• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The New D&D Adventure Is - Tomb of Annihilation!

Tomb of Annihilation is in the Forgotten Realms set in the Lost Continent of Chult - Away from the Sword Coast (the hosts of the live stream are very interested with undead dinosaurs). Acererak is, as many predicted, the source of this plotline as the Archlich is more or less "eating" resurrection magic from the rest of the Forgotten Realms and causing a zombie apocalypse. Pendleton Ward from Adventure Time is a creative consultant on this adventure.

Tomb of Annihilation is in the Forgotten Realms set in the Lost Continent of Chult - Away from the Sword Coast (the hosts of the live stream are very interested with undead dinosaurs). Acererak is, as many predicted, the source of this plotline as the Archlich is more or less "eating" resurrection magic from the rest of the Forgotten Realms and causing a zombie apocalypse. Pendleton Ward from Adventure Time is a creative consultant on this adventure.

More updates will be coming through the Dungeons & Dragons marathon live stream live on Twitch throughout the weekend.

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So by 1979 he'd been "writing about it for 20 years or so", even though he was born in 1959.

Actually, I think he was referring to the contract that they wrote when TSR bought the rights in 1987. If my recollection is correct, Ed said his first Realms story (about Mirt) was written c1969. So when they bought the rights in 1987 it had been "about 20 years or so." He had been publishing articles in Dragon magazine by that time for "about 10 years or so."

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