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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle

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Durzo chuckles, "Yeah, more like fingering your bones."

He smiles in remembered experiences with Trixie and her lingering fingering. Shaking his head to focus on the matter at hand, his attention returns to hear what the bone witch has to say, as surely Helicrates wasn't making sexual euphemisms.


Durzo Stern CS


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"Oh good grief" mutters Ivy, glaring at Helicrates as he grabs her arm, "Been a while since you've been around a decent woman, soldier?"

Candour shuffles past Durzo, into her delapidated abode and faces Ivy. Her withered features betray no amusement in the circumstances. Again her empty sockets seem to sweep across all the occupants with an icy gaze.

"This creature" she rasps, "Must die"

The witch extends a skeletal hand towards Ivy, who leans back slightly despite looking unperturbed. Virulent power swirls around the witch's hand, the air in the room acquires a sudden sickly taste.

OOC: At this point, I'd like reflex saves from you all please!

[sblock=Teth]As you sense the witch's power pouring forth, another warren opens close to you all. [/sblock][sblock=Teth]Make a quick Knowledge (Warrens) roll after your reflex to identify it[/sblock]

A gust of wind sweeps through the hit, carrying with it a strange sickly sweet scent. Followed by a strangely echoing boom as the wind strengthens and throws table and chairs around the room. It appears to have come from the wall directly behind you.

Walking Dad

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Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +6, Will +11; Defense +4)

Teth tries to avoid the upcoming danger and to identify it.


Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)[/sblock]


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Helicrates and Durzo find themselves thrown roughly aside and buffeted by strong winds, carrying with it that strange sickly scent.

Ivy uses the moment to wrench her arm free from Helicrates' grasp as he is shoved aside, muttering an expletive at the warrior as she does.

Candour is thrown forward, stretching out her arms, her deathly sorcery curling up and around her bony arms.

Teth remains standing, leaning on the nearby doorframe for support, and turns to look at the source of the sudden gale.
The back wall of the hovel is not there.
Instead of the wall there is a strange wavering in the air, as though smoky glass were hovering in the air. Behind it lies a thick forest, the air pouring through is humid and carries the sickly stench of decay.

Standing in the room is a short but skinny man with a shaved head, dressed in coarse brown robes and nervously running a slender hand over his shaved pate. A strange spidery tattoo can be seen across his tanned face.

"Dammit to Hood Rend! Took you long enough!" snaps Ivy as she vaults over the table and the fallen witch, towards the harried man.

"Sorry Ivy...got a bit waylaid..." replies the man, whom Ivy called Rend.

Rend quickly steps into the wavering air behind him and appears on the other side of the apparition, some distance off amongst the strange thick trees.

Ivy is making her way towards the portal as well.

[sblock=Teth]The other warren appears to belong to D'rek, the goddess of decay - often known as the Worm of Autumn - her aspect is that of the cycle of decay between life and death. Quite what one of her practitioners is doing in Candour's house right now, appearing to help this strange woman, is beyond you at the moment...[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: In a manner of speaking - Warren travel is sort of like stepping into another realm where distances there are different, so you can travel somewhere more quickly by warren. Essentially someone has opened a gateway into D'rek's Warren right behind you - this chap Rend has stepped through and now Ivy is making a dash for it as well.

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