Hurrying to catch up Shayla arrives at the embassy prior to the 4th bell, hoping not to be late to such an important assignment.
[sblock=ooc]I'm going to make some rolls to get some knowledge out of the way and to try out my new account on invisible castle and see if I can get the link think working like others around here[/sblock]
[sblock=skill checks]
Do I know anything about the history of the Jade Frontier
History 12
Do I notice anything unusual about the area
Perception 18
Does the area around the embassy seem natural or has the presence of the embassy harmed the land.
Nature 11
Seeing her compatriots in the park and deciding that would make a much more pleasant place to pass the time than in the hard angled military style of the Jade Frontier embassy, Shayla comes to join them. "I don't suppose the Iron General himself has come, even if this is a most formidable looking building. Who do you suppose this Hedorai Litora is were are to meet with? I do hope there are more tree's in the Jade Frontier than in this place."
[sblock=Shayla stat block]Shayla- Female Elf Cleric 1
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
AC:16, Fort:10, Reflex:12, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:20/20, Bloodied:10, Surge Value:5, Surges left:6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Sacred Flame
Lance of Faith
Divine Glow
Healing Word x2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Beacon of Hope
Group Awareness: Non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to perception checks
[sblock=ooc]I'm going to make some rolls to get some knowledge out of the way and to try out my new account on invisible castle and see if I can get the link think working like others around here[/sblock]
[sblock=skill checks]
Do I know anything about the history of the Jade Frontier
History 12
Do I notice anything unusual about the area
Perception 18
Does the area around the embassy seem natural or has the presence of the embassy harmed the land.
Nature 11
Seeing her compatriots in the park and deciding that would make a much more pleasant place to pass the time than in the hard angled military style of the Jade Frontier embassy, Shayla comes to join them. "I don't suppose the Iron General himself has come, even if this is a most formidable looking building. Who do you suppose this Hedorai Litora is were are to meet with? I do hope there are more tree's in the Jade Frontier than in this place."
[sblock=Shayla stat block]Shayla- Female Elf Cleric 1
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
AC:16, Fort:10, Reflex:12, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:20/20, Bloodied:10, Surge Value:5, Surges left:6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Sacred Flame
Lance of Faith
Divine Glow
Healing Word x2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Beacon of Hope
Group Awareness: Non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to perception checks