The OGL: Why is this really happening, and what to do now...


the question isn’t whether there is some logic to it, but whether it is legal, ethical and moral. Otherwise I might as well punch you in the face and take your wallet, my logic being that then I have more money

If you were a corporation (which I understand is a type of person) then that would be your purpose in life. Unfortunately you are a human (which I understand is the other type of person) and there are rules for you.

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I don't think it is all about greed. I don't run a big company, but generating money you can invest again to gain more money is what companies keeps running. Fall under a certain treshold, and you need to stop investing. Which will often result in your company declining.

I don't think, WotC was close to that point and I think they did a bad move in bad faith and rightfully lost trust. But it is not unreasonal nor evil.
If all they did was produce more / better products that sell well, no one would have said anything… and if you have trouble seeing the difference between that and what WotC did, then I guess there is nothing to discuss

And if you do, then why even bring this up


good bad or indifferent that is not the metric they care about.
They don't care if another company ONLY make 5% of what they do... they care tht they COULD make more

it's not WotC vs Green ROnin and who ever makes more wins... it's WotC this year against WotC last year, and the only way to make more is to drive Green Ronin out and capture those sales


So can we stop pretending its anything but this?


If you were a corporation (which I understand is a type of person) then that would be your purpose in life. Unfortunately you are a human (which I understand is the other type of person) and there are rules for you.
my ‘purpose’ does not justify the means… that is true for an individual and a corporation (granted the latter have tilted the playing field quite a bit, but that is a separate topic)

If all they did was produce more / better products that sell well, no one would have said anything… and if you have trouble seeing the difference between that and what WotC did, then I guess there is nothing to discuss

And if you do, then why even bring this up
I have no trouble. I think you don´t have trouble. I think we have different opinions.

my patience is whatever it is, I am losing interest in this topic fast, basically out of it already. I have pretty much moved on at this point, if something of interest happens it will be more of a return ;)

Also, they are just wasting time to make this go away in the public eye. They know what we want, they just want to give in as little as possible

Maybe. Maybe not.


my ‘purpose’ does not justify the means… that is true for an individual and a corporation (granted the latter have tilted the playing field quite a bit, but that is a separate topic)
I should have put a smiley at the end of my post to indicate my lack of agreement with my own words. Apologies.

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