• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


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At Trinham's voiced concern, Jareth grumbles, "And I'm betting no one knows a strength-enhancing spell..." The young man shoots a look at Tira and Ernestine as they hiss at each other like two cats. Looking at his half-sister, Jareth plainly says "Don't take any risks up here."

The young man sets his pack on the balcony. "And I think you'll have to take a couple of extra trips up here for our gear, Mal. As for carrying Trinham... At least letting him down is easier than trying to pull him up. Just go slowly when you take him... Don't need either of you falling off this wall."

When it's his turn to go down, Jareth hangs on tight... He remembers his last climb underground and how unpleasant it was. At least I'm not wrenching my arm out of its socket trying to get free. When Mal gives the signal to go down the rope, Jareth calmly (albeit carefully) makes his way down. Hands on the rope, feet finding secure spots to rest and slowly letting himself down with small steps. Like I said... Going down is easier than up.

When Jareth reaches the bottom, body still somewhat tense, he pulls his chain free again. His eyes scan through the lingering light in the cavern, watching for anything moving and hoping nothing does. The chain-wielder stays on guard, though he steps a little away from the wall.

I have survived the weekend! And trust me, survived is the term for it...

Anyway, concerning Trinham's difficulty, you can actually manage up to double your maximum weight, though it is awkward. I found this on the subject: "A character can lift as much as double his or her maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action). "

It might give Mal a hernia, but it's worth a shot! ;)

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Fangor the Fierce

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"Er Mal." Trinham says "I'm very well built. Are you sure can manage me? Perhaps if I remove my gear and armor." Trinham then starts divesting himself of his equipment and unbuckling his armour.

"Best get your gear off and ready. You'll go last, and hopefully the others will soften the blow of your fall if it comes to that. At least you won't die when you hit the ground, as I should be able to prevent that at least with my healing aura..."

Mal turns his back to Trinham, grinning but not showing him that he had faith in his abilities. The first three were already down, and soon he would be carrying the gear down. When he returned to the ledge, with Tira and Trinham left, he prepares for the last two lifts. Getting Tira ready, he turns to Trinham. "Maybe your cat can hop a ride with us as well, as I don't think it would like the thought of being squished under your weight when you hit the bottom."


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As Mal prepares to take Tira down Trinham turns to Moggins and says out loud, so the others can understand, "Moggins. You go down with Tira and wait for me at the bottom." making sure that the cat understands its an order and not a request. After it sneaked off when it saw the bodies, he is taking no chances.

As Mal leaves with Tira and Moggins, Trinham looks around nervously, feeling very vulnerable without his armour and weapons. When Mal returns he says to him "Mal take the equipment next. At least I stand a chance of protecting myself with my magic and I don't want to leave the equipment unattended."

With everyone else and all the equipment safely down, its finally Trinham's turn, He looks even more nervous than when he was left alone. Looking down he says "Are you sure you can manage my weight. It looks a long way down and the floor looks every hard." Grabbing hold of Mal, Trinham will hang on to Mal tightly, as the pair make their way to down the cliff. Although not without a couple of tense moments, where Mal is obviously having problems with Trinham's weight, they finally make it to the rope, Here thing go a more easily. Trinham is stronger then he looks and easily climbs down the rest of the way.

Arriving at the bottom, Trinham breaths a say of relief as he careful dons his armour. "See Moggins. Its not too bad down here." he says, in what could be his famous last words.
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Thy wounds are healed!
The group makes the descent without trouble it just takes a little time. But thoughts of lunch go straight out the window in the room full of dead and decaying bodies. So they set to hurriedly searching the room.

Ernestine points to the only other exit and says, "That's where I came into this room at. So that should lead back to the room where we fought the zombies. They rose up from over there." she then points to a spot clear of bodies near the northwest corner of the chamber.

[sblock=OOC] Search checks and or other general activities please.[/sblock]

Aldern Foxglove

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Bringing his cloak up and wrapping it around his face Aver moves forward carefully searching the room, and the bodies - seeking both the cause of their deaths and any valuables they might be unburdened of.

While the others are still climbing down he does his standard three sweeps, his stomach churning, but greed and curiosity overruling unruly biology.
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Trinham is last down and by the time he has donned his armour the others are all busy searching the room. Keeping in mind that they are looking for a big chest, he ignores the bodies and, aided by Moggins, starts searching the wall they have just climbed down.

Fangor the Fierce

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The grueling task of bring the group down was almost too much to bear, as the heaviest one was saved for last. Thinking on it, Mal wonders just how much weight the caster could lose, if meals were cut back a little more for him on a longer basis. Perhaps it would do the man good to lose a few more pounds.

'I guess I'll just have to help him out...' he thinks to himself, a mischievousness taking over him. It would appear that 'Emma' was rubbing off on him. Were these new powers also tampering with his mentality? What else was in store for...

The stomach pain returns, as his thoughts race. Looking around, the pain ceases, and he takes in the brutality of where they are. Hopefully they could find what they were looking for and get out of here to save Tharivol. Otherwise, this would look like another waste of precious time.

He looks around, trying to search for anything that would tell of this battle and where something like a chest would be hidden.


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Jareth begins a careful look around, though he doesn't do any thorough searching of the bodies. Truthfully, he avoids looking at the various rotting corpses. The smell doesn't do much to help his attempts to ignore all the dead around him...

He starts to go towards the northwest corner of the room, wanting to see if there are more walking dead. Over his shoulder, he says, "Any guesses as to secret doors or the like?"

Jareth is just staying on-guard, really. Not particularly cut out for thorough, patient searching. ;)


Thy wounds are healed!
The searching goes on for close to an hour before Aver notices something along the back northwest wall.

Calling everyone over you all see the same type of drawbridge like door slightly cracked open. Nothing can be seen on the other side as the door is still not opened far enough.

[sblock=OOC] Had to reward that great roll, with an easy find. :p[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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