• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


First Post
"GET EM BOY!" woof!

The dog stands up and makes a bee line straight for Desnor, growling slightly as he starts running up to bite him in the leg. Right when the dog appears to bite down, Ernestine shots out "That creature which is by our enemy will change with that which our enemies hates!"

The dog bites down into thin air, as he and Mal suddenly transpose each other, with Mal now in front of the evil cleric!

Dog Move Action: Stand Up
Dog Standard: move adjacent to Desnor: 4 squares NW, which is 35. He is a small creature should that matter when squeezing though the trees.

If the dog gets withing 5' of Desnor: Benign Transposition on Mal and the dog, swapping there positions suddenly. This can be resisted on Mal's part, should he want to.


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Thy wounds are healed!
Desnor watches the celestial dog charge forward. He smirks as he knows that the beast will not last very long, he almost laughs at the...

The celestial dog shimmers and then fades away. In it's place stands Malaroc poised ready to attack.

"But how? You shouldn't be able to do that you treacherous witch!"
Desnor screams as he tries to defend himself from the coming onslaught.

Jareth moves into the trees taking out the zombie easily as he moves. Tira pouts for a moment then says, "Ok if you say so." and starts to move quickly towards the only bowman she can reach.

Seeing the sword wielding half-elf running at him the thug on the ground drops his crossbow and draws his blade. He swings as soon as Tira gets to close. She deflects the attack with her sword and crouches low ready to counter attack.

The thugs in the trees point there crossbows down to try and kill Malaroc before he can kill Desnor. The bolts fly off target due to the branches in their way.

Meanwhile Cedric fires his last bolt. Aver too is running low on arrows, but he really wants to be able to say he hit someone. Both attacks miss and Cedric looks down at the celestial dog near him and says, "Well boy guess it's up to the others."

Posted in INIT Order

Character    AC   HP   InHand/Condition
Ernestine    [COLOR=PaleGreen]17[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    3[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=PaleGreen]prone[/COLOR][/I]
C. Dog       [COLOR=White]15[/COLOR]    8   none/none
Aver         [COLOR=YellowGreen]18[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    7[/COLOR]   s.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I]
Ced[COLOR=White]ric       17    [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]2[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]mage armor[/COLOR][/I]
Tira         18   ??   s.sword/none
Jar[COLOR=White]eth       18   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]18[/COLOR]   spikedchain/[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(60)[/COLOR][/I]
M[COLOR=White]alaroc      17   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]10[/COLOR]   d.gauntlets/[I][COLOR=Olive]aura-healing1[/COLOR][/I];[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(45)[/COLOR][/I]
Thugs(2)     [COLOR=YellowGreen]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]8[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](in trees)
Thug         [COLOR=YellowGreen]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]7[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](on ground)
[COLOR=White]Trinham      15   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]24[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(35)[/COLOR][/I]
Desnor       [COLOR=RoyalBlue]26[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]   14[/COLOR]   none/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I];[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]totalD[/I][/COLOR]
Round 9:
Ernestine - cast benign transportation
C.Dog - stand, move
Aver - attack (miss)
Malaroc - none yet
Cedric - att thug (miss)
Tira - double move
Jareth - spring attack
Thugs(3) - 2 att Mal - 1 att Tira (all misses)
Trinham - none yet
Desnor - none yet
Zombie - dead[/sblock]
[sblock=Note] Jareth and Ern were both out of range to gain the +1 hp from the dragon shaman aura. [/sblock]

OCC: Malaroc and Trinham are up.


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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Mal watches the celestial dog bound towards the caster, knowing it would not have a chance. Then, as the dog prepares to bite the foe, Mal can feel his body being pulled towards the fray, as he suddenly finds himself in front of Desnor. (From the posting, the dog would have made it one more square NW, so that I would be in melee with Desnor. If possible, I will take that into account.)

The pit of his stomach churns, as he holds out his hand, warding Desnor away and moving a little north. "That little trick with the dog has my stomach churning.... I think I am going to..."

A stream of acidic bile streams forth from the dragon shaman at the unsuspecting Desnor and past to the thug that Tira is fighting. The vomit is more than Mal had considered possible, as it streams at an unbelievable force. Somewhat like their foe Haden's. The acidic sizzle is unmistakable though, as the newfound ability puts Mal a little more at ease.

[sblock=Actions]Mal will move to the square NE of Desnor, and then breath weapon in a line from Desnor to the thug Tira is fighting. DC 13 Reflex save for 1/2 dmg[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing that the fight is winding down and that Desnor is about to get is comeuppance, Trinham moves closer to the battle. Trusting that Mal can finish Desnor off, he fires at one of the treed thugs.

[sblock=Actions]30' move to north of lake.
Shot thug with crossbow.[/sblock]


First Post
The dog looks up at Cedric, a look of utter confusion on its face. He whimpers a little bit before slowly fading away.

Ernestine laughs at Desnor's claim "You think I would not have come prepared to finish you Desnor?! Your claim is as outlandish as the creatures I summon!."


Thy wounds are healed!
The acid stream that pours out of Malaroc is barely dodged by Desnor and the thug. They managed to get away from the brunt of the foul smelling bile, but still take burns to their arms legs and chest.

Desnor weakened and nearly dead starts to act like a mad man. "No, No, NO! You will not defeat us we serve the great wyrm Vester! He will see you crushed like maggots. Yes, yes, YES! We will take you alive to Vester so he may personally kill you."

{{ Sev'lah da Roe-cha }}
The cleric starts to intone in the language of magic.

[sblock=OOC] Really hate to do this but I wish for FtF to roll his AoO as the mad man starts to cast. It will also put his characters fate in his own hands as the spell coming up might hurt. Malaroc is only at 10 hp - (minimum for spell if it hits will be 8).

So [MENTION=17100]Fangor the Fierce[/MENTION] please make your own AoO (Desnor Currently AC 18 - 9 HP). I will give you till Sat night (my time) then I will roll - But I hope RL gives you the chance to roll your self. [/sblock]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Hearing the words start to spill forth, Mal does what anyone else would do; strike before the caster can complete his spell. Hoping beyond all hope that his luck has not run out, Mal's spiked gauntlet flashes out with a single strike, aimed at the throat of the caster. Perhaps he could at least prevent the spell from being cast, if he could not kill the man outright.

The copper flash as the strike hits home brings a grin to Mal's face, as he adds, "Not so fast with that forked tongue..."


Thy wounds are healed!
Desnor takes the blow from the dragon gauntlet and staggers a bit. He focus trying to finish the spell but with his wind knocked from him he can not complete the incantation and the spell is wasted.

Posted in INIT Order

Character    AC   HP   InHand/Condition
Ernestine    [COLOR=PaleGreen]17[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    3[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=PaleGreen]prone[/COLOR][/I]
C. Dog       [COLOR=White]15[/COLOR]    8   none/none
Aver         [COLOR=YellowGreen]18[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    7[/COLOR]   s.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I]
Ced[COLOR=White]ric       17    [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]2[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]mage armor[/COLOR][/I]
Tira         18   ??   s.sword/none
Jar[COLOR=White]eth       18   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]18[/COLOR]   spikedchain/[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(60)[/COLOR][/I]
M[COLOR=White]alaroc      17   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]10[/COLOR]   d.gauntlets/[I][COLOR=Olive]aura-healing1[/COLOR][/I];[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(45)[/COLOR][/I]
Thugs        [COLOR=YellowGreen]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    8[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](in trees)
Thugs        [COLOR=YellowGreen]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    4[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](in trees)
Thug         [COLOR=YellowGreen]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]    2[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](on ground)
[COLOR=White]Trinham      15   [/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]24[/COLOR]   c.bow/[I][COLOR=Plum]pro.arrows(35)[/COLOR][/I]
Desnor       18[COLOR=Yellow]    2[/COLOR]   none/[I][COLOR=YellowGreen]cover[/COLOR][/I](relative to who is attacking)
Round 9:
Ernestine - cast benign transportation
C.Dog - stand, move
Aver - attack (miss)
Malaroc - breath weapon (dmg: 5 -both made saves, go figure)
Cedric - att thug (miss)
Tira - double move
Jareth - spring attack
Thugs(3) - 2 att Mal - 1 att Tira (all misses)
Trinham - move, attack (hit, dmg4)
Desnor - cast inflict serious wounds rolling concentration check

OCC: Top of the 11th


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First Post
Hoping to finish one of the thugs, Ern takes aim, and quickly fires at one of the guards in the trees.

With a grunt of frustration, she quickly reloads the crossbow, as the shot goes into a trunk a few feet infront of her target.


Thy wounds are healed!
"What are you doing up there fighting a dragon?" Aver says not really sure where that last blast of acid breath came from. He takes aim watching the woods ready for anything.

As the dog fades away Cedric starts in surprise. He moves over to retrieve some of the bolts lying in the dirt around the dead thug nearby. "I'm back in the fight."

Tira swings at the thug as he groans from the acid that caught him across his side. She deftly sends her short thin bladed sword through the man and pulls it out with a flourish. At first wide eyed by the strike the human's eyes close as he falls to the ground bleeding.

OCC: Jareth and Malaroc are up.
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