Spoilers Star Trek Prodigy season 2


Star Trek Prodigy season 2 dropped on Netflix this week.

Unfortunately, it's Netflix's usual "drop all episodes at once" model, so it's hard to discuss the series organically, but it is very well worth checking out. I'm currently up to episode 16 and I have to say this is some of the best Star Trek I've seen in the last decade.

I'll leave this thread open for spoilers, and will check back in once I've seen the last few episodes.

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Unfortunately, at this point, it doesn't look like it will be available in Canada through the previous outlet (CTV SciFi Channel).

I just finished the rest of the season, and wow, I can't believe we almost didn't get to see such a great show.

While the first season felt pretty disconnected from regular Star Trek until close to the end, this one is tied right into mainstream Trek continuity from start to finish, and it fits in really well, while still allowing our intrepid protagonists to be out on their own for much of the season.

I really hope the show does well, as it absolutely deserves a third season.

While the first season felt pretty disconnected from regular Star Trek until close to the end, this one is tied right into mainstream Trek continuity from start to finish, and it fits in really well, while still allowing our intrepid protagonists to be out on their own for much of the season.
I just finished too. And I agree that where the show started and where it ended in terms of tying in to Star Trek are worlds apart, but did not feel forced or shoehorned in (well, maybe the last few minutes of the last episode). This season was full of time travel with some alternate universe stuff thrown in, and I am always a sucker for those features. I hope for a third season too. Be sure to mark it as "Like It" or "Love It" in Netflix's interface if you did!

Edited to add: There was one voice role I thought would show up in season two, and there was even a mention of the person (shame on them for teasing me like that), but alas, they did not.

Last week I went to watch a couple episodes to start the season and ended up spending my Sunday watching the whole thing. I thought it was really well done and had some great moments with setbacks and twists and turns. An all around great show.

Being in Canada I’m vacillating between buying it outright on Apple or getting Paramount for a month to watch it.

I really loved the first season and it’s a really good example of doing Star Trek outside the usual setting and doing it very well. Star Wars characters find out Star Trek is real and they can go there? Yes please.

Finally able to watch it. Currently on episode 10 and they've got some rather mature events happening, for a Nickelodeon show. Also, tons of tidbits for longtime Star Trek fans.
A ship class named for a TNG star, Callback to Gary Seven, that shows he was a "Traveller" just to name 2.

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