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The Rules of Character Engagement



Gene_Kynes said:
757. All characters must "charge up" before a speech. The longer the charge-up, the longer the speech will be. Or, they're just slow talkers. [/B]

hey now...dante's slow, you leave him alone! *sniffs*


758. In-character relationships seem to nose-dive quickly, the minute another 'beautiful' male(female) walks into the room, batting their eyes or strutting their stuff. (except my own, which is always an exception to this rule. and if you have a problem, you can go burn yourself. severly)

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Andion Isurand

First Post
759. Codes need not apply.
Paladins and samurai can live to serve themselves when they are in or around the tavern or emporium.

760. Hollywood-Explosion relationships.
Completely 'dodging' the near instantaneous blast of a fireball measuring 40 feet across is a very easy thing to do, even when it first erupts from a few inches away. Really!

761. Seniority makes right?
The longer one has been on this site or has played D&D, the more ammunition they can claim when arguing to get their way, should there ever be a disagreement. In addition, they can always lie about their 'experience' too. ( :rolleyes: Yeah, thats real cool. )



Had to. SOrry.

:: Drags up old dusty topic, shines, and props up in public view.::

Har har


Bhryn Astairre

762: Never underestimate that guy you used to argue with all the time and eventually had "The row to end all rows". One day he could end up surprising you... ^_^

763: God forbid characters have memories, remembering their son/daughter/father/mother/dog/goldfish/bagel etc in fond grief is evil! Evil I say!

764: If you don't go into chat for weeks, you must be legally declared dead.

764: b ):However, this is what the resurrection spell is for.

764: c ):It's there to be used, why else would it exist?!

765: Love, peace, harmony and above all, having fun. Things people keep forgetting when playing... lets all just have fun.

Bhryn. xxx


First Post
766- And after you are declared dead.. Characters you have never encountered show up and claim the glory of having killed you. And then wonder why it doesn't go over well..

767- You forget about threads like this, but once it gets brought back out to view, you can't help but say something.. *grin*



768 If you don't log in with your recognized characters you have totally left the site never to return.

769 Characters that aren't giggly and so cutesy that it makes your teeth hurt should be avoided at all costs.

770 You should never let old storylines die and the characters with them.

771 Never ever ever do what you wish with your own character you must make sure that anyone involved gives you proper clearances so you don't tick them off OOC.

772 Actually spending the time to read through this post from beginning to end isn't a sign or boredom.

773 Playing a bounty hunter is totally unacceptable, though assassins are another matter and lovingly embraced by the populace.

774 While constantly recommended on "how to rp" threads to play more believable characters(lower in power with normal abilities) the very ones that made the recommendations won't look down on the character IC as well as OOC and the player's rping abilities.

775 Being a vet gives you the right to bad mouth everyone else......being a noob gives you the same right, both groups know everything.

776 RPing on another site is grounds for bad mouthing players even without first hand knowledge.

777 When a character removes or adjusts a weapon that means he/she intends to instantly pull it.... the weapon's position can't possible be uncomfortable

780 If you play a vamp that actually uses seduction to gain a meal or thrall you are playing a "nicey nicey" vampire and should be avoided at all cost.

781 If you have ever played a character like that the players won't judge future endeavors by your past failures

782 You can take one character and make others by just changing what type of character they are(fighter type, holy type, roguish for ex) and you are an outstanding rper

783 All of your characters must interact with the same characters so you can spy on them and report back to your main character everything they have seen.

784 All of your characters must be related and never have serious fallings out with the others or friends of the other characters.

785 When you get bored with your character slap some wings, pointy ears or other outrageous aspect on them.....changing the way they behave, who they interact with or their beliefs on certain things should never ever ever be done, doing so is the mark of a bad rper and doesn't add to the development of the character what so ever.

786 When some drastic change is made never have the change effect them in anyway shape or form....if your character loses limbs or other body parts this won't be tramatic what so ever they will brush it off immediately and cope just fine.

Thanks for pulling this one up I had a good laugh remembering some of the stuff we put up. :D



786 b) Of course that's logical because within 48 hours 7 people will have tried to heal/regrow said limb whether you want it or not. To refuse them makes you an unfair player.


Andion Isurand

First Post
787. Evenly matched artifact weapons.
Chances are this season, at least one encounter will be fought with two or more weapons, claimed to be the same, single most powerful artifact weapon of ultimate uberdom.



787a both characters will have exact duplicates of these weapons just in case one malfunctions in some manner....they are purchased at uber-morons-r-us.

788 If you play characters that react to situations more violently or with more fervor than some would expect you are a bad rper.

789 If your characters aren't willing to accept all races, lifestyles, social classes, professions or religions you are a bad roleplayer.

790 After your friend has had his 18th run in with a super powerful force of evil that would make the gods themselves shake in terror due to your friend's own stupidity and you don't show compassion you are a bad roleplayer.

791 Walking into the tavern or other roleplaying room bleeding from wounds that would drop an elephant dead in their tracks is really cool and should be done as often as possible so everyone can see how cool you are and marvel at your superbly executed roleplaying skills.

792 Rule 1 (IC)Fenmarel is never wrong......Rule 2 If someone believes Fenmarel is wrong they should refer to Rule 1.....Rule 3 If it is proven Fenmarel is wrong it is due to a flagrant misunderstanding perpetrated by the other party in which they should apologize for immediately or be taunted a second time.

793 Saying that someone's father smelled of elderberries might not get them as bent out of shape as you have imagined.

794 Saying that someone's mother was a hamster might actually be viewed as a compliment.

795 If you understand the meanings behind the last part of 792, 793 and 794 you REALLY need to watch some more up to date comedies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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