D&D 5E The Rhyot Break - Chapter One: Endless White

Steve Gorak

OOC: Sorry, I didn't get the notification that there were new posts

"I have not battled agaist Kobolds, but I'm shure that if I hit them with my sword, they will bleed." Gimlak then looks at Bria and adds "I have lived more in the last day than I have in the last ten years. I will never be able to repay this debt, so the least I owe you is to help you find your people. Let us find these kobolds!"

Gimlack repacks the Korrund heads he made a show of, and awaits Brias input.

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Young Bria smiled at Gimlak's confidence and commitment. Though strange at times and heavy-handed, the man was like he was said to be... a hero. Of course he would help. Faelena and Zemryn were remarkable too, each in their own colors of strength and perspective.

That night she'd approached the slave's quarters, the uncertainty, it felt so recent yet distant all at once. It could have been anyone in there, but like a blessing these enslaved souls still had it, the will to live and fight, memories of times before the invasion, a supply of strength and will that even Korrud persecution couldn't completely steal.

And now it seemed Rorik and Welkin would work with them. Two strangers, a common hatred and a hard underground world. This was good.

"The supplies, if unmolested, will work to ensure survival," she said. "For all of us. A way that we can reach safer grounds without fear, and time to prepare ourselves for whatever comes next."

She nodded to her new companions respectfully. "Thank you, for not only your food, but your desire to help in this. I must ask, though you can ignore my curiosity if you wish. What brought you to this place? There is a power here my people speak of... a protector and visionary encased in stone. Still others speak of wealth within the oldest of the passes walls, though of this I can claim to have never seen evidence."

"Kobolds, though ugly and violent have never been an issue in Parhalst. I think like us, they tend to keep to themselves I guess? We never expected them to be here, but it is starting to make sense. They too, are probably victim to the changes on these lands... the invasion turning them to places of safety... hopefully though not in great numbers."

That was probably wishful thinking, and she knew it. She looked to the barbarian and her female allies. "Are you ready? Anyone who wishes to wait here, find warmth and rest, I will not think any less of. This need not be your fight too... though I hope Welkin is right, and stealth is on our side."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Welkin looks at Rorik for a moment, hesitantly.

"We... followed Master Edius here, in the hope of finding something to turn the tide against the Korrud. I'm not sure if it was ever more than grasping at straws, however; Edius did not share all the details of what it was or how he knew where to find it. All I know is we didn't find it before the ambush."

Then the look on the tiefling's face turns into determination, as he grabs the crystal from his necklace in one hand and a dagger in the other. "I'm ready," he says confidently, crouching slightly in order to move more quietly.

Ha, that's a great first post if I ever saw one! Not interrupting anyone's thread or anything, either... :lol: /sarcasm
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Rorik returned the look, "Indeed. As a knight Arcane, I was essentially a glorified bodyguard for the wizards." he said, not quite willing to open up entirely to these strangers just yet.

OOC: I'll share the diary soon enough, but I feel offering everything to some vagabonds you just met in a cave is a little too contrived. The exchange between Rorik and Welkin should be obvious enough I would think.


Bria nodded also, appreciative that all would see her fellow villagers found and their supplies secured. Well, that was the plan. How desperate, violent or open to negotiation these kobolds might be was anyone's guess. Bria wasn't holding her breath for a perfect ending though. Not from the way things sounded to be, in here.

"As this is duty and choice, then I will enter the passages first, I guess. If someone could keep the darkness lit a little as we proceed?"

She turned then, and headed in what could be assumed as a northerly direction, down a tunnel that might house two folks stood side to side, though the ceiling was a little low in parts.

Green dot is party location.
Blue dots are external entrances to cave system.
Dashed lines are unexplored.
Red line is closed section. [/sblock]

[sblock="Rolls"]Stealth = 10.[/sblock]

[sblock="Notes"]Coyote dice roller is down. I'm using the rolz.org dice room named "TRB" for now.[/sblock]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I don't need the light," Welkin says quietly, then offers the burning torch to Bria. The tiefling carefully moves towards where the door he and Rorik saw the kobold retreat to, is located, then motions for the others to come forward if there is no sign of hostile activity.

He looks back, eyebrows raised in a silent question, and with his dagger makes a motion as if turning a key in a lock. Then he looks at the others in turn, wordlessly asking if anyone is skilled in opening locked doors -- if indeed it is locked.

OOC: Edit: Forgot my stealth roll. In rolz.org: stealth Welkin d20+2 = 11 (9 + 2)
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I agree that stealth is out best option but chainmail does not lend itself well to sneaking. I shall hold back, but be assured that I will come to your aid at the first sign of trouble." Rorik readies his sword to emphasise his point and waits for the lighter members of the team to take the point.

Steve Gorak


I agree that stealth is out best option but chainmail does not lend itself well to sneaking. I shall hold back, but be assured that I will come to your aid at the first sign of trouble." Rorik readies his sword to emphasise his point and waits for the lighter members of the team to take the point.

Gimlak grunts his approval at Rorik's honorable words. He then proceeds and stands next to Bria "You guide, and I will lead" he says laconically.



Bria took the torch into her hand with a nod of thanks to Welkin, and with the other drew a small dagger from beneath her furs. Light and warmth were both appreciated in a place such as this. How exactly, they would tackle the locked door was indeed a concern though. Somehow they'd have to make do. She whispered to the others, "I am far from an expert in such things, but before leaving for the Break one of our folk demonstrated the basics. At first, we were not sure what was to be faced at the mines, and how tight their securing of possessions might be. Simple shackles I have picked open before... but... well I guess it depends on what mechanism is to bar our way."

Zem and Fae had been rather quiet during these final moments before heading away from the subterranean "camp". Bria would wait and see, let them choose where in this unlikely exploration party they would find themselves as the group moved out. With Gimlak beside her, young Bria felt safe, and most surprisingly the barbarian was quiet and careful in their approach. Bria could hear her own breathing and beating heart, far louder than any sounds the motion of the folk hero made.

With Welkin and Rorik behind, northwards they went through the gaps and crevices of split black stone. A sharp turn to the west, and there it was, their obstacle. Crafted and hung by unknown hands, the door appeared to be formed of a large fragment of local rock. The hinges or mechanism by which it was affixed, was a mystery. Located on the other side no doubt.

Waving her torch across the surface, Bria found a hole in it, centered about a yard from the ground. The tip of her dagger was slowly inserted into it, and the young woman visibly grimaced as she wiggled, poked and investigated.


Ah ha! That was a good sign.


"Come on, come on..."

The satisfaction of further sounds did not continue.

"Damn, I almost had it," she muttered, looking to the others.
"Anyone else want to try?" she whispered, "Or perhaps we backtrack, and find some other way?"

OOC: Pick Lock = 14


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