, which side does your party take?
The manuscript for The Hobgoblin's Fortress is done and already in layout, so we expect to deliver in October.
The manuscript for The Hobgoblin's Fortress is done and already in layout, so we expect to deliver in October.