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The Seventeen Branded


Clockwork Golem
This is my first real attempt at keeping a story-style campaign log - usually I'm one of those people who tends to work from a whole heap of random notes. I'm mainly starting this because it's been a year since we started this campaign, and it forces both me and the players to remember what came before and what's going to come.


Background: The campaign takes place in Eaglspire, a city on the southern border of the Tyria, the empire of dragons. The world is predominantly water, with the largest landmass being islands roughly the size of England or New Zealand, and the majority of settlements taking place in a number of archiplego clusters. Access to the outer planes is limited, in some cases impossible. No-one has been able to summon a demon or angel from the heavens or the hells since the cataclysm that flooded the world. The few that remain on the mortal plane were trapped there during the cataclysm, left inside conjuring pentagrams or guarding ancient crypts.

South of the Tyrian border are the Blood-Spires, mountanous island chains that are home to barbarians, pirates and monstrous races of all kinds. Initially, Eaglespire was built as a military city, the first line of defence between the Dragon-empire and the collective dangers of the Blood-spires. Roughly fifty years ago, things changed. An ancient monument in the town marketplace, carved to resemble a demons head, suddenly opened its eyes and mouth and revealed a set of stairs leading down into a dungeon of unparelleled size and danger. Quickly named the Demon-Depths, plundering the dungeon became something of an industry. Adventurers from the far reaches of Tyrial, the blood-spires and beyond came to try their luck against the ancient dangers. Some succeeded, some failed, and the city slowly developed a market in magic, danger and adventure.

Players Intro: Your mysterious birthmark was always there. A strange symbol that almost seemed to be burned into your skin, something dangerous and magical and alive. Your parents consulted wizards and priests from th day you were born, trying to find some meaning behind the strange mark. They found nothing - it was always a mystery, or a curse, or the sign of greatness to come. For you it was always trouble - something that made you different. The other children teased you, and strangers would often stare in confusion. You never found out what the mark meant, but you learned to keep it hidden. You ignored the taunts and the stares, and you learned the crafts that would carry you through the world. Maybe, one day, you'd find an answer...

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Clockwork Golem
The Party

Khynal Yarrow (Male Human Psi-Warrior 1/Psion (Savant) 1): Khynal is a native of Charos, an island of psionically empowered humans that have built a vast crystalline city in the Spires of Blood. He was born on the first day of the twisting, a small catastrophe that caused untold damage to the Charosian people and started a ten-year war between the natives is the city and a race of intelligent beings that manifested themselves as astral constructs. The time of his birth caused Khynal untold dangers, and as a child he was attacked by a psi-blade that permanently damaged his nervous system, leaving him unable to control his muscle mass and leaving him with a Str score of 6. Just barely sixteen at the start of the campaign, he spent his youth training to be a member of Charos’ elite guards, specializing in firearms and telekinetic ability. While trying to stop a psionic blast of mass destruction at a concert performance, he was thrown forward in time and space alongside the dissident controlling the device. He survived because of the unexpected intervention of Kharon Shikar Kestra, one of the men responsible for the Twisting. Kharon arranged for Khynal to be healed, pointed him in the direction of the nearby city of Eaglespire and set him loose.

Notes – Khynal is, to be blunt, not a nice person. His upbringing has been fractured, and his emotions manifest themselves as a pair of voices that tell him what he should do. He believes that these voices belong to Tiamat and Bahamut, the dragon gods, but the truth of this is unknown. Technically Neutral, it’s recently been decided that Khynal has a somewhat sociopathic streak to him.

Sven /Bjorn Abbadon (Wild-Elf Druid 1): While most Wild-elves hail from the sunless lands to the far north, only coming into the known kingdoms to raid and wreak havoc, Sven and Bjorn originate from a number of small clans that have fled their violent heritage and settled in the Blood Spires several hundred years ago. Sven was the more militant of the pair, learning to fish and fight with the spear. Bjorn spent several years in the wilderness after the two quarreled over a girl, becoming a druid after a visitation by the nature-goddess Vevina and befriending a grey wolf of unusual intellect. They left their home isles after it was betrayed by their villages Chieftain, invaded by a force of allied Sahuagin and undead. There were some other problems just prior to the invasion mind, such as spearing the chieftain’s son, Sorren Aquastrom, but the invasion is what capped it off. They both separated, seeking to gather support from the smaller kingdoms surrounding their homeland, planning to eventually meet in Eaglespire and petition the Duke to gather aid from the empire.

Notes - Essentially, this is the same character, one of the flaws that occurred because the campaign started a month early and completely unprepared. In truth, Sven wouldn’t have been a druid. From the background handed in by Bjorn’s player, and the events that occurred later, it was discovered that Sven was trained as a fighter. Bjorn’s player had only ever played a barbarian before this, so the character is on a bit of a learning curve. As will be seen later, his focus on learning to use the spells tends to be hampered by his wenching and drinking. In game terms, wild elves are also the equivalent of drow, although they don’t have spell resistance spell resistance and they tend to favor sorcery over wizardry.

Voolfy (Wolf): Bjorn’s animal companion. Originally accompanied Sven to the city as Bjorn was to visit the more outlying and less wolf-friendly countries on the route to Eaglespire. Voolfy is known to be somewhat smarter than a normal wolf, and exhibits a strange amusement with humans. She is fiercely protective of Bjorn, and has been known to do some rather unpleasant things to the throats and nether regions of those who get on her bad side.

Notes – It’s rare that people in my games go for familiars, and Bjorn was the first druid I’d seen played in nearly two decades of gaming, so there have never been animal companions. It was interesting to watch how Voolfy developed over time. She came with enough personality that she deserved an intro unto herself, and has at times proven to be the most alert, intelligent and combat capable member of the party. She may also be the only party member that everyone completely trusts.

Henk (Half-Orc Barbarian 2): Henk is another Blood-Spires native, coming from the orcish city-states that harbor various pirates and other forces of darkness. Large and brutish, he doesn’t display the greatest sense of humor, good hygiene or intellect. He is, in short, a very typical half-orc barbarian. He also gets called Hank a lot, which is a source of contention for him.

Notes – Henk wasn’t destined to last long, largely making his appearance in the first adventure as a player character before moving on to become an NPC. Henk’s player moved on to create Meryn, who lasted a great deal longer.

Solomon Ishtok (Human Rogue 1/Cleric 1 of Olidammara): Solomon is one of the few Tyrian natives in the party. He had some training as a cleric as well as his skills in the roguish arts, but for the most part his existence is driven by gambling and drinking. Solomon doesn’t really talk much about his background, but he does have a number of contacts in the Brotherhood of Shadow, Eaglespire’s Thieves Guild, and knows several of the scattered Olidammaran priests in the city.

Notes – Solomon’s not that bright, and officially not all that likeable. He looses money a lot, makes money occasionally, and sometimes doesn’t seem to grasp that there might be more to worshiping his god beyond rolling dice and cheating at cards. He also has the most contacts in the city, and is blessed by Olidammara’s own luck. Otherwise he’d likely be dead many times over.

Madeline Brandybuck (Gnome Sor 2): Madeline is a gnome for the township of miner’s bluff. She comes from a long line of sorcerers, including the famed Adelle Brandybuck who gathered a great deal of power and learned the arts of the eldritch master from a earth genie of great power. Apprenticed as an alchemist and gem cutter before her powers awakened, Madeline’s new goal in life was to develop her sorcerer’s powers and find a patron that would train her in the secrets of eldritch might. She left her home town and traveled to Eaglespire, where she soon fell in with Solomon. The cleric quickly lost a sizable amount of money, and agreed to work as her bodyguard and guide for a time until the debt was repaid.

Notes – Madeline’s player was learning to play for the first time, and had the challenge of being the groups only female to boot. She’s known for being quite willing to mix it up in hand to hand with opponents, fighting with spells and a morning star should the situation require it. She’s proud of her gnomish heritage, and uses her size to her advantage in a battle.

Meryn Stormblade (Female Aasimar Monk 1): Meryn was raised as the daughter of a wealthy blacksmith, residing in a small city-state in the Blood-spires that was a haven for pirates, refugees and treasure seekers. She spent a good deal of her childhood being sheltered from the world, reading widely but rarely venturing beyond the walls of her home. It was only when her father was visited by the Pirate-lord Reldoff and his son, Alexander, that she finally saw something in life outside her home. She fell for Alexander, and carried on secretive liaisons with him for two years without either of their parents becoming aware. When Alexander was forced to flee the island to escape serving in his father’s navy, Meryn fled with him. When their ship was wrecked by a storm, Meryn was marooned on an island on the edge of the blood-spires. There she found the Order of Protectors, a group of aasimar monks devoted to removing evil magic from the world, and learned the importance of her own angelic heritage. After years of training, she was sent to Eaglespire to find out more about the recently opened Depth’s beneath the demon mouth. Unfortunately, this mission was rapidly left behind after numerous distractions.

Notes – Meryn was a great character, but didn’t mesh terribly well with the predominantly Neutral and chaotic group. She had a lot of points put into Sense motive to avoid having the rest of the party bluff her when they were up to no good, and she developed a somewhat warped relationship with the others as a result. Although she lasted a good year of gameplay, she was recently swapped out for another character.
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Clockwork Golem
The campaign has a rather fractured beginning. Three of the players were in an already established campaign, while the other two were newcommers that were preparing to join in.

Given that Madeline's player had never played before, and that Solmon's player was moving from 2e to 3e with a three year gap between games, the ongoing game was meant to be concluded before this one started. For some reason, I wasn't comfortable teaching new players the game when they started at 15th level.

The first session in the campaign actually took place about four weeks before it was schedualed to start. WE'd got together to bring together all the plot threads from the old campaign, but I'd forgotten to bring both the character sheets and the adventure. Rather than not game, it was decided that we'd start a early and I'd run some seperate games for Solomon and Madeline to catch them up in XP, and to let them get a feel for the game before throwing them in with the regular players. I wasn't really prepared to start, having just finished the background and concepts the night before, but we went ahead anyway. Given the unprepared nature of the adventure, I wasn't sure whether to post it. Then the players reminded me that the unprepared adventure set up on of the primary plot-hooks for the next few months of gaming.

The Guantlet
(This log took place in the adventure Gorgolgand's Gauntlet which appeared in Dragon Annual #5. It probably contains Spoilers)

Khynal and Sven Abbadon meet not long after they arrive in the City of Eaglespire, but the simple expedient of being chased through the large adventurer’s marketplace by a clockwork golem. Although the golem sprouts a multitude of weapons and other mechanical widgets throughout the fight, it is eventually brought down due to the efforts of the city guard and a few stray adventurers with civic spirit. (Note: the Golem quickly became refered to as the Gnomish Army Knife Golem, occasionally reverting to swiss when people forget what they're doing).

Although their meeting was entirely coincidental, they find themselves in much the same situation in the city. Both are unsure of their way around, neither has a great deal of money, and Sven has found getting in to see the Duke and plead his case more difficult than he originally imagined. Still, Eaglespire is the city of adventure – dozens of hopefuls find wealth in the labyrinthine depths beneath the famed demons-mouth statue. With little other option available to them, they decide to team up and raid the depths.

When they meet the next morning to plan their attack, they find themselves joining a half-orc warrior over breakfast. Realizing the brawny barbarian is probably going to be useful in a fight, they quickly convince Henk to join them and start planning their assault on the infamous depths.

While they’re planning, the trio is approached by a scabby goblin that introduces himself as Junge T’Chur. Junge tells the group he’s an information broker, specializing in rumors on the depths and news interest to adventurers. He points out that gaining access to the depths legally requires membership in the Dungeoneers guild, something none of the group can afford. Taking stock of their poverty, the goblin offers to sell them directions to a dungeon called the gauntlet – a testing ground set up by Tyria’s former leader, the dragon-king Salisperrin. The group quickly discusses it, eventually agreeing to Junge’s price of 5sp. Their one requirement is that the goblin leads them there, threatening to let Henk twist the broker’s head from his body if he’s lying.

The Gauntlet is about an hours walk beyond the town walls, located halfway down one of the sea-cliffs. The party tie their ropes to an aging iron rope-hook and gradually lower themselves down, Henk helping Khynal down before making the dangerous climb to the Gauntlet’s entry way with Voolfy under arm.

The initial rooms of the gauntlet go well. Henk leads the way, triggering a trap that causes a great glass spider to fall from above. Reacting on instinct, the half-orc swings his axe and shatters the spider, filling the chamber with some kind of magical dust. Whatever effect the dust is thought to have, it doesn’t effect any of the party and they move on. After bypassing a somewhat clumsy pit trap with little effort, they find their way into a small cavern, their path blocked by a chasm full of water.

The attempt to get across the cavern seems easy. Henk leaps most of the distance, splashing into the water and needing swimming only a few feet to reach the far side. Khynal immediately follows him in, panicking his fellows who expect him to sink like a stone with his weakness and armor, but utilizing a minor psionic power to keep himself afloat. It is when Sven dives in to swim across that tragedy strikes. From the depths of the water a humanoid creature, the size of an ogre by with fishlike features, rises to attack the swimming warrior. Combat is quickly joined, Henk diving back into the water to flail at the creature with his axe, Sven stabbing at it with his spear and Khynal manifesting another power to keep it afloat, trying to clutch the side of the cavern and take careful shots with his pistol as the melee rages. The fight is fast and furious, and when the water eventually stops churning both the creature and Sven are dead. The creature’s corpse floats, but Sven slowly sinks below the waves in his armor. Despite a quick underwater search by Henk, they don’t manage to recover the body.


Clockwork Golem
Although this all took place in the same session, the posts got really long really fast. We play eight or nine hour sessions, so a lot tends to happen...

The Gauntlet - Part Two

Khynal and Henk take stock of the situation, eventually deciding to press further into the gauntlet. They bypass some more traps and a few puzzles, defeating a pair of rust monsters with minimal effort, Sven’s long spear and concentrated pistol fire from Khynal.

As they reach a staircase bearing a mysterious riddle, Voolfy (who has followed along after Sven’s death), starts barking excitedly and they hear a boisterous call echo through the length of the Gauntlet. “Hello? My name is Bjorn? I have come looking for my brother Sven.”

After retrieving the druid from the gauntlets entrance and guiding him through the traps and trials they’ve uncovered thus far, the party ask Bjorn a few quick questions while he greets his pet wolf, Voolfy. He explains his mission to find help for his homeland, his devotion to his deity Vevina and how a small goblin in a tavern had told him Sven had come here with some companions. With a cheerful smile and a scratch behind Voolfy’s ear, he looks at the other two and asks “So, is Sven here?”

There’s a short moment of silence. Henk grunts, starts trying to figure out a way up the stairs. Khynal says “no, not anymore,” and leaves it at that. Bjorn doesn’t get the message, figures his brother has left for the city once more. He thinks about going looking for him, but figures that he has no money, its likely that Sven doesn’t either, and these two people seem to look like they know how to go about getting some…

They decipher the trick of the stairs by chance, randomly leaping over the carefully placed teleport traps. At the top is a locked, iron door and a riddle. After determining that brute force wont open the door, they set down to puzzle out the password. Eventually, it is Bjorn to comes to the correct solution and gains the party entry into what seems to be the final chamber chamber.

The chamber is fairly sizable and the far wall contains a mirror, flanked by a pair of skeleton statues, with a strange and nonsensical word carved above it. AS they enter the room, a portcullis falls behind the party. The two statues start moving, bearing their swords and advancing on the party, about the same time that they realize the reflection of the room contains a great deal of treasure, while the one they’re standing in contains none.

Khynal, Voolfy and Henk engage with the skeleton statues, taking some damage while dealing few points in return. Bjorn takes on a supporting role, healing his comrades and occasionally stabbing with his long spear. After only a few seconds of fighting, he realizes that the writing above the mirror is some kind of command word. Yelling it out, he freezes the skeletons in place and transports the party into another room – the room that was being shown in the reflection.

The three of them stare at the treasure for a few moments, not moving, just bathing in the glory of their find. Voolfy slowly starts to sniff around the room, somewhat disoriented by the transportation magic. As the heroes get truly excited about their haul, it starts to move, pulling coins from across the room as it slowly starts to take another shape. In the space of a few seconds, they find themselves facing a dragon composed entirely of treasure, it’s body a mass of gold and silver coins, its eyes made from precious gems. The coin dragon goes down quickly, despite wounding many of the party members with its breath weapon of gold coins. After stabbing the coins a few times more to ensure it doesn’t reanimate, the party gathers together its haul – a small pile of coins, some gems, some masterwork weapons and a longsword that’s obviously magical. They device the coins as evenly as possible, giving Khynal the sword because Bjorn’s never trained with one and Henk has no interest with such a “sissy weapon.” Tired and wounded, they make their way towards the opening of the cave and prepare to climb back to the cliff top.

As they climb over the lip of the cliff, they notice a small group of people several feet away, waiting for them. A quick count reveals five – a pair of humans, a dwarf, a half-orc and a small being that wore a heavy cloak, but showed a definite draconic snout and blue scaled, clawed hands. The draconic being stands forward and demands they hand over the sword. Khynal bluffs, claiming they hadn’t discovered a sword. Despite the gold-plated pommel at his belt, he rolls some phenomenal score on his bluff check and convinces the dragon-creature that it’s not the sword he’s looking for. The dragon scowls, order his minions to kill them and bring the sword to him later. Then, turning on his heel, he head back towards the city.

The remaining four people attack, but find themselves easily outclassed. One of the human’s, a monk, is quickly tossed over the side of the cliff by an enraged barbarian. The dwarf and his crossbow are quickly out-matched by Khynal and his pistols, and the charging human rogue has a mishap with Bjorn’s long spear after fumbling a tumble check. Only the half-orc provides the party any trouble, raging and flailing at their own barbarian with a greatsword. Eventually, they prevail and go searching for their attackers leader. Despite a concentrated search of the area, and setting Voolfy on the beings tracks, his trail goes cold after a few hundred feet.

They return to Eaglespire, somewhat richer, more experienced and feeling more confident in their abilities. Bjorn and Khynal take quarters at the Gilded Gargoyle Inn, a dwelling that was quite at home with Bjorn’s wolf in the taproom, while Henk pronounces himself rich, sick of the humans that never pronounce his name right, and storms off in a huff. Although Bjorn and Khynal wait for him to return, after a few hours it’s obvious that their half-orc ally has no intention of returning or adventuring with them again..


Clockwork Golem

This was the second introductory game, run a few weeks later for Madeline and Solomon...

When the priest of Olidammara lost near on five thousand gold to her in a dice game, Madeline thought she was rich. When she found out he couldn't pay, but offered his services as a guide and bodyguard, she was leery but figured it couldn't hurt to have a local guide to help her earn money. When the next three days were spent sleeping on the floor of a thieves flophouse in the undercity, whiling the day in gambling dens that merged her protector further in debt, she realized they were going no-where fast.
(Campaign note - The Brotherhood of the Shadow, the destitute and a host of the cities citizens who abhor daylight have created a second city around the sewer-system, various underground chambers and other tunnels that exist beneath Eaglespire. The undercity is slightly smaller and more lawless than the over-city, and many areas of the sewers are considered wild and dangerous.)

After a quick explanation that such behavior was unlikely to repay the coins owed to her, Madeline forced Solomon to think of some other form of work. Racking his brain, Solomon suggested they try their luck with an old friend of his - Romesh of the Sharn Gladiator Stable. While neither was particularly skilled in the arts of combat, Solomon figured they might be able to make some gold fighting in the smaller, open bouts that pitted down-on-their-luck adventurers against one another. All they needed was the right backing to get the easiest and most profitable matches.

With few other options, Madeline agreed. Romesh turned out to be a somewhat personable man; a swarthy Spiran (blood-spires native) pirate who'd made a small fortune as a gladiator himself before retiring to run his stable. He put up the coin to back the pair in three matches over three days, officially signing them on as a part of his gladiator stable and threatening grave legal consequences should they fight for any of his competitors.

Their first bout was easy, the two of them taking down a group of kobold warriors from the fledgling Ahtor stable. Their second match was slightly more difficult, facing off against the skeleton of a former ogre champion, which had been bought and reanimated by the stable of Atrius the Damned. The fight against the skeleton was short, the pair of them falling back on healing magic and harm undead cantrips after an initial foray with mace and morning star proved slightly too dangerous.

It was their final bout that drew the most attention. They arrived at the arena to find that for the first time in nearly sixty years, the Temple of Tiamat had entered a champion in the bout. As the pair walked into the small arena that had become their testing ground, they noticed a priest wearing the five-colored robes of Tiamat, covering them with the snowy tabard of the white dragon order. The priest glared at them, watching them intently as the Temple's champion was lead into the arena. Although somewhat disturbed by the unknown priests attention, neither human nor gnome had time to dwell on it for long. The Temple's champion was a small creature, perhaps some four feet in height, with a winged body that burned with an amber flame. Small talons smoldered as it flexed its hands in readiness, and Solomon's remembered enough of his training as a neophyte priest to identify the beast as a creature from the elemental planes.

It was Solomon who reacted first, casting a hasty spell to protect his charge from fire. HE finished the spell with bare fractions of a second to spare, as the creature immediately breathed a gout of flame at the pair. Thanks to the magical protection of Solomon's spell, Madeline was barely wounded, but the lithe priest wasn't quite fast enough to escape the worst of the creature’s blast. Confident in her protection, Madeline started hammering the fire-creature with magic missiles, while her companion spent a few seconds more protecting himself before engaging the creature in hand to hand. It took nearly a minute to wear the creature down, both adventurers taking wounds from the beast’s claws and suffering minor burns despite Solomon's magic. Finally, they stood victorious. The crowd cheered, and the Robed priest sneered at them as he walked away. Unable to let the moment slip past, Solomon let out a quick taunt over his victory. The Dragon-priest whirled, his anger restrained but barely. Madeline sighed at her companion’s impetuousness, but figuring that being in for a copper is as good as being in for a gold, offered a few more choice barbs of her own. As the priest left the arena, it was to the sound of the crowd roars of amusement and encouragement.

When talking with Romesh after the fight, the pair discovered they'd made a good haul for three days work. They'd need some time to rest and heal, but they'd made more than enough gold to pay their membership to the dungeoneers guild, and discovered that Tiamat's temple had even fronted a few choice magic items to ensure their champion drew the match against Solomon and Madeline. Splitting the gold, two scrolls and healing potions that made up their half of the winnings, it was decided that the arena would take second place to real adventuring. Even as they made plans to find a real place to rest before heading to the Guild's headquarters in the morning, a lingering thought hung in both their heads: Why were Tiamat's priests so determined that their champion should fight the pair? Madeline had a bad feeling that insulting the temple's representative after their victory was only going to make matters worse...


First Post
I am the one who is playing Solomon. I did indeed insult the Priest. I suggested that is his priestly robes where not that great and quite unfashionable. :p


Clockwork Golem
After realizing that Henk wasn’t going to rejoin them, Khynal and Bjorn retire for the evening. Bjorn is heavily drunk, talking to Voolfy with some very slurred speech as he makes his way up the stairs. Voolfy follows along, scaring a few random patrons who come across the tall druid and his companion as they lurch through the Gilded Gargoyle’s halls. Khynal is still sober, adopting his people’s customary position that those below the age of twenty-one aren’t permitted alcohol, despite Tyria’s more lenient stance on the matter. As he follows the drunken Bjorn up the stairs, he catches site of something on the back of the druids left shoulder. At first Khynal’s inclined to dismiss it as nothing, but he catches site of it once more as Bjorn falls against the doorway of his room. It’s a small birthmark, perhaps shaped like nothing but perhaps the shape of a dragon, that appears to have been burned into the wild-elf’s flesh. Even as he realizes what he’s seen, Khynal feels a strange tingling from his neck. He raises a hand to rub at the tingle, and then realizes it comes from his own dragon-like birthmark surrounded by burnt flesh.

By the next morning, Bjorn is well in the grip of a shocking hangover. He spends a few minutes dunking his head in a bucket of cold water, moaning outrageously to a very amused wolf that’s curled up on the foot of his bed. In the next room, Khynal is slowly going through his morning ritual – meditating, then slowly polishing his two pistols. The tingling in his birthmark has stopped, and there appears to be no reaction when he meets with Bjorn over breakfast. Breathing a sign of relief, the young Psion eats a small breakfast and makes plans with his temporary companion.

Bjorn takes little initiative in his planning, other than pointing out that he’d like to spend some time asking around the city after his brother. Khynal nodded briefly, saying nothing. He considered for a moment telling Bjorn his brother's fate, but remembered the strange birthmark, the tingling and the Wild-elves mission. The voice of Bahamut, the Dragon-king, echoed through his head, pointing out that informing Bjorn of his loss was the right thing to do. At the same time Tiamat, the dragon queen, whispered, “If you tell him, he’ll leave. You’ll never find out what secret those markings hold. You’ll never know what it means.” Khynal held his tongue.

(Note: It was about this point that Bjorn’s player looked up from his character sheet and asked ‘Did anyone tell Bjorn Sven was dead?’ Henk had blatantly lied about it before he left, and Khynal rolled a die to decide which aspect of his personality he’d listen to on the matter. Tiamat won, and the only two people who knew anything about Sven’s death weren’t saying a word.)

A plan for the day was quickly established. They would head to the Dungeoneers guild to pay their membership, gaining access to the depths and the untold riches that awaited them. Then they’d wander through a few of the taverns in the district, asking about Bjorn’s lost brother. Finally, they needed to find someone they could sell the gemstones they recovered from the gauntlet too, as well as someone who could decipher the magic that was wrapped around the enchanted sword Khynal carried.

They set out across the city, searching for the Guildhouse. It took them mere moments to get lost, confused by the winding streets and throngs of people that neither were used too. Refusing to ask for directions, the kept moving, taking twists and turns that led them deeper and deeper into the demon-mouth district.

After about an hour of wandering the streets, Khynal felt the faint tingling in his birthmark once more. Knowing that all wild-elves had some natural talent with minor magic, Khynal jerked his head around to see if Bjorn was doing anything that caused the effect. The Wild-elf looked back, his head confused and an arm snaking over his shoulder to scratch at something. Khynal shook his head, turned and looked about the street. It took him a few moments, but he eventually saw a young woman walking down the alley, her head held high and gleaming with a slight luminescence. As attention grabbing as the slight glow was, Khynal’s eyes focused on the woman’s forehead, where a birthmark in the shape of a rising sun was clearly visible despite the headband the woman wore.

Khynal nudged Bjorn and pointed. Bjorn looked, his eyes going suddenly wide as he spotted the woman. He lurched forward, readying his long spear as he did so and whistling for Voolfy to follow him. Khynal drew a gun, wondering what danger the Druid had seen in the young woman, when he spotted the group of men that were tailing behind her. There were five of them, each carrying a flail and wearing dirty brown robes the color of mud. Their eyes were focused on the oblivious woman, and one of them was obviously preparing to attack. Khynal shouted a warning even as the spear wielding Bjorn bore down on the lady. In a smooth motion she turned, dropping into a combat stance with a kama in her hand. The brown-robed assailants paused, taken aback by the sudden appearance of three prepared combatants and a wolf. As four of the brown-robes moved in to attack, the last one threw a small stone into the mud of the city street, screaming “Arise, and bring us the branded one…” Even as the first blows of combat were traded, a mudlike elemental grew from the cast stone and lurched towards the party.

The fight was short. Three of the attackers were slain in the space of a few seconds, and of those who fled one was brought down by Voolfy. The elemental provided the greatest challenge, shrugging off most of the damage caused by Sven’s spear, the woman’s blade and Khynal’s telekinetic blasts. They eventually fought the creature to a standstill, taking some damage but holding it off until the magic that bound it in the world wore off and it melted into a pile of mud once more.

A quick search of the bodies told them little. Their attackers wore no armor, carried no arms beyond their flails, and showed little skill in the arts of combat. The only clue the bodies held were the pendants they wore, a clay-like circle that surrounded a black triangle, and the likeness of a blue-marble pillar splitting the triangle in two.

Fleeing the scene before the guard arrived, Khynal and Bjorn introduced themselves to the woman they aided. She explained that her name was Meryn, and that she was on a mission to explore the depths for her order. She had no idea about the mysterious pendants, why the brown-robes had attacked her, or what they had meant when the screamed of the branded one. Still feeling the mysterious itch when he looked at the woman’s rising sun birthmark, Khynal explained where they were heading and invited Meryn to come along.

After taking a few more wrong turns, the trio agreed they needed someone with better local knowledge. Calling for a tout, they were approached by a weasel-thin boy of thirteen, dressed in dirty rags and carrying a short-knife at his waist. He introduces himself as pippin, his accent a thick Tyrian cockney drawl. He keeps up a stream of comments as he leads them to the guild, telling them that he dreams of becoming a warrior and plundering the depths himself one day. When they reach the mammoth Dungeoneers guild – a four-story, keep like structure on the sea-cliffs that held Eaglespires skydocks, they spent a few moments staring at the great structure in awe. Meryn paid their tout with a gold coin; easily ten times what the job had been worth. Pippin’s eyes gleamed as he looked at the coin, and he promised he’d wait outside and guide them for the rest of the day.

The trio walks into the clean, bright entry-hall of the Guild. They’re greeted by a tall, well-dressed bald man who introduces himself as Rory Brand – Major domo of the Guild. He explains a little of the Guilds history and its role in the city, pointing out the benefits of joining, as well as the cost. Although only Meryn has the fees for membership, given to her by her order before she set out, Bjorn and Khynal both have gemstones they believe to be worth a few gold. Rory recommends a dwarven jeweler who maintains a small just beyond the demon-mouth square. They meet with the dwarf, a jovial stone dwarf from the Sabbin Empire named Ufrud Mulhari, and sell their accumulated loot. Although they get the feeling the dwarf is ripping them off, the gold they gather is enough to pay for their membership, a few potions of healing, and to requisition an information search in the Guild’s expansive library.

After paying for a search on the symbol carried by the men who attacked Meryn, the party asks some quick questions about other places in the city they could go for information. Rory recommends they try Eran Wordwander, a sage and hedge-wizard who sells potions and identifies items for adventurers. Eran turns out to be a doddering half-orc bard, skilled in magic and lore but requiring constant reminding about the task at hand. He recognizes Khynal’s sword immediately – the Hordemaster. He explains that the weapon was created by the Gold Dragon-emperor, Salisperrin, and was once wielded by the Dragonknight Argos. Beyond its enhancements in combat, it will create a guardian construct in the shape of a dragon if placed within a pile of treasure, and can detect large quantities of precious metal within sixty feet. Although the command word for the Guardian was well known, Eran can’t recall if the command word for detecting gold was ever recorded.

When shown the symbol worn by the brown-robed attackers, Eran becomes serious. He explains that it belongs to an extinct cult, one that worshipped a dark elemental power, and he seemed surprised that they were active again. Although he didn’t know much about the cult, he recommends two people within the city who would know more. The first is a cleric of Bahamut, Thenden, who serves at the cities Dragonknight charterhouse, and the other was a sage at the city university named Thenden who specialized in ancient religion.

The party heads back into the city, taking Pippin with them as a guide. They try to find Thenden first, stopping in at the charterhouse. The two knights on guard duty go grim when they mention Thenden’s name, pointing out that he went into the depths to rescue a trapped novitiate of the order and has been missing for a week. While the elders of the church are concerned, they cannot spare the manpower to go searching for him.

The party debates trying to mount a rescue, eventually deciding that they’ll explore other avenues of information before heading below. As they head towards the university, they realize they’re being tailed once again.

This time their follower is an ogre, about seven feet tall and wearing a heavy gauntlet with a row of spikes along the knuckles. His attempts to shadow the party are clumsy, and when they eventually turn to confront the ogre, he seems almost pleased.

The ogre doesn’t attack immediately, instead demanding Khynal hand over the sword or be beaten into a pulp. The ogre and the party trade insults for a few moments, but it become apparent that Tork is unwilling to start a fight in the gentile and well guarded University district. The three companions shrug, head towards Logda’s campus with the ogre falling back to a clumsy shadowing distance.

When they arrive at the university, the guards at the campus gates refuse them entry. Khynal asks for a reason, explaining that they need to talk to the professor. The guards refuse once again, nervously eyeing the ogre that lurks menacingly in the background. Khynal glares at the ogre, who grins and waves with his spiked glove. After some quick negotiating with the guards, it’s finally agreed that Meryn will head in to talk to Logda and will then meet her companions back at the Gilded Gargoyle. Meryn heads into the campus, while Bjorn and Khynal head towards their favored inn.

Meryn’s visit to the professor is short; the middle-aged man is rushing to get to a class, although she manages to pique his interest with the symbol and secures a meeting with him the following day. Frustrated, she heads back to the campus gates to find Pippin and get directions to her companions favored watering hole.

It is as Bjorn and Khynal head back into the seedier, less patrolled Demon-mouth district that Tork finds the nerve to attack. HE makes another threat about the sword, one which both companions ignore, and then lunges forward with a scream. The fight is protracted and bloody, with Tork’s spiked gauntlet dropping both characters and Voolfy into low HP, taking several spear-thrusts, pistol shots and concussive blasts in return. The fight ends with all combatants on 5 hp or less, Tork falling back and complimenting the little-un’s for being tougher than they look.

Bjorn, Khynal and Meryn meet up again in the tap-room of the Gargoyle, tired and worn out from the days events. Meryn tells the others of the meeting with Logda, and all three are strangely quite as they eat a light supper, lost in thoughts of unknown attackers and the light tingle on each of their birthmarks.
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New Story Hour, cool!

So you are using a homemade world, aren't you?
Could you please post any world map, or more info about the setting?



Clockwork Golem
Yeah, it's a home-brew, but it has had some pretty strong influences in its make-up, particularly given the reliance on published adventures for the first few sessions. It's not really my prefered way of doing things, but at the time I was trying to clean up the old campaign and do a lot of stuff for work. Things got more involved and hands on after everyone got together as one party.

I'm also a borrower, liberating cool ideas that I really want to use in my campaign and altering slightly. Both the Heldann Freeholds and Thengian Archipelago are concepts taken from an old Mystara campaign, altered by my own notes from a campaign I ran in the setting a good decade ago. The Aventine Aliance is also loosely based on that settings Galantri.

The maps aren't really in a publishable format, being either very roughly drawn, non-existent or borrowed and edited from other settings and aventures, depending on what you're after. They're really not all that useful anyway. It's been a little over a year, and the party still hasn't gone any further from the city than the nearby town of Ambertyn, a little over a days journey from the city. Hell, they've managed to get this far without ever heading into the demon-mouth and the depths below. They're having to much fun making trouble in the city.

Still, I've included the basic outline of the various Old-Kingdom nations below. The country details were left intentionally vague from the beginning, as I wanted the campaign to have as much player influenced drive as possible. In a couple of cases, this has worked unbelievably well.

Essentially, the game takes place in the old kingdoms. Despite the brevity of the descriptions, most of them are quite large. Tyria and Sabbinn control a region roughly half the size of Europe, and most of the other regions are only slightly smaller.

The Old Kingdoms

A brief background of the various old kingdoms. The layout of these kingdoms has no real bearing on the game at start, except for the fact that Tyria is at the centre of all of these. The closes kingdoms to Eaglespire are, in order, The Spires of Blood, The Sabinn Empire and The Tangled Forest. Most of the long-term PC's chose to create their own city-states of minor kingdoms in the Bloodspires, and the others came from the local campaign area.

(The Dragon Realm)

The campaign begins in Eaglespire, a stronghold that lies on the fringes of the Empire of Tyria.

Tyria is a feudal magocracy, ruled by a family of half-dragon sorcerer nobles who trace their ancestry to the great gold dragon Selisperrin, who founded the realm. One of the most important places in the realm is the city of Tyria itself. The city covers and connects seven rocky spires that jut up through the ocean, and remains an impressive feat of engineering with its many rope bridges, stone walkways and ariel docks for skyships as well as the dwarf-designed building, Wyrmkin palace and the more mundane sea ports built into the edges of the seven spires below the city, with the dwarf-carved tunnels leading up to the city streets.

The Spires of Blood
The Spires of blood are not so much a kingdom as a collection of wild, anarchistic settlements amongst monster infested spires and islands. Long the haven for pirate clans, the Spires of Blood are dangerous and uncivilised. The best known locations within the Spires are the Pirate-Isle of Drakkar, ruled by the Half Orc Pirate King of the same name, and the Necromancers Tower.

The Heldannic Freeholds
A confederation of independent settlements, united by an extensive worship of the war-goddess Vanya. The tall, blond people of the Heldannic territories are only barely civilised, and the people of Tyria are only familiar with the southern edge of the vast territories.

The Thengian Archipelago
A tropical line of islands full of thick jungles and swamps. The Thengian Archipelago has only been discovered in the past hundred years, and is the home of the wild dwarves and several savage human and humanoid tribes. The Aventine Alliance has sent numerous expeditions to chart and settle the islands, but thus far the only settlement to survive the dangers has been Fort Hope, run by a small group of monks.

The Aventine Alliance
A collection of Principalities who have formed an alliance under the guidance of the wizard-god Baccob. There are numerous colleges of magic through-out the Alliance, and there is an edict outlawing clerics of any god except Baccob through-out the region.

The Beyjarn Skykingdoms
A small collection of lightly inhabited spires. The largest settlement is the roving sky-city of Beyjarn, ruled by the Cloud Giant Lord Bey. Most of the nobles in this area are Giants as well, and floating cloud-castles are common. A number of gnome clans are native to this region, and it is home to most of the technological advances that have swept through the old kingdoms in recent years, including the development of crude firearms.

The Sabinn Empire
A large monarchy that controls the most land-mass of all the old kingdoms. Easily the regions super-power, Sabinn is ruled by Emperor Theold and his Aventine-born wife Telail, a powerful psion. All Sabinn nobles are magically and psionically altered, making them almost superhumanly strong and intelligent.

The Tangled Forest
A forest of giant, misshaped vines and mangrove trees grown by ancient elven magic. The xenophobic grey elves allow few visitors into their land, but all grey-elf adolescents are required to spend five years surviving in the world beyond the forests borders. Most of the information known about this region is hear-say from these elven youths.

I'll post some more information on the City and its various districts once I get it together.
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Clockwork Golem
What follows is a rough Guide to EAglespire, the city where the bulk of the campaign has taken place thus far.

Eaglespire (Large city); Conventional; AL LN; 40 000gp Limit; 40 000 000gp assets; Population 20 000; Integrated (37% Human, 20% Dwarf, 18% Gnome, 10% Elf and Half-Elf, 7% Half-Orc, 5% Halfling, 3% Other).

Authority Figures: Lord Rhodry Polidora, Male Human Ari 12.

Important Characters:
Captain Prathi, Male Hobgoblin War16 (Captain of the Guard)
Eran Wordwander, Male Half-orc Brd5/Adp3 (Information and Magic Broker)
Khuron Dragonknight, Male Human Ftr4/Dra1 (Guardian of the Demon-Mouth)

Some Selected Power Groups

The Dungeoneers Guild

The Dungeoneers guild is an organisation constantly growing in power. It facilitates the exploration of the depths below the city, and its guild hall in the undercity hold a great deal of information about the dungeon. The Dungeoneers Guild has several established waystations in the undercity available for the use of its members.

The Brotherhood of Shadows

Eaglespires thieves guild and assassins guild, and the undisputed masters of the undercity. Very few thieves in Eaglespire escape this Brotherhoods eyes, and membership is mandatory for any theif seeking to use the undercity as a hideout or highway. The only thieves to have escaped the Brotherhoods attention are the agents of the Gold Elf House Adremoth.

The Eaglespire Academy

Considering the Academy includes a school of magic, a warrior and monk academy and a bardic college, the school holds a great deal of sway amongst many power groups in the city. Many highly placed people in the city council, the clergy, the nobility and even the delvers guild owe their training to this school, and the governing council of elders makes sure they keep track of any noteworthy alumni.

The Dragonknights

The warriors of Bahamut. The Dragonknights never forget that the true purpose of Eaglespire was to be the city of guardians, and they take their duty very seriously. Many members of the Knights supplement the town watch and Lord Polidora’s Galleys, and at least three Dragonknights share the duty of keeping watch over the Demon-Mouth.

The Gold Elf Trade Clans

Gold elves are a sub-race in the elven family tree, as fascinated by magic as their brotheren, but sharing a lot for trade and gold that rivals that of the dwarves. Given their long life-times and virtual monopoly on Grey-elven goods in the outside world, they are among the riches mortal beings in existence, their compounds containing wealth that rivals a dragons horde.There are fifteen major elven trading clans who operate in the old kingdoms, and two of these maintain permanent enclaves within the city. Elven trade clans are given rights equal to that of nations, despite the lack of any permanent homeland.

Voidrunner's Codex

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