The Secret Scion


Kazan Oleander - Half-Elf Spellthief

To Rayni, the half-elf gives a cheerful chuckle. "If trail rations are what you like, I'll be happy to purchase some for you." But to Mel, he responds a bit more pessimistically. "However, I think it's been many years since any kind of breathing fish made it this far down into the city's depths. But let's see what we can do."

OOC: Bonus points to whomever can figure out where Arimart got his name.

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Bail Human boy (14) barbarian (1)

Seeing the door open the young human makes a break for freedom. Racing past the milling group he hits the road running, or tries to, the slick surface of the rain-soaked road causing him to loose his footing and fall unceremoniously on his behind "Hekh Nar" he growls looking up at his former 'room mates' his look daring them to laugh.


Kazan sees the boy slip and fall on his way out, but chooses not to say a word. Better to let him keep what is left of his dignity. But he is more sure than ever that he is just the fellow he's looking for. Strong, young, and not too bright. Let's just hope he doesn't run off first chance he gets.

He instead turns and responds to Rayni with a polite bow. "As you say." He then moves over to Harolk. In a confidential whisper, he says, "Did you hear that? She doesn't have any coin. If I were you, I'd offer to pay for her meal. And buy her something sweet. It's the perfect way to win over a woman's heart."


*As the last one in, Hxaptös is one of the first to exit. He steps to the side of the doorway keeping his back to the wall and looking for any pursuers or tentacly nastiness. When Bail comes flying out and lands on his rump, Hxaptös walks over to him and extends his right hand, his left keeping close to his chest. He does so wordlessly to save the young man some face. He then follows the others, staying off to one side so that he can keep an eye open. He is ready to bolt at any moment.*


The man with the probe
Mel, Changing Rogue (Melphina Delena, Female Elven Princess)

Rystil Arden said:
"No, silly, I didn't say I like them--I just said I can't afford any food, and that's just what I have left."
"You've been living on trail rations for how long? Poor Rayni, I'd just die if I had to do that. There's plenty of places 'round here where a girl down on her luck can grab a bite of something at least somewhat fresh. Some of those guys there got awfly pushy after a while though." Mel shrugs and tries to think of a good place to eat that she's not been to lately in the area.*

OOC: [Sblock]Local Knowledge +5

I did a doubletake when I saw Daz, wondering how he got 14 levels in boy ;)[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Sharn is full of places to go, but one must be careful, particularly when on the run. After thinking a bit, Mel recalls a place called the Toad's Pulpit, a few levels down and one tower over. Fairly quiet, good food, and no one asks many questions.


lotuseater said:
"If I were you, I'd offer to pay for her meal. And buy her something sweet. It's the perfect way to win over a woman's heart."

"Do you mean with money, or with food?" wispers Harolk back. "Anyway, it´s not her heart what interests me, you know" *wink*wink*

"Don´t worry, I have plenty of money." says then aloud. "Gold isn´t a problem right now, so let´s look for a nice place."
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
"You've been living on trail rations for how long? Poor Rayni, I'd just die if I had to do that. There's plenty of places 'round here where a girl down on her luck can grab a bite of something at least somewhat fresh. Some of those guys there got awfly pushy after a while though." Mel shrugs and tries to think of a good place to eat that she's not been to lately in the area.*

OOC: [Sblock]Local Knowledge +5

I did a doubletake when I saw Daz, wondering how he got 14 levels in boy ;)[/sblock]
"Sadly, it has been a necessity for me. Small towns where everyone knows everyone else would have gotten me caught for sure, and it is a long long way to run here from Aerenal," Rayni sighs but brightens immedaitely, "At least I got to see some neat and beautiful vistas on the way here though!"


The man with the probe
"That's a shame Rayni, but at least you made the most of it. Sharn is HUGE though, make the most of it."

Mel speaks up, "Hey, I know a place that should work. It's called the Toad's Pulpit, a few levels down and a tower over. I haven't been over that way in a while, and they had some decent food."

Mel whispers over to Rayni
"I think I caught Harolk taking a gander at you. I wonder if he think's you're cute."
and giggles.

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