The red TOS movie Trek uniforms were the best ones


Lord of the Hidden Layer
The TV series uniforms looked like T-shirts. (Budgets must have been tight back in those days, for Starfleet and for the studio.)

The first movie made everybody wear shades of grey / silver, in the same style - proving that not all change is good.
What, Starfleet can't even afford ink / dye for their uniforms now?

Khan (and the immediate sequels) finally put the crew in something that looked like a Uniform.

I can't think of any other attire that jumped out and said "This is even better".
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They are among my favorite. I like the late DS9 / TNG movie uniforms as well, and I like the Discovery ones, too.




Speaking as former military (US Coast Guard, the closest thing we have to Starfleet), the Monster Maroons would have been good dress uniforms, but they would be lousy working uniforms. Not comfortable at all for doing a majority of the jobs to be done on a ship.

They are among my favorite. I like the late DS9 / TNG movie uniforms as well, and I like the Discovery ones, too.

Coincidentally, those pictures highlight why I like the TOS movie uniforms and DS9 uniforms and dislike the Discovery ones. The former are designed to fit (i.e. give visual uniformity) to a variety of different body types.

Conversely , the vertical lines and angular patterns in the Discovery uniform are clearly designed for a specific body type. Put that same "uniform" on an older Scotty or even just an average human female with a more pear shaped build, and the shapes in the uniform look completely different. That's not a uniform, it's a fashion statement. Pretty, yes; useful, no.

Voidrunner's Codex

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