• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] jackslate45 and AFg plz go ahead and post your actions for the next round. Unless you would be posting in DEC - EVERYONE NO POSTING IN THIS THREAD DURING DEC - more on that tonight after I post XP. [/sblock]

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First Post
Ernestine swears silently to herself. She had gotten lucky with the quick spell casting before, and had avoided the undead's attack. Like that will happen again... But it might be better than taking on more of these things.

Observing the creatures attacks, Ernestine weaves her spell inbetween the breathing of the undead. Right when his arms went up to hit her, she finishes the spell, clapping her hand together.

Calling you from beyond the Nine hel..wait no! NO!

The mispronunciation of the spell caused enough of a distraction that the spell went wrong, and the dog that was there was consumed in fiery flames instead of summoning a new one.

Casting Defensibly SMI against a 16 DC with a +6 mod. Will roll Dog's attack if success.

HP: 6
AC: 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13
F: +2
R: +3
W: +1

Crossbow: +3 1d8 80

0: Light, Detect Magic
1: Mage Armor,[s] Summon Monster I x 3[/s]
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Aldern Foxglove

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well it's december here, by 6 minutes, but I'm gonna throw in a post quickly since its not December in U.S. Also because I am sectretly curious if it will cause the thread to explode...[/sblock]

Aver steps back (S16) and tries to look inconspicuous and unthreatening - which isn't very difficult.


Thy wounds are healed!
Round 3

The fight has just started and the zombies are closing in on the group. Everyone has one of those moments where they think what would I rather be doing right now.

Malaroc continues to fight on missing the zombies as they try and outflank him. Ernestine miscasts her last summons and looks for a spot to cast her only defensive spell without worry. Far scratches at a zombie but Cedric misses and he thinks of the spells he has been trying to master for weeks now.

There were two of them one wouldn't be of any help right now but the other would set these things on fire and perhaps turn the tide. It has been in his spellbook since the first years of his teachings, always there and yet even though he studied it and read it over and over he could get his hands to. Wait...

His hands had always been a little shaky in those years. But recently... he raises his hands and starts to remember what he had been taught.

Tira finishes hacking the zombie beside her and turns to see another coming up from Aver from behind. "Watch out!" she hollars reaching to push the elf aside. And as she does the zombie grabs her arm wrenching it before she can pull it free. "Owww!!" she screams. Aver turning to see the zombie behind also notices something strange...

Trinham also takes a scratch from the dirty fingernails of the zombie he is fighting. He doesn't let out a scream his mind so set on the fight and all the questions about it. Where did these things come from? How where they going to get away? How after all the training with the irregulars were they in such a spot? He calms his breathing and sets about taking better charge of this situation.

[sblock=Aver]He notices the two zombies back in the grease are having a rough time. They are so slow they can only try to stand up unlike a regular person who could stand and move away. And when they try to move they fall again or only move very slowly before falling. [/sblock]

[sblock=Cedric] You gain your 4 ho for lvl up and the +1 1st lvl spell slot with Burning Hands in it. [/sblock]

Posted in init order
[U]Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Trinham         15  [COLOR=Lime]21[/COLOR]  l.sword/none
Cedric          [COLOR=royalblue]17[/COLOR]   9  c.bow&dagger/[I][COLOR=royalblue]mage armor-ends round 600[/COLOR][/I]
Aver            [COLOR=Orange]18 [/COLOR]  [COLOR=Yellow]0[/COLOR]  dagger/[COLOR=lime][I][COLOR=Orange]totalDef[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR]
Ernestine       13   6  c.bow/none
Zombie(x2)      11  16  none/none
[COLOR=YellowGreen]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=YellowGreen]14[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Red]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Red] 2[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Cyan]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Cyan]10[/COLOR]  none/none
Tira            18  [COLOR=Orange][COLOR=Lime]-4[/COLOR] [/COLOR] s.sword/none
Zombie(x2)      11  16  none/in grease
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=DarkOrchid]14[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=SeaGreen]13[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Orange]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Orange]11[/COLOR]  none/none
Malaroc         17  16  d.gauntlets/[I][COLOR=olive]aura-energy[/COLOR][/I]
Round three:
Cedric miss Far -1hp to zombie
Aver totalD
Ernestine miscast
Tira hits
Malaroc misses
Trinham refocus (I know it isn't necessary as you go last but wanted to end the round. Will give you a +1 insight bonus to hit and damage on next attack this combat. Does not have to be used immediately.)

Roll Lookup - Malaroc's attacks all misses (sorry)
Roll Lookup - Tira attacks zombie dead
Roll Lookup - zombies attacks [/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!

l lAlBlClDlElFLGlHlIlJlKlLlMlNlOlPlQlRlSlTlUlVlWlXlYlZl1l2l3l4l5l6l7l8l0lal
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l?l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
l!l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l


l l = impassable
l l = open, explored
l l = grease effect

M = Malaroc
T = Trinham
C = Cedric
A = Aver
E = Ernestine
t = Tira
Z = Zombie
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First Post
Although Trinham initially intended to avoid melee, now that he is fully engaged, he decides to keep fighting and reserve his spells until the situation becomes desperate.

Remembering one of Martomum's lessons, Trinham moves into a position where is is flanking his zombie with Cedric. While attempting to hit the zombie he say "Cedric. If we co-ordinate our attacks we can finish off this zombie, then start of the other." This time his aim is better and he manages to hack off a piece of rotten flesh.

[sblock=Actions]5' step to U15.
Flanking attack, damage on zombie at T15. (1d20+6=23, 1d8+1=6)[/sblock][sblock=Statblock]Defence: AC 15, HP 21/23

Crossbow, Light +5 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +5 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +4 1d8+1 19-20/x2

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

Crossbow Bolts: 30, 29, 28, ??

[b]Active Spells:[/b]
[i]Spell            Rounds Remaining[/i]

[sblock="Spell List"]Sorcerer Level 0 Spells: Daze, Detect magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand.
Sorcerer Level 1 Spells: Color Spray, Grease, Magic Missile
Sorcerer level 2 Spells: Protection from Arrows
[/sblock][sblock="Spells Per Day"]0 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
1 Level: (X) (X) (_) (_) (_) (_)
2 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_)[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Not waiting to be asked twice, Cedric complies and keeps hacking at the zombie. He sternly commands Far to do the same. As the situation turns desperate, he starts looking around for opportuninites to apply his magic, and like pieces of a puzzle falling into place, an idea forms.

"Mal, you can't take on four of them alone! Move out of the way and I'll blast that little group you're wrestling with!"

[sblock=Actions]Standard: attack zombie (flanking with Trinham)
Far: attack same zombie (also flanking with Trinham)[/sblock][sblock=stat block]HP: 9/9
AC: 17

Dagger drawn

Fort +3, ref +3, will +2

Lvl 0 spells:
Detect magic

Lvl 1 spells:
Magic weapon
Magic missile
Burning hands

Active spells:
Mage armor[/sblock]
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First Post
Well this is great Ernestine thought to herself. Out of summoning spells, and now these...things... were closing in fast on her. Taking a careful step backwards, she readies her guard for the remainder of the group to come closer. Please dont hit me please dont hit me...

5' Step to Q5
Total Defense


Thy wounds are healed!
Round 4

The battle continues to look poorly for the outnumbered group. Cedric and Trinham slash away at the zombie between them, but it doesn't fall. In fact it lashes out with a meaty fist and slams Trinham along the side of the face. After Trinham stops seeing stars in front of him he notices the acid that burns at the zombie's exposed flesh, it's reward for harming the sorcerer so near to Malaroc.

Aver drops to the floor and wishes he had the strength to help, but for now the best thing he can think to do is stay out of the way. As Tira battle's above him she notices the zombies who were stuck in the grease finally get their broken legs under them and start forward once again. She swings hard hacking into another of the zombies and then deftly dodges out of the way as she moves away. "Sorcerer!" she calls to Trinham. "Your spell put more grease there!" She yells pointing to the spot she just stepped away from with a gore covered blade.

Ernestine looks over and sees an advancing zombie. She tries to deflect it's stump of an arm as it swings at her. But a piece of protruding bone slams into her side and she let's out a stifled scream.

"Mal, you can't take on four of them alone! Move out of the way and I'll blast that little group you're wrestling with!" Cedric yells as a zombie's blow is deflected by his mage armor. "Close! close! close!" squawks Far as it pecks at the monster.

Malaroc hear's the wizard but doesn't understand exactly what it is he wants him to do. He starts to call back and the momentary glance over, gives two zombies an opening. The first strikes hard and takes the returning magical acid without slowing it's attempts to kill the Dragon Shaman. The other already ravaged by the dogs summoned early collapses into a fizzing heap of flesh and bone.

Posted in init order
[U]Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Trinham         15  [COLOR=Lime]14[/COLOR]  l.sword/none
Cedric          [COLOR=royalblue]17[/COLOR]   9  c.bow&dagger/[I][COLOR=royalblue]mage armor-ends round 600[/COLOR][/I]
Aver            [COLOR=Orange]10  [/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]0[/COLOR]  dagger/[COLOR=lime][I][COLOR=Orange]prone[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR]
Ernestine       [COLOR=Orange]17[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Yellow]1[/COLOR]  c.bow/[I][COLOR=Orange]totalD[/COLOR][/I]
Zombie          11  16  none/none
[COLOR=YellowGreen]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=YellowGreen] 4[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Red] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]14[/COLOR][/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Cyan]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Cyan]10[/COLOR]  none/none
Tira            18  [COLOR=Orange][COLOR=Lime]+4[/COLOR] [/COLOR] s.sword/none
Zombie(x2)      11  16  none/one in grease
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=DarkOrchid]10[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=SeaGreen]13[/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Orange]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Orange] 9[/COLOR]  none/none
Malaroc         17  [COLOR=Olive] 9[/COLOR]  d.gauntlets/[I][COLOR=olive]aura-energy[/COLOR][/I][COLOR=DarkOrchid];delay[/COLOR]
Round four:
Cedric hit Far - miss
Aver totalD/prone
Ernestine totalD
Tira hit
Malaroc delay
Trinham - hit
Zombie attacks - http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2831476/
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Voidrunner's Codex

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