The One Ring Roleplaying Game

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5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

This rpg is simply a gem. I've never seen a game so in tune with it's subject material as this one is. The creators have treated Tolkien's work with respect, while at the same time given us a FANTASTIC game. No small feat.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

The One Ring is the best rpg game which is set the world of Tolkien (and i have played the past two iterations of the game). They approach the work of Tolkien with respect and with a freshness that surprises you. It is a lite game based more on the storytelling than to the crunchy rules. It is a game that have only one requirement: you have to like the atmosphere and the feeling of the books of Tolkien.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Beautifully laid out and written (very easy to read), with a system that imbues a certain elegance in gameplay, this is a top class product from any measure. The emphasis is on authentic campaign play, building slowly from tightly realised geographical areas of Middle Earth that get increasingly wider in scope. Nominally set between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings timespans, it encourages a long term narrative - similar to Pendragon. The dice pool mechanics are simple enough, although working with different presumptions to gamers used to d20 systems. The game play is mostly low powered with no established magic system beyond a few cantrip like effects for Elves and Dwarves. As such, you aren’t getting the same type of game as the flashier D&D, but you will feel like you are part of Middle Earth when you play. Regardless, it is a premier-level fantasy game.

4 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

I expected this game to suck, especially the source material in the game. It didn't. It was clearly laid out and the mechanics - tough I have not actually played them - seemed simple and clear. Still, I get the feeling I often do form smaller games, that this is great for a short game, but could not carry a really long campaign lasting years.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

I'll be honest (of course I will - this is the internet!) . I love this game. I have only had a few sessions of it with members of my family: but even though they are die-hard DnD types they have been Ok with the system. If you want to be a superhero then stickwith D n D. The One Ring is a game for people who want to immerse themselves in the world of Middle Earth like me!You will have to satisfy yourself with being an ordinary member of one of the races of the Free peoples (no plans to role-play an Orc here: or even a half-orc). You will have to satisfy yourself with being a person of limited power and authority with no short cuts. There is magic but of a subdued and psychological nature. It is the controlled use of force that makes this game more for players who can convey a story or who can resolve things with clever thinking. Watch out the Enemy is far more powerful than you, it will remain far more powerful than you until you have played your part in helping the communities of Middle Earth limit and then overcome its ambitions. You are in this story for the long haul (unless you die..) This game is super-sympathetic to the style of Tolkien. Embrace the difference and revel in it. I love it.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

I have played and enjoyed Iron Crown's Middle Earth Role Playing and Decipher's Lord of the Rings, but neither are so deeply suited for the world of Middle Earth than Cubicle7's revised edition of "The One Ring." The excellent mechanics not only produce good gameplay but also reproduce well the feel and themes of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy saga that begot the fictional genre. The artwork is also exceptional, and the organization of the rules and content in the revised core book works very well. The index in particular is the best I've seen in any tabletop RPG book. I heartily recommend this to anyone who loves the stories of Tolkien.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Really nails the atmosphere of Middle Earth. Evocative graphic design.

5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

The game system is simple to learn, but the subtle nuances allow endless hours of fun. The setting material is rich, well written, and captures the feel better than any other Middle Earth game ever published. The artwork is beautiful, the layout is excellent, and the content is superb. The recent revision (single volume) completely reorganized the content so as to eliminate all previous confusion. The result: a veritable portal to Middle Earth that will whisk you away and have you exploring Wilderland (and beyond!) in no time at all. PS - the Rivendell supplement is the BEST RPG Supplement ever written! If you like Rangers, High Elves, and true peril in your games, it's a must have! Gilthoniel A Elbereth!
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5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Compared to the old MERP rules this is a revelation: While in MERP I always felt the rules got in the way of telling a good story and destroyed the kind of atmosphere I wanted to create or play a character in, TOR's rules serve to support the kind of activities and encounters I've been looking for in a game based on Tolkien's books. The setting material is just as well researched and the (interior) artwork and presentation is way better. If there is a downside, it's that reading the book left me wanting for more of everything: more character races and archetypes, more setting material, more creatures. But that will obviously be delivered by forthcoming source books. So, it's a solid 4.5+ stars for me. The only fly in the ointment (at least for me) was that I made the mistake to get the German translation: It's bad. It's worse than the translation of the 1e AD&D books back in the eighties. They actually managed to translate some rule terms in three different ways in different chapters, making the books almost unusable. I later learned from the publisher's forum (where I registered to complain about the mess they made) that this was caused by using different translators for the various chapters! So, the German edition gets 2 stars from me - at least it's a sturdy book that looks good on my shelf...

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