The Raven Marches

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I had been checking the thread once a day for a week and nothing. Then a thunder storm knocks out the power for half the day and when I get back there's 15 new posts ;p go figure.


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He, he, yeah well I'm kind of trying to assurge my guilt for leaving you guys hanging.

Of course Thalamarose might have preferred it if it had been left hanging, at least that was non-lethal damage! Bet you're glad you took a Toad Familiar!

I am just hoping my spectacular opening combat does not turn out to be a spectacular closing combat to!

Incidently if you folks have any questions about the mechanics of the encounter please post them here and I will be happy to illuminate them for you. I didn't want to drop hints so I will respond to you rather than laying things out now.


First Post
You were right that did suck. I thought about using burning hands on the whole lot (including those pesky puppeteers) but it was right after I had posted.


Figures, I bump the thread and then dissapear for 4 days and sumthin happens *L*

Well no hard feelings from me if there's none in return. ;) I guess the little lady was a pretty deep sleeper. If you have no objections she will awaken...



First Post
Hey, really sorry about the delay in posting Ainel's actions. I thought about how he would disable his former allies and hit upon disarming as something he would be reasonably confident of succeeding at.


First Post
Sounds like a reasonable plan to me Moritheil. We will just say Ainel was adjusting his armor into a leech friendly position the previous round...

However, he does hear a voice in his head ordering him to strike to kill almost as soon as Dargo goes down - I will add this to the IC thread in an edit, but things are beginning to look bad for team leech!


First Post
Well, fortunately or unfortunately, Ainel apparently can't crack the dwarf's tough armor. This is good in that he's not injuring a teammate; this is bad in that it makes his future melee contributious dubious. :p

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