The Seven Realms - Chapter The First - A Curse of Storms and Green Eyes


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"Quite a storm, eh, Captain?" The voice, loud enough to be heard over the crash of waves, caused Ethan Winde, captain and owner of the Foam's Fancy, a good solid coaster out of Stormhaven, to look at the speaker.

Sir Ryllan, a tall, powerfully built man, looked dangerous even without his full suit of steel, which was stowed in his cabin. The man wore a chain shirt, which still seemed insance to Ethan. The longsword at his waist had the air of long use about it, as well. In short, he was not a man whom the captain of the Fancy would want to cross.

At the moment, though, being run through by the knight, or by one of the other half dozen knights who were quartered in the fore of the ship, was the least of his worries. This storm was uncanny, the wind changing direction in a trice, the lightning flashing...and what seemed like an eerie green light that flashed in the clouds from time to time.

"Aye, quite a storm at that. I've not seen it's like in a score of years at sea, Sir, and I've sailed just about anywhere that a man can on the waves." His gnarled hands held the tiller of the ship, a husky steersman standing by to assist or take over, as needed. And his assistance was often needed, as the winds and waves seemed to tear at the Fancy like a living thing.

Nodding, though the Captain's eyes were on the sea, not on him, Ryllan said, "Can we make Gull's Bluff? From there we can follow the Windy river up into..."

"Levia blight ye, man! I don't know that this ship will be afloat in an hour, let alone making a port that's still at least two days steady sailing north o' here! This storm is unnatural, I tell you. Vanar preserve us from storms of evil." Ethan wasn't particularly a religious man, but he was frightened to his soul of the storm that seemed like it came from some pit of hell. He looked at Sir Ryllan. "I'm going to make for Elam's Cleft. It's our only chance, I'm thinking."

The knight looked at him, then nodded. "Do that. What can we do to help?"

Ethan grunted, and fought the tiller, which suddenly wrenched in his hands...."By all the cursed, pestilent gods! We've run aground!"

The helmsman said, "Cap'n, there's no land about for leagues, save the coast, and that's a good.." His words cut off with a gasp, and Ethan turned towards him, as he heard the ring of a sword coming out of a sheath. "What would...oh..oh my.."

The captain's eyes widened as a long black tentacle, blotched and rotted looking, as big around as a woman's hips, crushed his helmsman into a bag of shattered bone and blood.

As the tentacle released the crushed remains, and coiled toward him, Ethan reached for the shortsword at his waist, his ears ringing with screams, and cries of "Aeos and the Light!" as the holy knights of Mount Hollysun moved to meet the darkness engulfing his ship...

...The heavy oak door of the Cleft Chin slammed closed, yanked from the newcomer's hand by the force of the tumultous wind outside. The storm had risen for hours, driving most of the inhabitants to their homes, leaving only a few travellers to enjoy the tavern's fine ale, and the roast pig he'd butchered earlier in the day.

"Windy" Calimorton looked over the sparse crowd, and chuckled. He glanced at the newcomer, and said, "Aye there, stranger, tis a rough sort of night for travelling."

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Nac Mac Feegle

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Erkenbrand shielded his eyes from the rain with his hand and peered at a rough map of the area, already becoming somewhat illegible from the rain.

"We'd best find shelter soon. The horses don't like this storm, there's something strange in it." He shouted over the howling wind. "There's a small town about a half a mile ahead. We could be there in ten minutes if we push it."

His slighter companion responded with a sour expression "I'm for anything that gets us out of this. The horses aren't the only ones that don't like it. I'm telling you we should never have gone seaward, it always gets strange out here. We should have stayed inland."

Erkenbrand grinned slightly at the renewal of the amiable bickering that had been going on for the past three weeks. Even since he had decided on this fork of the road to take.

"Well, if you're too frail to stand up to a little rain..." He trailed off, spurring his horse forward to evade a swat at his head from his irate companion. Laughing, he galloped the horse down along the road, Frea a heartbeat behind.


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Nac Mac Feegle said:
Erkenbrand shielded his eyes from the rain with his hand and peered at a rough map of the area, already becoming somewhat illegible from the rain.

"We'd best find shelter soon. The horses don't like this storm, there's something strange in it." He shouted over the howling wind. "There's a small town about a half a mile ahead. We could be there in ten minutes if we push it."

His slighter companion responded with a sour expression "I'm for anything that gets us out of this. The horses aren't the only ones that don't like it. I'm telling you we should never have gone seaward, it always gets strange out here. We should have stayed inland."

Erkenbrand grinned slightly at the renewal of the amiable bickering that had been going on for the past three weeks. Even since he had decided on this fork of the road to take.

"Well, if you're too frail to stand up to a little rain..." He trailed off, spurring his horse forward to evade a swat at his head from his irate companion. Laughing, he galloped the horse down along the road, Frea a heartbeat behind.

Indeed, the ride is short, the mud of the road splashing away from the horse's hooves, the lights of the town, a few lamps and candles in various homes, a nearly unseen glimmer in the darkness.

The flashes of lightning outline the buildings ahead, giving them a jagged look, some of the huts at the edge of town almost seeming like skulls in the brief flashes of stark light.

Riding past the dark shrine to Vanar and Mahana, the lights of the town's inn become visible, a dozen lanterns hung over it's outside, making the building a beacon of light in the otherwise darkened town.

A sign can be seen, of a man with a remarkably large chin, with a deep cleft. The carved letters say, "The Cleft Chin"

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Erkenbrand pulled up in front of the in, still breathing lightly despite the ride. Followed a moment after by Frea.

"See, I told you the town was close." He said, good spirits having been restored. "Come on, let's find the stables and then look into getting something in our bellies."

With that he hopped lightly off his horse and tied it loosely by the reins to a post for that purpose in front of the inn, before making his way in the door followed by Frea, who was mollified by the though of a good drink and a warm supper.

"Innkeep," He called across the room, "I'm looking for stables for two horses, some hot food, a good drink, and lodgings for the two of us in that order."


Larris Farvold Human Fighter

A tall man leads two horses up from the harbor area. They are laden with hastily packed gear covered in well-worn tenting for some slight protection from the weather. There is a large straight sword slung back from his hip in a cavalry scabbard, daggers and hammers hang at his belt. There is a quiver and a wickedly spiked shield on the saddle bow of the first horse. He walks erect almost marching in his blood red coat. The golden eagles on his sleeves shine bright in the flashes of lightning. He can be seen to bow his head in reverence as he passes the temple of Vanar, but he has been rained on oft enough to be unbent by the storm. He approaches the Clef Chin and looks about a bit. What have I gotten myself into now? He looks over his shoulder with a wry grin. At least I’m off that Gods forsaken boat, this storm looks straight out of the Infernal. I hope there is a stable in this one horse town. He moves toward the rear of the Chin in search of a stable.


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Nac Mac Feegle said:

"Innkeep," He called across the room, "I'm looking for stables for two horses, some hot food, a good drink, and lodgings for the two of us in that order."

The innkeeper, a short man, with the indications of a solidity gone a bit soft, chuckles, and says, "Aye, that we can provide. Dora! Some stew for the Jord gentlemen, and a bit of that fresh bread and cheese. Honey mead, lads, or a bit of dark ale?"

A rather pretty teenaged girl comes out of a back room, from which some enticing smells follow. She smiles at the two men, and then heads back into the kitchen, after looking them over with wide green eyes.

The innkeep laughs again. "Now as to your horses, the stableman will take them." A hunched over fellow, with the squat look of a half orc, stands up, knuckles his forehead, and heads for the door. "Will the gentleman want any special handling for their steeds, masters?"


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Scotley said:
A tall man leads two horses up from the harbor area. They are laden with hastily packed gear covered in well-worn tenting for some slight protection from the weather. There is a large straight sword slung back from his hip in a cavalry scabbard, daggers and hammers hang at his belt. There is a quiver and a wickedly spiked shield on the saddle bow of the first horse. He walks erect almost marching in his blood red coat. The golden eagles on his sleeves shine bright in the flashes of lightning. He can be seen to bow his head in reverence as he passes the temple of Vanar, but he has been rained on oft enough to be unbent by the storm. He approaches the Clef Chin and looks about a bit. What have I gotten myself into now? He looks over his shoulder with a wry grin. At least I’m off that Gods forsaken boat, this storm looks straight out of the Infernal. I hope there is a stable in this one horse town. He moves toward the rear of the Chin in search of a stable.

The stable is indeed easily found, though the lanterns lighting the back court swing crazily in the high wind. As the wellarmed warrior approaches the stable doors, a head pokes out, one belonging to a boy of about twelve. "Hail, Sir." The boys eyes widen, and he says, "That's a lot of weapons you have there, are you a gladiator?"


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Oxana - Female Half-Celestial Bard

Oxana flaps her wings in a feeble attemt to shake away some of the gallons of water currently clinging to her feathers. Well this is one thing I don't like about this realm! Water falling from the heavens and wind that would like to blow me away. I better find somewhere to stay.

She'd been searching for weeks for anyone who might have seen or heard about her mother to no avail. She was close to giving up, then she met someone who thought he knew who she was talking about. "Aye, I've heard talk 'bout such a woman. Beautiful and mysterious she was. With wings much like yer own I'd say. A friend of mine over Elan's Clefts way heard from a neighbour of his sisters that this woman was in the town some weeks ago. How 'bout some payment for the help, eh?" he had finnished with a smirk.
Sure, she did pay him. Not the way he was hoping for though. Some minutes and a song later he was just sitting there looking like a happy goat.

Elan's Cleft was her next destination. Most of the way there she had chosen to fly and take in all that beautiful scenery along the way. It had gone quite well. Untill the storm set in that is. Soon it was not safe for her to be in the air anymore with all the wind, and the rain was starting to soak her through. The rest of the journey was spent on foot wading through puddles and mud.

Elan's Cleft was not the biggest of towns, but it seemed nice. What had her mother done here though? That is if the man spoke truly. After asking a few people around the town she soon found the Cleft Chin, the towns best tavern.

Cleft Chin... I think I've heard that name before... I cannot remember when or where though. her mind is lazily trying to figure it out when she enter the tavern. Well I am sure I would have remembered it if it was anything imortant. she dismiss the thought and smiles at the sight of the commonroom.
Some of the patrons in the room were openly staring at her. It was not suprising though. There she was, a lovely young woman with golden skin and silvery hair, dressed all in purples and violets. It was obvious she had some elven blood, considering her slim and pointy ears and her elegant ligh blue elven eyes. The thing that drew most looks though was probably her wings; a pair of pearly white angelic wings on her back marked her as a half-celestial.

Upon locating the man whos is obviously in charge she'll aproach him. "Good evening my good man. I am Oxana, a travelling bard. I would like to rent a room in this lovely establishment. I will also be happy to provide some entertainment if you'd like. But first a warm meal, some clean and dry clothes and a pitcher of your best wine if you'd please." she finnishes with a warm smile.


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Rayex said:
Upon locating the man whos is obviously in charge she'll aproach him. "Good evening my good man. I am Oxana, a travelling bard. I would like to rent a room in this lovely establishment. I will also be happy to provide some entertainment if you'd like. But first a warm meal, some clean and dry clothes and a pitcher of your best wine if you'd please." she finnishes with a warm smile.

The innkeeper stares at her, for a moment, blinking, then smiles, a bit nervously. "Aye...I'm sure we have something that will fit..." Then he frowns..."Ah...except for the wings...that may be a bit of a problem."

He shakes his head, and says, "Please, please, sit yerself by the fire, and get dried off, I'll have some stew and yer pitcher of wine sent to ye."

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Erkenbrand tosses a gold piece to the stableman, saying "Give 'em the best you've got." Before turning back to the innkeep.

"I think we'll be having the dark ale." He says. With that he seats himself at a table next to Frea. "I'm glad to be undercover. I say there's something uncanny in this storm, and I'm happy to wait it out. Something strange is in the air."

Frea laughs, his good spirits restored by the thought of warm stew and dark ale. "Why so serious Erkenbrand. We're inside now and drying off. You should be putting your mind elsewhere." He lowers his voice and leans next to him. "I don't know about you, but I don't intend to be lonely tonight. That lady over there looks beautiful enough for any two women from home, and I don't intend to let this opportunity go to waste."

Grinning, he got up and walked over to the table where the winged woman sat.

"Hello milady, my name is Frea."

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