3.5 AND 5.1 SRD- Can you use both in a published RPG game?


With the recent decision by Hasbro to realease the 5e content SRD to Creative Commons (CC) I was wondering if you can use things like monster names, specifically, in a publihsed retro-clone RPG with 3.5 SRD rules set? My basic understanding is this, correct me if I am wrong but please explain it, that you can literally publish the whole SRD content. Break it down into a players guide, monster manual, and a rules book. Can add to it homebrew stuff and publish and sell it. As long as your avoiding the no no's of IP listed in the OGL which then refers to the SRD and of course put a whole page of legal blurb.

Now that they released the 5e SRD to CC the CC license allows for full use AND derivitive works on anything they have in CC which is the whole of the 5e SRD. Which would seem to say you could use a 5e class or monster name thats in the 5e SRD and put it in the mix of monsters in a 3.5 retro clone.

The 3.5 monster list that can be used is missing some rather major ones that are in the 5e SRD list. I know its not likely a lawyer is here to respond so I get that. Just want some input as to what I may be misreading if in fact its a misread. There are tons of articles and blogs on this but not many after the release of it all to CC for 5e. Thanks.

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The EN World kitten
Using the 3.5 SRD and the 5.1 SRD, both via the OGL, in the same product is relatively straightforward.

Using the 3.5 SRD via the OGL (the only way it's available) and the 5.1 SRD via Creative Commons in the same book...I'm relatively confident that it's possible, but I imagine that it would be quite tricky. At least unless you're very well versed in both licenses.


Using the 3.5 SRD and the 5.1 SRD, both via the OGL, in the same product is relatively straightforward.

Using the 3.5 SRD via the OGL (the only way it's available) and the 5.1 SRD via Creative Commons in the same book...I'm relatively confident that it's possible, but I imagine that it would be quite tricky. At least unless you're very well versed in both licenses.
It seems that with enough legal blurb pages it should work,lol. The plan is to use a speicifc font or a * or ** next to monster names that came from 3.5 or 5e SRD. Any homemade ones will get Italicized. That way in the legal part it can be directly attributed. I know etro-clones have basically reprinted whole or all the 3.5 SRD rules in varies books, I am hoping to do it in a more efficient manner and format plus a few adjustments to things we have homebrewed for 30 yrs and work well.


The CC license does not allow you to distribute things under a more restrictive license, and it doesn't like you to segment a work. Also, CC and the OGL require different methods to protect things like your trade dress. My suggestion is always to avoid shenanigans, unless you are backed into a corner, or the shenanigans is the point.

Since the 3.5 SRD is under the OGL, the logical thing to do is use the 5.1 SRD released under the OGL. You can use both, and the difficulty level is no greater than using either one individually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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