The Secret Scion - accepting alternates

Rystil Arden

First Post
Is the type of elf (they keep changing the names on me so much that I forget what the current version is called) that gets +2 Dex +2 Int -2 Con -2 Str OK to use? (I ask not because Int will help a warlock at all but because I have serious trouble playing characters from about 10 through 15 Int from a metagame perspective) :)

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Isida Kep'Tukari

We're using PHB normal elves. +2 Dex, -2 Con. And remember, 10 is average, 18 is a genius. I'm sure you can have a happy medium in the 10-15 range if you Int ends up falling in there.

Unless you can cite me a source for this mysterious elven subrace of yours and I can look it over properly.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
We're using PHB normal elves. +2 Dex, -2 Con. And remember, 10 is average, 18 is a genius. I'm sure you can have a happy medium in the 10-15 range if you Int ends up falling in there.

Unless you can cite me a source for this mysterious elven subrace of yours and I can look it over properly.
I think they used to be high elves or sun elves or something, but now the PH elf is called high elf and the moon elf gets an Int bonus, so I've just started to become confused. :lol:

I'll probably just wind up point buying 16 Int then. No big deal. It just hurts a little to have to pay 10 PB on something my character can't use, but I'll hit my inner-munchkin over the head several times with a baseball bat until he dies :D


First Post
Can I play my earlier create razorclaw shifter ?

Leon is born of a human family child in Eldeen reeches. When grown up his family realised his differences. He is wild and furious. At early 14's some older boys trying to humiliate him but he is ripped them with his claws.
Nobody dies but he was banished to his town.
Physical Description
Unlike typical Shifter Leon short and stocky. His black hair is short and thick. You can see his animalistic heritage from his cat like eyes.
He is only respect physical power. So he is not like womens or child looking races. He is accept all challenges and no fear of consequences. He is searching he is more human or more animal.

Or I am thinking of goblin monk go to fist of zuiken from psionic handbook. Like yoda character from star wars.


Name: Harolk "THESE are swords" Karrathen 
Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str: 16 +3 (10p.)     Level: 1         XP: 0
Dex: 16 +3 (10p.)     BAB:  +1         HP: 12 (10+2Con)
Con: 14 +2 ( 6p.)     Grapple: +4      Dmg Red: -/-
Int: 10 +0 ( 2p.)     Speed: 30'       Spell Res: -
Wis:  8 -1 ( 0p.)     Init:  +3        Spell Save: -
Cha: 12 +1 ( 4p.)     ACP:   -2        Spell Fail: -

                Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:           10    +4    +0     +3    0    +0    +0     17
Touch: 13          Flatfooted: 14

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      2    +2    0    +4
Ref:                       0    +3    0    +3
Will:                      0    -1    0    -1

Weapon                  Attack   Damage       Critical   Range
Bastard Sword            +4      1d10+4        19-20/x2   
Two Bastard Swords       +2/+2   1d10+3/1d10+1 19-20/x2    
Dagger                   +4      1d4+3         19-20/x2   10 ft   

Languages: Common.

-Extra feat at level 1
-Extra skill points
-Favored class: Any.

Feats: Exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword, two weapon fighting, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting (from Complete Adventurer).

Skill Points: (2 fighter +0 Int +1 Human)x4=12  Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Ride                       4     +3         +7 
Perform: weapon drill      2     +1         +3
Intimidate                 4     +1         +5

Equipment:                Cost    Weight
Twin bastard swords       70gp    12   lb
Chain shirt              100gp    25   lb
Dagger                     2gp    1    lb
Explorer's outfit          0gp    -    lb
Backpack                   2gp    2    lb
--Extra clean clothes     10gp    8    lb
--Flint and Steel          1gp    -    lb  
--Small mirror/soap/razor 12gp    2    lb                    

Total Weight: 50 lb  Money: 43 gp 

                        Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:             76    153   230  460   1150

Age:    20
Height: 6´
Weight: 170 lb
Eyes:   Brown
Hair:   Black
Skin:   Tan

The Karrathen had been in the military, at the service of the Karrath kingdom almost since it was created, and five generations of them have fought in the war since it started, and since he was a child Harolk had very clear that he was going to fight in it as well, and spent his childhood dreaming with thunderous charges and glorious fights, despite the growing number of broken families and armies of undead multipliying around him. When the ended, it was a immense relief for his family, but not for him.

Harolk trained in the use of weapons, and was certainly a talented child, but his father was tired of war -and the fear of ending his days serving as an undead monster- and Harolk didn´t exactly liked the boring militar fighting style. His family left the child train alone: with the peace, what need could he have of an actually effective training? Left on his own, he developed a flashy, cool, spectacular and impressive, but not too useful, style of fighting with two swords. Two BIG swords.

Without needing to worry about money, Harolk had too much free time. In a tavern, he had a stupid discussion with a drunken young elf. Words became insults, and Harolk was itching for a fight. He challenged the elf for a fight, and, in a lonely grove of trees, he made two half-elves out of his drunken opponent. He returned home, very proud of himself, but seeig the blood in his clothes his father got the truth from him. "Idiot!" shouted. "A mosquito has more brains than you. didn´t you know who that elf was?"

It turned to be a dragonmarked member of house Thuranni. That made Harolk not only a murdered, but it was likely for him not to live enough to see the scaffold. There was only a solution: "You´ll flee to Sharn" said his father, "And hide with one of your cousing Silas. He´s older than you, and has some kind of trading business there. Get this money, AND LEAVE HERE THOSE STUPID SWORDS!"

Of course, the first thing Harolk did was to buy a couple new and shiny weapons. Now he´s arrived at Sharn, and after looking his cousin, it seem that he´s gone like a puff of smoke. What´s he going to do now? Who cares? He still has a lot of money.
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so here goes my half-elf spell thief:

Kazan went to the meeting expecting it to be an easy transfer. The hard part had been finished. Getting here alive. Once he made it into the city, he expected that it would take little effort to meet his employer and hand over the package. Unfortunately, he was wrong. It was an ambush, and he had been lucky to escape with his life.

Now Kazan was in a strange city, with no where to turn, and no idea how he got into this situation.

Looking back over the past couple months, he began to realize he had let himself get in over his head. When Zilas Storrunner, bearing the dragonmark of House Lyrander, approached him in Regalport about a job, he thought it was just the chance he was looking for. The job was to sail out to the outer edges of the Principalities, disguise himself as a dragonmark by the name of Parlay Fellsdor, pick up a package from some noblemen, and transport it to Sharn, where Zilas would be waiting to meet him. Kazan was looking for a way to make a name for himself and this seemed the perfect opportunity. Perhaps in hindsight he should have asked more questions about what he would be transporting and who he was working for. All Zilas had told him was the speed and secrecy were of the essence, and to expect trouble along the way.

The fact that he escaped the ambush at all had been a combination of cautious preparation and luck. Wanting to keep a low profile, Kazan had disguised himself as a human, figuring that would make it easier to blend in with the surroundings. Not that it was difficult in the teaming metropolis. The exchange was to take place at the docks, a very unsavory and unsafe location, but a spot Kazan felt at home in. When he arrived, his employer was nowhere to be found, but a human sorceror along with two large enforcers was waiting for him and tried to lift his package off of him. Fortunately for the half-elf, the sorceror did not see through his disguise and tried to cast sleep on him. Kazan tried to hightail it out of there, but made a wrong turn, and almost got cornered in a dead end alley. But when his pursuers came chasing after him, he managed to hide himself just long enough to sneak up behind the sorceror, steal a sleep spell, and cast it on his two bodyguards. The sorceror was wounded but not killed, and Kazan decided not to wait around and find out what was going on.

So his employer had been right. There had been plenty of trouble. And now he had to wonder whether Zilas had planned for this all along, or if something had happened to him. Either way, he had to assume that no help would be forthcoming. As always, survival was up to him.

Kazan is a half-elf spell thief well trained in arcane lore and other useful information. He looks at himself as a master detective and spy, a dashing diplomat, with a quick witted tongue. It might be better to say that all his life he's been a magnet for trouble and somehow just manages to keep himself alive. His number one concern is looking out for himself, but fame and fortune run a close second. He tries to avoid a fair fight whenever possible, but he makes a good companion with others who share his same goals. He will be looking to take levels in the master inquisitive prc.

i can post up stats if this concept seems suitable for the campaign.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

devrimk - Could you flesh out Leon's background and the reason why he fled to Sharn? I want to look it over further.

MaverickWeirdo - Character background first. All other considerations second. ;)

Rystil - If, and only if mind you, I let you play a gray elf, how would that work into your background?

Someone - Definite possibility. He'd be a great foil for some of the more tortured characters we have. Hang on a bit.

lotuseater - Looking good. Could you flesh out the ambush that led to his fleeing a bit perhaps?
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