The Perfect Picture


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Here's what I'm using for the wisp solon:


(from Advanced Photoshop - For Adobe Photoshop Professionals)

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Pretty cool huh? Its funny because having been in a forest fire or two, I always say that it is not like Bambi, as fire tends to move in fits and starts, burning in a spot, dying down and then spotting to another place rather than a wave of flame. Innenotdar, however, is what would happen if the trees were all everburning torches, so the fire eventually filled in all the holes. The how makes no sense, but that's why its a mystery!


Here's one of my favorite pics from WOTBS. I believe the artist is an enworld regular. I grabbed it off the PDF and cleaned it up. Rad villain. I wish I hadn't spaced out on half his abilities when it came ot fight time...


Hah! I totally see the resemblance! Somehow I don't think Lulu will work as well as a model for RPing Kazyk though...
That's right, Pozas. His art is usually very clean, but I like this busier look.


Anyone got a good pic for Diogenes?

Putting 'fat wizard' into google image search returned... well... I don't want to talk about it... ever.

I somehow doubt I'll be able to convince my friend who was the inspiration for Diogenes to dress up as a wizard. But the pic in the book is accurate, albeit black and white.

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