Is WotC playing 4d Chess with the 5.1 SRD CC?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Pretty much nobody plays 4D chess - while our fictional narratives lead us to believe in the super-intelligent schemer who can successfully plan and execute a Xanatos Gambit, the real world is too chaotic and unpredictable for that to happen.
Came here to say this. The answer to "is _____ playing 4D chess" is always, "no, they're doing exactly what they appear to be doing, even if it seems stupid."

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You say this as if there's a singular "They" in WotC. The externally observed behavior is consistent with there being multiple people/groups with different levels of understanding, and it took some time and strife for those with understanding to get it through the heads of those who lacked it.
While there are undoubtedly multiple factions, I'm not sure any of them are doing particularly great. Even this move to the CC license seems ill thought through - I find it hard to believe they would have released Strahd into the wild if they'd thought it through properly.


Interestingly enough, releasing 5e SRD under CC not only served as an effort to regain any lost goodwill, but, intentional or not, also takes a lot of steam out of the ORC license.

The natural question now for the ORC folks is why not just release that under Creative Commons?
CC has some limitations relative to 1.0a in terms of how to use it conveniently for 3PPs. The OGL integrated a mechanism in which content was almost automatically re-licenced for use by other 3PPs, whereas CC requires the material to be re-licenced out to be noted in a separate document; it's effectively an extra step.


Mod Squad
Staff member
While there are undoubtedly multiple factions, I'm not sure any of them are doing particularly great. Even this move to the CC license seems ill thought through

For pity's sake - it isn't like we gave them any TIME to think it through, now did we? We put them under time pressure, and then we complain that they didn't take time to think things through?

I guess there's no pleasing some people.

- I find it hard to believe they would have released Strahd into the wild if they'd thought it through properly.

They didn't "release Strahd into the wild". The let his name be used, but no lore or stats. So, for example, if you talk about "Strahd the vampire," you are on thin ice. Fat lot of good that does anyone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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