Rank the Star Trek TOS movies

Audience familiarity with Khan was never the point. Most people who originally saw the movie in cinemas didn't know who he was. The point was that Kirk knew him, and vice versa.

My main point was I didn't get the movie when I was younger. Haven't seem it recently.

So fo me me there's basically two goid Trek movies and a couple (includes Kahn)of average ones. The rest are meh.

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My main point was I didn't get the movie when I was younger. Haven't seem it recently.

So fo me me there's basically two goid Trek movies and a couple (includes Kahn)of average ones. The rest are meh.
Give it another try. It's the only Trek movie I've bought digitally, and the one I've watched most frequently, and it never disappoints.

Plus, II, III and IV work really well as a trilogy.

My main point was I didn't get the movie when I was younger. Haven't seem it recently.

So fo me me there's basically two goid Trek movies and a couple (includes Kahn)of average ones. The rest are meh.
If you haven't watched Wrath of Khan since you were a kid when didn't understand it, then I don't think that evaluation can hold up. You likely also weren't able yet to appreciate the casual references to Shakespeare and Moby Dick and other elements which make it enjoyable for an adult audience who doesn't have to have seen Space Seed, the ST episode.

If you don't mind the style of TOS, watching Space Seed before watching Khan isn't a bad idea.
Oh, it's definitely not. For those of us who had watched it, seeing Khan return was a great callback.

But it's not necessary. It's not like the movie relies on the prior context.

In retrospect, though, I had similar issues to what Zardnaar's talking about when I was an adolescent. The feeling that I was missing a puzzle piece could be maddening. Feeling that if I missed two minutes of a show that the remainder had been decontextualized excessively and it really impacting the experience for me negatively, wondering what I missed and assuming that it was something important.

If you haven't watched Wrath of Khan since you were a kid when didn't understand it, then I don't think that evaluation can hold up. You likely also weren't able yet to appreciate the casual references to Shakespeare and Moby Dick and other elements which make it enjoyable for an adult audience who doesn't have to have seen Space Seed, the ST episode.

Probably last seen in the 90s.

Trek II-IV had on VHS probably taped off the TV. Seen pt I once circa 1992 thought it was boring never rewatched.

IV, VI and First contact were the ones I liked (not a trekkie).


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