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The Rod of Seven Parts Original Recruitment


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And what, might I ask, is wrong with a half-illithid warforged ninja with Vow of Povery? Other than the astounding amount of stupid, that is.

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pallandrome said:
And what, might I ask, is wrong with a half-illithid warforged ninja with Vow of Povery? Other than the astounding amount of stupid, that is.
Does it still hunger for brains?


pallandrome said:
And what, might I ask, is wrong with a half-illithid warforged ninja with Vow of Povery? Other than the astounding amount of stupid, that is.

-Ninja is a crappy class
-I doubt you can apply the half-illithid template to a construct
-No unarmed damage bonus. Go monk instead.

Ambrus--what a deliciously hilarious background. Thank you for injecting a good dose of humor into my morning. I don't have any problems with Maelicent as written. If selected, I can help you determine what area of the setting you want to be from. I'm sorry, but I'm not allowing either of the classes you envision for Maelicent. Please pick from the sourcebook list. Multiclassing will be allowed without the XP penalty. Barbarian sounds like it might be an interesting fit for Maelicent, that or straight up either rogue or fighter as his first level. Regardless of future path, I do get from the background that you intend him to fill a melee slot, right?

pallandrome said:
I have an idea for a halfling Druid I'd love to play, if you have another spot open.

After recruiting closes, I'll select characters. You have as much of a chance as anyone of getting one of those slots--none have been spoken for or are reserved.


First Post
hafrogman said:
I don't think he was trying to pick on you specifically or anything. It's just a common occurance if you hang around here long enough. It always seems innocent enough, a template here, a class there, a quibble over clerical weapon selections and then a few posts later someone wants to play a half-illithid warforged ninja with the vow of poverty.

It doesn't matter what the original book list is, someone eventually wants to bend it. I think it must be human nature.

What he said...I was just pointing out how all of us try to bend the rules. I've been guilty of it too!

Ambrus said:
I only said what I'd originally had in mind for the character. I offered to change its class build to something more suitable if desired.

Not wanting to put words into Rhun's mouth, but that comment seems more directed at DMs, eh? DMs often end up saying no, no, no at first, only to find themselves saying okay, okay, okay later. ;) But players certainly do have a way of finaggling for extras. :) Just part and parcel of the game. It used to bug me until I realized that it's really more about people getting excited over their character concept and wanting to tweak things.


CanadienneBacon said:
Regardless of future path, I do get from the background that you intend him to fill a melee slot, right?
I'm glad you liked the background; I must admit I had a great deal of fun writing it. The character is supposed to be a melee character, though I was hoping that he'd develop a flashier fighting style beyond simple fighter feat type stuff. He learnt that kind of gritty fighting amongst his own kind; know he's aiming to figure out how to have his sword blade burst into flames at will and leap dozens of yards through the air. That's why I'd been thinking of those classes. I might be able to do something similar with a fighter/sorcerer/eldricht knight type of build. It requires some thought to make it viable though.


First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
After recruiting closes, I'll select characters. You have as much of a chance as anyone of getting one of those slots--none have been spoken for or are reserved.

Oh excellent. I've wanted to play a kindly old midgit tree-hugger hippie (who occasionally turns into a bear and eats neer-do-wells) for ages now!


First Post
dog45 said:
Something cool about that picture - that's the artist himself being captured. I emailed him once talking about his dnd art and he said that's his face.

That is all. Carry on.
That's awesome! :)

Thanks for the tidbit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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