Let me explain a bit better my background for encouraging the use of a single license: OGL1.0a managed something GPL aspired to, but didn't manage. It became a share alike licence dominating commercial creation for an entire industry.Advocating, "everyone should be on one license, and that should be ORC" before even seeing the ORC license seems more about the ORC brand than anything about the game business.
Let creators choose license based on their needs and goals, not our desire to see ORC succeed.
As a software developer, and RPG entusiast, it is striking to see the contrast between the stance of most of the commercial actors with regard to willingness, or even eagerness to provide open source back to the community to build on. And I believe the success of the OGL as a SA license is essential for this mindset.
If the RPG community fractures into a many license situation I forsee the same thing will happen as in software. OGL like GPL will actively avoided by all commercial actors unless they absolutely need something only available there. No other SA initiative will gain significant traction, as there are other alternatives to everything added into any of those schemes. Non SA open licensed content will be provided by non-commercial entusiasts and the biggest players seeking to build a community around their platform. Medium sized commercial actors will exclusively consume content, rather than provide anything back.
The only way I can see us avoid this future is if almost everyone in the industry rally around a single SA scheme, and fill it with valuable content, before the amount of content under non-SA licenses grow to the point that the SA license can no longer compete.
ORC appear to be exactly the kind of rallying cry that might have this potential. Hence I promote ORC. Of course if ORC turn out to be a bad license, my hope for a bright future where the entire hobby balloons due to the effect of such a community license not centered around a single system is lost. I think this is the one shot we have.