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The Order of Initiative in: The Forge of Fury


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Forge of Fury: Session 11

Wherein Koshtra returns to the party with Tealeafs battered and bruised dead body. They decide to head back to Loudwater. Tealeaf is brought back to life and Hyakin and Torch increase in lvls. Zarathrustra spends the time making scrolls and Stompy gets drunk. They travel back to khundrukar and encounter a Wight and 2 large skeletons. They kill the skeletons with ease and Zarathrustra manages to Turn the Wight but not before it lowers Stompys level. Stompy wishes to leave to try to get a restoration as Zarathrustra believes he will be able to obtain one from Lorkh. Zarathrustra, Stompy and Koshtra travel there and Stompy has restoration cast on him from a cleric of Bane and he agrees to worship Bane as one of his chosen gods. They yet again travel back to khundrukar and start searching more of the “foundry” area. They are attacked by a ghost like creature called a Allip, its constant babbling hypnotized most of the party.. It touches Tealeaf and his wisdom is drained by 2…Zarathrustra once again summons the penetrative power of Bane and turns the fiend, Stompy (using Koshtra’s blade) gets the killing blow. They find a well with stagnant water in, Koshtra investigates but finds nothing. Brod finds a animated carpet in one room which they kill, and Stompy runs around opening a few doors.
Timeline: 200

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Forge of Fury: Session 12

Wherein Stompy continues to open doors, they find a iron bound door which appears stuck. Koshtra assisted by Stompy eventually manage to force the door. Inside they are attacked by a animated arming dummy which Torch puts to rest. They search more areas and find more bones of long dead dwarfs, (Brod prays), and another stagnant pool (Torch investigates). They come into a library area and find a beautiful woman, she says she is a peasant lady who has been imprisoned by a evil wizard, her name is Idalla and she asks the party if she can leave!, Torch says yes!. Stompy is rude to her and she attacks him, lowering him a lvl, the party has trouble hitting her (although Zarathrustra is able to get off a harm touch) and then she teleports away. The party also fight a couple more Duergar, one being a warrior equipped with a 2-bladed sword, Torch tries to break his weapon using Shatterspike but fails, Hyakin manages to disarm the other duergar, Brod uses his famed missile fire!, and Koshtra misses a lot. They find a chasm.. with a ladder.. Koshtra descends 120 foot to the bottom, Stompy, ignoring Hyakin’s advice neglects to use a rope and plummets to his death.
Timeline: 200


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Forge of Fury: Session 13

Wherein Khostra, Zarathrustra and a dead Stompy are down the ladder and Hyakin, Brod, Torch and Tealeaf are up the ladder. The team up the ladder decide to investigate what is left in the foundry area. They go towards the noise of hammering and discover Duergar smithing. Brod and Tealeaf attempt to sneak up on them but are seen. One of the duergar is a wizard who attempts to attack with his rat familiar.. Brod gets dazed but they kill these foes. They search another room and are attacked by a animated table. Brod uses alchemist fire and successfully burns the table. They Finnish searching the foundry area and descend the ladder again (they lower Stompy down). Below they find a lake and a couple of small bridges, one bridge they determine is unsafe, Koshtra leaps over as does Hyakin.. They are attacked by a young black dragon!!.. The party uses missile fire initially as the dragon breathes on them from the lake, (knocking a Torch and Tealeaf unconscious). Zarathrustra summons a fiendish squid to their aid and soon the party were victorious with no additional deaths. The loot of the Dragon (called Nitescale) consisted of several of Durgaddins own crafted blades. Zarathrustra insists they drag back the dead body of the dragon (the size of a small pony). They head back to Lorkh and Zarathrustra tries to acquire a resurrection for the fallen Stompy..they were denied!!.. They head to Loudwater and get Stompy resurrected and restorated. They train and increase in levels.. Zarathrustra puts the dead dragon corpse in his abode under st Bethesda church. They notice that there are new laws in Loudwater. Weapons, spell components, focus items etc now have to be peace-bonded.
Timeline: 240

Voidrunner's Codex

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