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The Last Gods - In Game - The Candlelight Avengers


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Azrim shakes his head slighty and barely suppresses a sigh at Damiens suggestion to scout ahead on the narrow causeway It's pretty hard for someone to ambush us on a causeway, oh well at least we're moving I suppose

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The ground suddenly rumbles beneath your feet as everything lurches up and then falls back down. Hurled near the edge of the path, you can see the cause for the disturbance. What you thought was rocky ground is actually the skin of some enormous creature. The rumbling was the movement of its city-sized eye. Pupil dilating, the eye moves to focus on your party. Other than staring at you, however, the creature makes no overtly hostile moves.

Those attuned to magic suddenly feel a snap deep inside. A feeling of incredible sorrow and loss settles over you as realisation dawns, your magic is gone.

OOC: Access to all magic and psionics has been severed.


The man with the probe
Damien draws himself to a halt, looking at the eye, and then back at the party, then at the eye again. As it makes no overtly hostile move, he then continues on his way, though a bit weary of the creature.

OOC: Items and active spells down too I take it?


Lord Turin pats the brow of his mount, assuring it of its safety. "It doth seem that our path hath led us beyond the realm of any mortal."


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Wandering along in a world of his own Azrim is brought sharply back to reality when is magic is severed and the floors heaves, looking over the edge at the huge eyeball Azrim reaches up and begins to stroke his long flowing beard "Intriguing, perhaps the eye has a similar ability to the central eye of a beholder, either way I suggest we move along quickly and hope our magic returns once we're out of sight of it"

Azrim then commences advancing towards the mausoleum at a brisk pace


Kerin sinks to one knee, his hand clutching at his heart.

"Kord" he whispers sorrowfully. Never had he felt a loss like this. The spells were nothing compared to the loss of sense with Kord. He hadn't realized how closely he had felt the presence of his god. All these years it had built and built until it was a part of him as much as his heart. And now with that loss it felt as though his heart would burst.

Slowly, shaking tears from his eyes, he rises.

"Yes, let us pass this place and see if we can come to place where the light shines more wholesomely. Though I were to feast here, I should die soon without Kord."

And Kerin draws his large sword, giving it a swing, and shoots Damien a grim smile and a nod to proceed.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kori strangles a scream in her throat as her magic is ripped from her. Never had she been without the subtle currents of power that ran through all of nature, never had the power deserted her. Panic descended, and looking at Kerin, she saw the same sense of loss. Damien's comment penetrated her fear, and she grasped at it like drowning man at a branch. "Yes, that must be it, it must be..." she gasps, and skitters forward frantically.

Rystil Arden

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*Jharvym is overwhelmed with frustration and barely bridled rage as the energies howling within his psyche are let loose without the focus of his psionic power, fiery wisps let loose to gambol about his mind like a chaotic playground. Even with his own terrible sense of loss, he still finds Kerin's comment just a tad melodramatic.*


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Rage shoots through Athear very core, the connection he feels between the fire within and the spirit of the world torn away. He staggers half a step, takes a deep breath and unshoulders his bow. Clutching the bow tight enough to whiten all his knuckles Athear draws an arrow and continues forward noting the effect on his friends and silently vowing vengance on whoever has done this to them.

Rystil Arden

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*Jharvym grins slightly and looks to Athear.*

"What do you say you and I stab the damn thing's eye out? If it wouldn't probably get us all killed, I'd go try right now."

Voidrunner's Codex

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