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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


First Post
1) Pink Kobold (22)
2) Yellow Kobold (22) Deceased
3) Patronis (20) 30/30 HP
4) Blue Kobold (19) Fled
5) Green Kobold (19) Deceased
6) Shayla (19) 20/20 HP
7) Gray Scale Kobold (18) 8 Damage Warlocks Curse (Chey)
8) Mr. Bricks (18) 24/24 HP
9) Red Scale Kobold (17) 11 Damage Divine Challenege (Bren)
10) Aqua Kobold (14) Deceased
11) Cheysuli (12) 26/26 HP
12) Brown Scale Kobold (12) 8 Damage
13) Sling Kobold (9)
14) Miranna (8) 14/29 HP
12) Brenwar (2) 29/29 HP

As the lone javelin wielder yet to engage in melee watches the combat he pulls another javelin from his back waiting for an opening. Seeing brenwar stumble back, his attack foiled, the kobold steps forward, cocks its arm and lets another javelin fly.

[sblock=actions] Pink (1d20+5=14)
Pink - Minor Action to draw another Javelin
Move Action to Move From O7 to Q6
Standard Action to Throw a Javelin at Brenwar (Miss)
Brenwar raises his shield even as he stumbles backwards, the javelin glancing off and almost skewering the kobolds companion who turns its head and snarls something in their sibilant tongue.

[sblock=Map] The updated Map is here! Victory! High speed is Glorious! Just dropped my boy off and new post already![/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Glad you're back Uk! In case it was glanced over/forgotten; Rathan has already posted his actions for this round :)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Welcome back!

I think Patronis already posted his action so if blue isn't coming back I'll go ahead and post mine, also, I think Miranna spent her action point to take a Second Wind and that isn't showing, she should have a defense boost this turn too.[/sblock]

[sblock=actions]Move - Shift to U8 away from red scales reach
Standard - Sacred Flame on Red Scale 12 vs. Reflex 12 damage if by some chance I hit and Miranna can make a save
End of turn - Hunter's Quarry fades


First Post
[sblock=ooc] I did fail to notice that! I'll move things along asap tomorrow, but its sleeping then flight time. Here I was thinking I might actually be covered till I got back to work lol. [/sblock]


First Post
Repost from above.... Round 2 Actions....

[sblock=ooc]I'm gonna post my action for my initiative now as I dunno when tomorrow I'll be able to post and such...[/sblock]

Patronis sees opportunity as the red shield Kobold moves within touching distance and tries to sap his vitality!

[sblock=Actions for Round 2:]
Minor Action: Warlocks Curse on Red Shield Kobold at T6
Standard Actions: Vampiric Embrace on Red Shield at T6
1d20+4=16, 2d8+4,1d6=[3, 6, 4], [4] (16 Vs. Will for 17 Necrotic Damage. 7 Back to me in temp HP if it hits...)
Move Action: None[/sblock]


First Post
1) Pink Kobold (22)
2) Yellow Kobold (22) Deceased
3) Patronis (20) 30/30 HP
4) Blue Kobold (19) Fled
5) Green Kobold (19) Deceased
6) Shayla (19) 20/20 HP
7) Gray Scale Kobold (18) 8 Damage Warlocks Curse (Chey)
8) Mr. Bricks (18) 24/24 HP
9) Red Scale Kobold (17) 11 Damage Divine Challenege (Bren)
10) Aqua Kobold (14) Deceased
11) Cheysuli (12) 26/26 HP
12) Brown Scale Kobold (12) 8 Damage
13) Sling Kobold (9)
14) Miranna (8) 14/29 HP
12) Brenwar (2) 29/29 HP
Patronis reaches out, wrapping his hands around the kobolds shield arm, his fingers digging furrows in the small reptiles arm, its skin shriveling around the contact point as its life drains away.

As shayla steps back from the kobold it quicksteps right behind her into the vacated space, flanking Mr. Bricks and dodging aside just in time to avoid the gout of divine flame. Basking in the light cast by the flames Miranna feels divine grace gathering on her skin attempting to extinguish the flames.

Using the distraction provided by his companion the second shadow scale kobold slashes at Mr. Bricks knees, trying to hamstring him but only managing a wicked looking gash on his shin.

[sblock=Actions] Grey (1d20+9,1d6+3=[11, 9], [4, 3])
Red - Immediate Reaction to Shift from T6 to U6
Grey - Standard Action to Attack Mr. Bricks (hit) for 7 Damage

[sblock=Map] The New Map is here now.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Not to nitpick Ukingsken... but I killed a kobold earlier.. a minon that was warlocks cursed.... thus I should have gained one HP from that to give me 38/30... sadly I'll take all the HP's I can get right now LOL...


First Post
[sblock=rules nitpicking because things looks grim]Temporary hit points don't stack. So if you had one, then gained seven, you have seven now.

Also patronis, it could have taken an OA for you using a ranged attack while standing next to it (me too if it shifted to follow me) but it probably didn't because it would have taken Brenwars Divine Challenge damage and -2 to hit.

However you only get 1 immediate action per turn so unless that kobald has something else going on it shouldn't be able to shift to follow me until it's turn comes back around.

Also, still missing Miranna's extra hit points from second wind, which she might get knocked unconscious before my turn comes back around without so I really hope that at least if she get's hit. You will remember them.

But mainly, please, don't feel obligated to continue attacking just one person, Mr. Bricks, Brenwar and particularly Patronis (with the most HP in the party at the moment) all hopefully look like delicious targets after a Miranna second wind.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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