• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


Thy wounds are healed!
Ready to brave the elven woods the party exits the cave in the early morning as the sun makes the sky pale but has yet to rise over the horizon itself. The call of morning birds is heavy as you enter the thick underbrush of the forest. Their calls the only thing to be heard as the group quietly makes it's way single file following Tira.

"I gotta piss," Aver says breaking the silence of the group. "I'll be quick keep going I'll catch up."

"Aver no,"
Tira hisses. But the elf has used his magical boots to get way out of sight behind the dense bushes and trees.

"Let's just go he can stay behind for all I care," Malaroc says in disgust.

"Aver's an elf he hasn't anything to fear in here. We need to get to the city and see an elder before any Wardens find us." Jareth states to Tira.

"Ok, then. He should be able to find the trail and catch up with those boots." Tira whispers

The group continues on slowly until they find a game trail. They follow this only a short way though as Tira once again takes them into the thick forest. "We need to break up are trail in case we are spotted and followed. Hope it works."

Continuing like this for a few hours the group stops for a quick rest and to see what is keeping Aver. The elf joins up about twenty minutes later, walking as if he is out for an evening stroll. "What?" he asks at the looks he gets.

"Come on and try to be quiet." Tira says. The group follows and tries to be as quiet as they can.

[sblock=OOC] Ok now is the time to play...

<Announcer voice>
"Roll your Fate" [echo] fate fate fate [/echo]

Everyone please roll two move silently checks and post up your success/failure as appropriate. You can use whatever spells, items, or whatever you might have to help.

The first check is for first third of the day. And the second is for the second third.

Now this will not be a one guy rolls a one than "BOOM" monsters come. This is a group vs. the world type thing. If the group out scores the world then they have silently made their way through 2/3 of the forest.

If they failed somewhere along the way then we will deal with that as we get to it.

Note: NPCs only roll in the case of a tie.

OH and healing is 1HP/LvL after eight hours rest/sleep. The group could have waited/rested an extra day in the cave. [/sblock]

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Trinham, Moggins firmly ensconced on his backpack, follows along at the rear of the party. trying to make sure that no-one creeps up on them, while at the same time trying to move quietly himself.


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Jareth tries to be stealthy, he really does… But he’s not trained in such matters and his armor isn’t exactly the quietest thing to wear, being composed of chain links.

He stumbles several times early in the day, hitting roots and breaking fallen twigs, muffled cursing accompanying the sounds. Later on, though, he finally gets the hang of moving through the forest without making much noise.
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First Post
Ern has had experience staying quiet before with Haden. However, being unfamiliar with these woods did not help her. Late afternoon she got smacked in the face by a branch she did not see, and she swore loudly in common. She quickly covered her mouth, but the deed was done.
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Thy wounds are healed!
The group winds it's way through the forest quickly and quietly. At the home strecth Tira stops and gathers everyone in close to decide what to do when they reach the city.

"Look," she says pointing through the brush. The group can see the elven city from the hill they just got done climbing.

"We're going to make it! We should head to an elder as quickly as possible and tell them about everything. I just don't know which one."

"Still have to get through this last mile or two,"
Aver says disgruntled. "Not likely we will be attacked this close to the city. But they may throw us in a tower and forget us. And then we would die of boredom."

[sblock=OOC] Sorry tired long day. Comments for moving the last couple miles? You can see the city (some random pic I found that I thought was fitting, btw) from where you are and I need to know what you will do once you reach it. Continue to use stealth till you find an elders house or just walk the streets and let the elves find you. [/sblock]


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Trinham may not know much about strategy but he has always been good at handling people. So he says in a very diffident tone "I know nothing about the elves so can't tell you where to go or who to see. However, I believe it would go a lot worse for us if we are caught sneaking about. I think we should walk straight in without trying to hide."


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Ern nods and says "Put our hands in the air and stall till someone high on the food chain works for me. Let us see here, I studied some of the elven houses long ago. Let me think for a second...Nope got nothing."

OCC: Know Nobility for Elders who might acutely listen instead of kill us on sight,
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First Post
Jareth shoots another glare at Aver as the elf opens his mouth to again (surprise, surprise) complain and just be gloomy. Turning back to his actually-helpful allies, he nods. "I agree, we should go in openly. The less subterfuge we seem to attempt, the better. We don't want to make them any angrier than they will already be. If I did not think we would need you to help us convince the guards to not shoot us, Tira, I'd ask you to go ahead and find one of the elders who might be more inclined to listen. Perhaps if Aver can get over his complaint-ridden soul for a few minutes, he might be able to do that instead," is his addition to the plans.

Guessing Aver will immediately react with knee-jerk cowardice, he adds a bit louder and a bit more pointed in tone, "It would keep you farther from the arrows. We already know you're allergic."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Yes they are bad for your health you know," Aver says with a small grin. "Right then I'll go get Elder Dorimir, he is best known to me. Tira take the others to the old Smi'licar Palace. It is long abandoned and still in good shape and near the edge of town to boot."

"Hmm... a good spot to wait as any I can think of."
Tira says after a moments thought. "Hurry then Aver we have time but the sooner the better."

Aver nods and heads into a trot his new cursed boots giving him some added speed still. "Come on everyone," Tira says to the group leading them off towards another part of town.

The group doesn't see where the forest ends and the city of Tirol begins as it seems to be a natural progression as they move. First one building than another appears through the trees as they move through paths that become more and more worked in stones here and there. Most human cities start at a wall but for the elves it seems none are needed as no one has ever made it through the forest to reach the city, till now.

As they move through the city they aren't the only ones about. They see elves traveling singly or together and most seem to be simple regular elven folk and not the warriors of the city guard or Warden's of the forest. The elves greet the group with a wave if they are spotted at a distance and their features none to apparent. But for those that get a closer look at to whom they are waving at the group sees looks of confusion then fear as they hurry along or into the nearest building.

Though they must know there are humans in the city they don't act on it and cower and flee instead. When someone asks Tira she says solemnly "The Nandirly truly live a life of seclusion, and only know of humans what they hear in monster stories. It is things used to keep children in line or to scare your friends around the fire."

The young half-elf is silent as she finishes taking the group to the old Smi'licar Palace. A large domed building that has seen better days but it mostly whole. "I do hope Aver hurries. I'm sure it won't be long before one elf grows brave enough to find a Warden to tell."

But Aver does not hurry and it is soon a half an hour before dusk with no sign of the elf.


First Post
Jareth grows more and more impatient as the day wears on in this secluded place. "The damned fool probably decided to stop in a tavern and spend a few of his ill-gotten coins. I'd almost be willing to lay money on him being drunk and passed out right now, were I a gambler. I don't think we should wait for him any longer... But who to seek?" Jareth grinds his right hand into his left palm in frustration.

His hands drop away from each other as a new idea surfaces. "Tira, what about your mother?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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