The Invasion of Baskrant (northbound) Judges: N/A, DM: Cute-Hydra


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*Hunzu lifts his hand once again and fires another bolt of force hitting the other hobgoblin, putting him down for good.*

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Magic Missile
-Target: Hobgoblin (M5)
-Effect: 6 FORCE damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hunzu]Hunzu- Male Shardmind Enchanter 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17

AC:14, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:14


HP:24/24, Temp HP:
Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8

Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Magic Missile

Action Point [ ]
Charm of Misplaced Wrath [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Shard Swarm [ ]
Suggestion [ ]

Wizard’s Fury [ ][/sblock]

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OOC: Donutboy never said where he was so I didn't put him in on the map. I did leave a message asking where he wanted to be placed. Unless I missed it being careless..


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As the arrow strike his skin, Mercurial changes into a Goliath. He then runs back into the ship, and takes a breather.
OOC: actions:
Minor: changeling disquise(goliath)
Move: walk to L21
Standard: second wind
Sorry rb780nm, but I spent both my heals, and you already used your second wind. The best I could do is stabalise you, but then I'd be down on the next turn.

[sblock=ministats]Mercurial- Changeling Artificer
Status: none
Initiative:+1 Passive Perception:18Passive Insight:15
AC:20 Fort:15 Ref:18 Will:17 HP:7/24 Bloodied:12 Surge Value:6 Surges:6/7 Speed:6 Action Points:1
Powers Used: Healing infusion, Healing Infusion, second wind
Powers Unused: Changeling Trick, Shielding Cube, swift mender, warmage's cloak, Obedient Servant[/sblock]


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OOC: [MENTION=95126]Fyrm[/MENTION] - no problem, I totally understand.

Sound of Stone's breathing calms and the flow of blood from his wounds lessens.


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OOC: For the Record do people think this is a little steep on the difficulty side?

OOC: No, I don't think this is too difficult. We are a striker-heavy party, which means we'll be in trouble hp-wise. If I could roll for crap I would have done much more to these guys, but as it is, we have taken them down to less than half power in a couple of rounds. So my vote is this is not too much.


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OOC: I agree with Sasahara on this one. With a striker heavy party it's a rush to zero basically. Whomever rolls higher for initiative and puts as many as the opposite side down generally comes out ahead. Though as a group we need to focus fire more. Put one guy down then move on. This limits the oppositions damage out put upon us. Less attacks they get means less damage on us, Don't worry about a guy who's got 6 damage of less upon him. I can put him dead instantly, no roll required. Keep your guys much higher damage for the next target, unless I've already done my damage for the turn. Then make sure you put him down before moving on.


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The two archers look at each other, the hobgoblin shouts "SURRENDER AND WE WILL SPARE YOUR MISERABLE LIVES" but his heart is barely in it.

Both the two archers fire at Sounds unconcious body but miraculously the fear evident in their hands displaces their aim.

[sblock=actions and stats]

13 Vs. AC
14 Vs. AC

Elf F8 takes 2 damage
Hobgoblin K5 down 19



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OOC: Is there an updated map? I rolled my attack before I realized I didn't know where I was or who I was shooting at... :) I missed badly regardless, but would still like to be able to complete my move.

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