5 out of 5 rating for The One Ring Roleplaying Game
Beautifully laid out and written (very easy to read), with a system that imbues a certain elegance in gameplay, this is a top class product from any measure. The emphasis is on authentic campaign play, building slowly from tightly realised geographical areas of Middle Earth that get increasingly wider in scope. Nominally set between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings timespans, it encourages a long term narrative - similar to Pendragon. The dice pool mechanics are simple enough, although working with different presumptions to gamers used to d20 systems. The game play is mostly low powered with no established magic system beyond a few cantrip like effects for Elves and Dwarves. As such, you aren’t getting the same type of game as the flashier D&D, but you will feel like you are part of Middle Earth when you play. Regardless, it is a premier-level fantasy game.