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the Kyri Chronicles - last updated 22 Oct

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
As Trajan and Anne Marie enter the temple sanctuary four Jazumai rise on each of the balconies and start firing their shortbows at the heretical interlopers. One rank fires at Trajan and one rank fires at Anne-Marie, who takes a couple of very nasty hits.

As Trajan starts to push his way through the innocent worshippers Jazil summons down a flamestrike which singes him and cremates four of the tanners near him. Taran is still hidden in the crowd and quietly uses a small blowpipe to fire a dart poisoned with Blue Whinnis at the priest, but although it penetrates his enchanted armour he is able to shrug off the effects of the venom.

Trajan manages to make his way through the now panicking crowd and up to the stage with the evil Jazil who is happy to reveal that his holy water sprinkler does fine double duty as a Morningstar as he grows to 12ft tall and his torso is surrounded by flickering yellow chaotic energy.

Anne-Marie vaults up to the balcony nearest to her and starts attempting to duel with the Jazumai up there, but the damned archer specialists keep stepping back and unleashing a fusillade of arrows at her – she is able to deflect one or two but takes some more nasty wounds before taking two of them down (then she has to dive back off the balcony to avoid death at their hands).

The Jazil has summoned the righteous might of Asura to himself, and surrounded by Dispel Law attempts to swap full attacks with Trajan, trusting in his magical buffs to pull him through. He trusted wrongly, and Trajan’s scimitar bites deeply again and again

Meanwhile Taran is taking out the other acolytes and M’ir is using his Mass Concussion dorje to good effect at the Jazumai on the other balcony who are still raining arrows down around him and Trajan.

Tania decides to do something useful and unleashes a fireball upon the balcony – failing to consider the potential for collateral damage. True, the four Jazumai on the balcony go down, but so do most of the innocent worshippers in the temple who were struggling to leave or milling around in the confusion.

Jazil is beheaded by a mighty critical hit from Trajan, who then runs towards one of the side exits from the sanctuary while the others stare at the devastation wrought by Tania amongst the innocents.

Bursting through the door Trajan sees the two surviving Jazumai from Anne-Maries balcony running down the stairs, scimitars to hand.

“In Asura’s name, hold!” Trajan calls out to them “I mean you no harm”

The foremost one holds his head up proudly “You may attempt to kill us all, heretic, but others will come. You shall not corrupt this place unless it is over our dead bodies”

Trajan raises his eyebrows. “You’ve got it wrong… THAT guy was the one /corrupting/ the temple… I’m here to rescue it. He’s sold you down the river and attempted to get honourable men such as yourself to do the dirty work for him and his masters”

“If I was an evil heretic would I tell you to heal your wounded and leave with my blessing? I do such right now and I will happily call upon Asura to heal you too”

The Jazumai are given pause. This isn’t the way that the dangerous heretic they have been hunting is supposed to be acting. They are good at sensing motives and this young Southlander before them is on the up and up.

“We accept your offer of healing, and your offer of peace. We will take a report back to Jannek, the leader of the inquisitions in the Southlands”

(While this is going on Tania has made her way up to the balcony with the Jazumai she had taken out with the fireball. Finding all four of them stabilised but near death she secretly slits the throats of each of them. She brings back a report that “they were all killed by the fireball” and nobody double checks her perfidy.)

The two Jazumai take their mounts and ride off into the night. The party start a quick search of the premises and Jazil’s quarters – finding one thing of particular interest, a document, possibly a treaty, between the Black Circle and the Queen Below.

Less than twenty minutes have passed since the assault on the temple started, and they fade back into the night; clean up; and return to their taverns. Mission accomplished?

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Top tip - if you subscribe to this thread on a "weekly notification" basis, you still get emails when I update - You know it makes sense!

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
And to prove that I'm really getting on top of the updates again - three in three weeks...


The company are up early next morning. Trajan is carefully writing a note to Warlord Astimon outlining the circumstances surrounding Rastor, Morannon and the temple of elemental evil. The others are enjoying their breakfast when the doors slam open.

Don Cullon, the head of the Artisans Fist storms into the room with two of his men. His face is red and he is clearly furious.

“You bastards” he hisses “two dozen citizens were murdered in the temple last night. Murdered”

There isn’tmuch the adventurers can say – few of the tanners and foundrymen got out alive last night, and they know that most of them were killed by Tania’s fireball.

“By rights I should hit you for the weregild to support their families and children, and to support the essential town services which will start making this town stink if replacements can’t be found”

“By rights I should raise the standard of your infamy across the nations of Caran so that all people will know of your foul deeds this night. But…”

They wait. Trajan and Anne-Marie are feeling uneasy.

“But… I’m prepared to be lenient – if you help me out with an issue which I have”

They lean forward, listening carefully.

“In recent months the increasing efficiency and do-gooding of the councillors has been causing certain problems. They are neither supplying nor collecting graft any more and they have become much more efficient and less… malleable than before. I don’t know why this should be. I want to know why”

He’s regaining his composure. Cullon continues “Go to a commercial party next week, attended by the councillors and the local nobility. Find out what is up with the councillors and who is leaning on them. And don’t kill anyone or else I’ll be taking a contract out with the Guild of Four with your names on it. Understand?”

Chastened, the party agrees. There are five days to go before the party next Waxday, so Anne-Marie goes to the Guild of Four and commissions a pair of gloves of severus, imbued with magic to make her just that little bit quicker. M’ir and the others gather information locally and discover that:

• the political situation has improved markedly over the last few months. The councillors are doing a much better job than they used to – they seem more inclined to work rather than doss around. At last they are earning their keep!
• The shopkeepers are concerned that the Artisans Fist is getting more unruly and rude, and some businessmen have even been threatened by them. Unheard of!
• Formal attempts at investigating the councillors by the Artisans Fist have come to nothing and a few of their men have, er, disappeared.
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Plane Sailing said:
Top tip - if you subscribe to this thread on a "weekly notification" basis, you still get emails when I update - You know it makes sense!

So weekly is turned on, but immediate is not? No matter, I check My Account and the subscribed threads daily, and see when my favorites have been updated.

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Graywolf-ELM said:
PS: take a look at the end of your post. You trailed off, and then repeated something.

Good catch; I write everything up in Word and then copy and paste into here - I'd deleted some note text but must have "revisions" turned on and MS Word (bless it) sometimes decides to copy deleted text for you 'just for completeness'.

I've edited it out now.



The dangers of willy-nilly fireball tossing come home to the party.
Thanks for the update,


PS. PS edited out of my above post, as if nothing was discovered. <Shakes fist at Microsoft in the general direction of Redmond Wa.>

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
The party is not a masked ball on this occasion, but a formal buffet and dance. The adventurers are now old hands at this kind of event and mingle freely with the guests for the most part (although M’ir holds himself distant from the revelry). Taran is, as always, a centre of attention and he is particularly quizzed by Baron Purry about a couple of issues – particularly the whereabouts of the sorcerer Dala and the female Mendonnan “assassin” who were partners of his during a previous visit. Purry is disappointed to learn of their deaths. Taran circulates amongst the assorted councillors who are present and gathers background information about many of them. Ambassador Sheen of Morannon takes pains to introduce himself to Tania, who is easily recognisable as one of the Black Wizards of Morannon by the intricate tattoo on her forehead.

Gradually the noise of conversation draws to a close and all eyes turn to the top table where Count Issel is making a toast to the continued commercial success of Bridlerest. He proclaims in ringing tones the achievements of the past year and looks forward with sparkling eyes and much more charisma than he has shown in the past to the new vistas opening up to local businesses.

All raise their glasses (a fine vintage champagne from the Sword Coast) and drink – and a bubbling scream comes from Count Issel, followed by terrified screaming from all those around him as his flesh bubbles and dissolves!

His body collapses in a matter of seconds into a steaming mound of raw flesh and pandemonium breaks out...

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I've just taken the opportunity to merge all four threads of the Kyri Chronicles into one (once upon a time we had to be careful to make sure threads didn't exceed a certain length - Piratecat neatly proves that we need no longer worry on that account).

So having said that, it made more sense from my point of view to bring everything together under one roof as it were.

I hope to get the next installment (a bigger one) ready this week.


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