The Pre-Gen Con Paizo News Roundup

Hello and welcome to the latest PAZIO NEWS ROUNDUP! Or as it’s feeling these days, the Starfinder News Roundup, because we’re loaded to the brim of our spacesuits with new information for the upcoming Starfinder ruleset.


Hello and welcome to the latest PAZIO NEWS ROUNDUP! Or as it’s feeling these days, the Starfinder News Roundup, because we’re loaded to the brim of our spacesuits with new information for the upcoming Starfinder ruleset.

It would hardly feel like a Paizo product without an organized play option, and by that I mean: factions, factions, factions everywhere! For just about any type of character you can think of, there is a Starfinder faction waiting for you with open arms.

Some of y’all (okay, me included) just want to cut loose for a while and enjoy the simple art of punching bad dudes in the face. Look no further than the stalwart Exo-Guardians, a faction dedicated to protection the pact worlds and their precious Starfinders from the horrifying alien bug monstrosities of the void. Sure, they’ve faced some…awkward circumstances before; but fret not, aspiring bug-stomper, the Exo-Guardian leader Zigvigix has a plan to bring their name even greater glory.

No self-respecting leader of an interstellar group of explorers and adventurers would be complete without a dedicated group of assistants making sure everything goes smoothly. For the Starfinder Society, that group is called the Second Seekers. Dedicated specifically to only the current leader of the Starfinder Society, known as the First Seeker, the Second Seekers do everything in their power to advance the cause of the First Seeker and of the Starfinder Society as a whole.

The far future means computers, secrets, and vast troves of valuable information, and no one likes information that the faction known as the Dataphiles. These aspirants value data and information in all forms, whether it be secrets from churches, governments, or corporations, or from strange and exotic creatures all across the galaxy, and they aren’t choosy about how they get it, either. A Dataphile’s obsession with computers and technology can even extend into the metagame itself, so look sharp!

What could be better than the chance to fly among the stars, finding new alien life and killing it? Get paid loads of sweet dosh and become a freakin’ rock star while you do it! For the potential Starfinder that wants to live large and be an even bigger celebrity, the Acquisitives. The bigger trophies you bring home, the bigger jobs you get next time, and isn’t that why we’re all here? And for the biggest jobs, you get the biggest toys--by which I mean the biggest guns!

There has also been previews of two new classes for Starfinder: The Technomancer and the Solarion. Being the savvy cats you are, I imagine you already have a good idea of what the Technomancer brings to the table: a merging of technology and magic that supplement each other and their wielder. The Solarion is a full-BAB class that can attune to the gravitic and photonic power of stars to bring the hurt and reshape the battlefield.

And that’s it for this PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! Stay tuned for the flurry of post-Gen Con excitement and news!

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Ben Reece

Ben Reece

Hand of Evil

If you missed it...

Announcing more ways to get #StarfinderRPG at #GenCon50!

Keep your eyes open for our Starfinder Grab-and-Go kiosk on the second floor at the top of the escalators.
It’s conveniently located between the skybridge to the Westin and the Sagamore Ballroom.

This credit card only kiosk will be selling all the products in the Starfinder initial launch (Core Rulebook, GM Screen, Character Folio, Combat Pad, Adventure Path #1, Core Rulebook Pawn Collection, and Basic Terrain and Basic Starfield Flip-Mats).

Please note, if you’re looking to pick up your Starfinder subscription, you’ll need to head to our booth in the Exhibit Hall (#103)

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