First Post
Following the directions given to you by the student Geraal Wistroan, you make your way to the uppermost levels of the Menthis Plateau. In the center of the University District rises Dalannan Tower, home of Morgrave University. At the top of Dalannan Tower, the Great Hall of Aureon joins the five spires representing the Five Nations in proclaiming the reputed majesty of Morgrave University.
It is in one of the numerous rooms within the Great Hall that you will find a young woman, dressed in the omnipresent hat and cape of a Morgrave student. She politely requests your name and business with the Provtor of Thaumaturgical History, Altamaic the Younger.
[sblock=Rules of the Road]Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen!
I have a few simple rules (stolen from those far more experienced in PbP games than I!) that I request you follow.
1. Pick a color for your spoken words.
2. Italicize internal thoughts.
3. Put all OOC information behind an sblock.
4. Rolling will use Invisible Castle. Roll and I'll post results; don't wait for me to acknowledge that you want to roll. The worst case scenario would be that you rolled unneccessarily.
I am going to institute a two-day period to recruit players. If we reach five players before that time, I'll kick it off from there. Feel free to RP while we wait for people to show up!
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