The Shadow Knows! (Final Update 6/3/04)

Which of the Shadow's epithets do you like the best?

  • The Cloaked Crusader

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • The Dark Avenger

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • The Man of Mystery

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • The Sable Sleuth

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I've got the perfect one! (post it!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%


First Post
Fare Well, Shadow!

WOW! If Mr. Cooper writes better than you, then I definitely need to get one of his books! I thought that I wrote well... (Is he any relation to James Fennimore Cooper?)

Sorry to see the game end! Maybe Shadow VII (circa 2040 or so) could be a descendant of David & Carlos' intermarried kids. Maybe by then, the TT gene problems have been resolved, and the new version won't have the personality problems that Alex had?

It seems obvious, to me, that "The Shadow" is a psychic construct bound to the hat. Any TT Telepath with the hat would be influenced to become "The Shadow". Thus, like SP typed, there really pI]is[/I] something to those old "legends"!

Wah! "When Shadows Fall" made me Boo-Hoo (you beast)! :(

I didn't have the trouble with the Ultra-Tech some had... I don't find Atomic Phasers (which align the orbits of electrons within molecules, so that one physical object can pass through another) impossible, nor unreasonable. Terribly complex, maybe, but not impossible.

I do have to disagree that machines can't do psionics, though... The neurons of the brain can be replicated by electronics, and have been since circa 1960. The only reason that computer brains haven't been built is the price... As nanotech advances, and prices come down, the possibility grows! By 2040, Garrity's grandson will probably have figured out how to do it. Now all the machine needs is a soul... and, of course, Michael is still around, looking for a way to survive! If he's already a ghost in the machine, he might as well inhabit the new computer brain, with his hacking abilities...

Of course, what he'll be like in 35 years (and all that spent dodging power outages on the 'net) is anybody's guess! He may have a few issues of his own! One of the new Shadow's first adventures may be trying to disconnect the "malfunctioning" computer brain from the 'net, without killing power, as "The Shadow Knows" that "It's Alive!" :]

Feel free to use any of that that strikes your fancy. Or not! In any case, I've enjoyed your story. Best wishes for your personal life!

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Steverooo said:
WOW! If Mr. Cooper writes better than you, then I definitely need to get one of his books! I thought that I wrote well... (Is he any relation to James Fennimore Cooper?)

Not that I know of, but he writes at least as well as if he were. :) Aside from an award-winning collection of SF and fantasy short stories ("The Lives of Ghosts"), and more short stories in an anthology with other writers ("Flights of Mind") he has three fantasy novels published, and more slated to be. "Gates of Sleep", "A Slow and Silent Stream", and "A Separate Power". (The first has a near-future SF edge to it too.)

The really scary part is, good as those books are, they're his early work. :) He's working on getting a New York publisher (wider distribution) for his later stuff...

Sorry to see the game end! Maybe Shadow VII (circa 2040 or so) could be a descendant of David & Carlos' intermarried kids. Maybe by then, the TT gene problems have been resolved, and the new version won't have the personality problems that Alex had?

I have no idea if their kids would be inclined to intermarry. But Grace's training would probably help more than anything in dealing with a new generation of TT kids.

It seems obvious, to me, that "The Shadow" is a psychic construct bound to the hat. Any TT Telepath with the hat would be influenced to become "The Shadow". Thus, like SP typed, there really pI]is[/I] something to those old "legends"!

Maybe. If so, I guarantee it wasn't like that before Alex. "The Shadow" persona was all his own doing. The "Lamont Cranston" persona (if it had come to pass) would have been yet one more elaborate way for Alex to reassure himself that he's REALLY just a regular guy in his secret ID.

Wah! "When Shadows Fall" made me Boo-Hoo (you beast)! :(

Thank you. That means I moved you, which is what I was trying for.

I didn't have the trouble with the Ultra-Tech some had... I don't find Atomic Phasers (which align the orbits of electrons within molecules, so that one physical object can pass through another) impossible, nor unreasonable. Terribly complex, maybe, but not impossible.

My degree's in physics, and as far as I can see it IS quite impossible. But hey, it's a game, and fiction to boot. :)

I do have to disagree that machines can't do psionics, though... The neurons of the brain can be replicated by electronics, and have been since circa 1960. The only reason that computer brains haven't been built is the price... As nanotech advances, and prices come down, the possibility grows!

You're making a philosophical assumption there, that neurons are the whole story. For the purposes of the game, SP and I agreed that they were not - that a "soul", as you put it below, is necessary.

By 2040, Garrity's grandson will probably have figured out how to do it.

Garrity... reproducing?! The mind boggles. :)

Then again, if someone mentions cloning to him, he might try it just to work out all the bugs... Now THERE'S a scary thought...

Now all the machine needs is a soul... and, of course, Michael is still around, looking for a way to survive! If he's already a ghost in the machine, he might as well inhabit the new computer brain, with his hacking abilities...

Cool idea. Might be very interesting.

Feel free to use any of that that strikes your fancy. Or not! In any case, I've enjoyed your story. Best wishes for your personal life!

Thanks! And yes, things are going much better now. I don't regret doing Alex in... though SP and I have gotten to the point of tossing around ideas for another game by now. Don't know what will come of it, if anything.


First Post
Well, nice to know that my attachment to this Story Hour hasn't lessened for lack of, well, the Story Hour. That probably means a few things about my psychie, good and bad, but I'm not self-anylizing today.

Brilliant work, by the way, on those shorts. That, of course, isn't new for you. But it's still brillant.

Still, it's like rekindling an addiction. I want more. I can handle it though. Mostly. Okay, I admit it, I have a problem. But screw the other 11 steps. Let's fead the beast!

Personally, I kinda disagree with you on how David would react to the tide of emotion. I see it more as a loss of belief in the father. Not on the early teenage level where you start to realize your parents don't know everything; deeper than that. On that level when you really see your father for who he is. Not perfect, not able to handle everything that comes his way; just a man.

I think he'd withdraw from Alex for a while to come to terms with it. After that, I'd expect a level of respect and comradery between the two. Both consider each other a man--literally and figurtively.

Naturally, that's from an outsider. It just reminded me of what that happened between my dad.

So, what are your thoughts on the new campaign? Care to share your ideas?

[Edit: Oh, and where you still interested in that calender we were putting together? Either way is fine with me.]

Lela said:
Well, nice to know that my attachment to this Story Hour hasn't lessened for lack of, well, the Story Hour. That probably means a few things about my psychie, good and bad, but I'm not self-anylizing today.

As SP would say, "Yes... Tell ze good doktor all about it!" :)

Brilliant work, by the way, on those shorts.


Still, it's like rekindling an addiction. I want more. I can handle it though. Mostly. Okay, I admit it, I have a problem. But screw the other 11 steps. Let's fead the beast!

We'll see. Though SP and I have tossed ideas around, none has yet gelled.

Personally, I kinda disagree with you on how David would react to the tide of emotion. I see it more as a loss of belief in the father. Not on the early teenage level where you start to realize your parents don't know everything; deeper than that. On that level when you really see your father for who he is. Not perfect, not able to handle everything that comes his way; just a man.

You could be right. SP said he thought the characterization of David was a bit off in that one too. (He hasn't yet elaborated on just what he thought was off; I'll ask when I talk to him next.)

However, do realize that I was mainly just getting rid of a persistent scene in my mind, one that had dated from before the campaign even started. It wasn't so much intended to reflect David as he later turned out to be. Doubtless it would have gone differently if SP had actually been playing him. (And the same goes for the other scenes involving NPC's.)

I think he'd withdraw from Alex for a while to come to terms with it. After that, I'd expect a level of respect and comradery between the two. Both consider each other a man--literally and figurtively.

*nod* A real possibility. SP and I had long ago discussed, also, what would happen when David goes off to college and takes some psych classes - he'd probably have an "oh crap!" moment and start realizing his dad wasn't quite, well, normal. .:) (Possibly, in the zeal of "medical student syndrome", he might even think Alex was completely off the deep end, but that would be an overreaction.)

One has to take into account too, though, that David lost his mom at a tender age, and therefore leans on his dad - despite their clashes - more than most teens would. Though of course he'd die rather than admit it, he really wants his father to be proud of him.

So, what are your thoughts on the new campaign? Care to share your ideas?

Like I said, nothing has yet gelled. We've been tossing around possibilities. Probably the new campaign will be more light-hearted.

But I do have one nagging idea for a game to be set in the same world as the Shadow's adventures, though quite possibly not in LA. Starring a rebellious apprentice of the Council. Unfortunately, that one wouldn't be likely to be light-hearted at all...

EDIT: Another possibility is a fantasy game (using M&M), set in my homebrew world of Terrima.

[Edit: Oh, and where you still interested in that calender we were putting together? Either way is fine with me.]

Ack! I totally forgot about that! When I quit the game, I pretty much got away from gaming-stuff entirely for months and months. If you still want it, I'll give it a shot - just be warned that I'm really busy lately.

I don't think I still have your emails about it, either. Could you resend?


First Post
The Shadow said:
Ack! I totally forgot about that! When I quit the game, I pretty much got away from gaming-stuff entirely for months and months. If you still want it, I'll give it a shot - just be warned that I'm really busy lately.

I don't think I still have your emails about it, either. Could you resend?

Found most of the e-mails and sent them off. There's a good amount of info there, so take your time. The last one I sent out also has a better e-mail address that'll help me keep all this organized.

Thanks Shadow,

Hey guys, just letting you know that I'm involved in a new Star Wars d20 game with SP and my brother. I'll be putting up a new Story Hour thread for it once we manage to get a second session in. :p (SP's been struggling with stress, sickness, and computer troubles lately - what else is new? No new session the last couple weeks.)

The game's set in the Old Republic. The first session was basically just a fun dungeon crawl to familiarize us with the system. (Neither I nor my brother had played it before.) But SP ended it with a HUGE bang! You know how he likes surprises. ;)

The campaign idea I mentioned above, about an escaped Council apprentice, I ultimately decided against. It's just really too dark for what I want to play right now. But I'll post the story I wrote to start it off here, if you like. It's set in the Shadow's universe, so it should suit.

P.S. Lela, haven't managed to work in the calendar stuff yet. This summer looks to be disturbingly slow, though, so we'll see.

[Here you go, Lela. Enjoy.]

I was on the way home from a bad job. Really bad. Can't write about it yet.

I paused to study my reflection in a store window. Big, check. Black, check again. Haunted dark eyes - best not to think about that. Dressed well, but understated. (He wouldn't have it any other way.) A scar along one cheek. Gotta be a story behind that.

Wish I knew what it was.

Sounds of a commotion, a scuffle, in the alley. I went to check it out. A little honest clean trouble wouldn't hurt anybody, much. Take my mind off the job.

A drug deal gone sour, looked like. The guns were coming out. I hate drug dealers.

"Leave him alone," I growled. "Stay out of this, a$$hole," one of them yelled at me without looking. For one thing, they're stupid. I advanced. "My name isn't A$$hole," I informed him friendly-like. "I think you have me confused with your girlfriend."

That made him mad enough to shoot me. The bullet zinged harmlessly off my aura, but his eyes didn't really go wide until my probe caught him by the throat and picked him up off the ground. "Ready to play nice now?" The others started opening fire, their argument forgotten. Like I said, stupid.

Never mind the details. I left them in a neat heap, still breathing, but without weapons, drugs, or money. Any of the above would just get them in worse trouble. See "stupid". The first two of the three go down the nearest storm drain - I had to crush the guns before they would fit, but hey. The third...

Ah, a church steeple, a couple streets down. That'd do. Gotta salve the old conscience somehow - even if it does make Him laugh.

Old, dark, Catholic. As I'm putting the money in the poorbox, an elderly priest came up. He looked me up and down, and gestured to one of the confessionals. "Been awhile?"

I tried to laugh, then tried to cry. Neither worked. I just looked away. "You could say that, Father." "No time like the present...?" I started to tell him no, but there was something in his words that got under my skin. When he turned and doddered off purposefully toward the box, I found myself following him. Boy, will He get plenty of amusement out of this! I thought. But... what the hell.

I knelt in the dark. Didn't have the faintest idea what to say, and I guess it showed. "Need a hand?" the old padre quavered at me. "I guess... This was a mistake." "No. I don't think it was."

His aura - a pure white but otherwise unexceptional thing - flared like the sun, just for an instant. Throwing my hands up reflexively to shield my eyes, I knew terror as I haven't known it in a long time. I'd never seen anything like that except... Oh God. "Forgive me, Mas-!" "NEVER CALL ME THAT," he hissed furiously at me through the grille. "There are more games in town than your precious Council, boy. Remember that."

Confused and terrified, I stayed quiet. He went on, "I saw what you did tonight to that family.. And what you did to the dealers after. You're not a typical apprentice." "No," I wrenched out, tears forming at last and starting to fall. "I try not to be." "Want to start over?"

"More than anything. But He'll-" "No, he won't. I've been opposing the Masters for a very long time, boy. They haven't caught me yet. If you're careful, they won't catch you, either." "But-" "But nothing. If you want to start over, drop your shields."

That scared me all over again. With as much power as he'd displayed, he could do anything to me... anything at all. What finally decided me was that anything would be better than living this way. I would've ended it all long ago, if He'd let me. I lowered all my mental defenses and shivered as I knelt there.

His light flowed around me, into me, through me. Warm, clean, soothing. Nothing like my Master's aura, that's for sure. When the sensation ended, I noticed with a lurch that the compulsions were gone. All of them. No, it's not possible. It's all a trick, a te- "No, Titus, this isn't a test," he told me calmly, plainly reading my thoughts. "This is the real thing. For your penance, devote your life to doing right with the powers you've developed. Oppose the Council when you can, run when you can't; I've damped down your aura to make that a bit easier." "I don't know what to-" "Then don't say anything. Except 'yes'."

"Yes, I will," I whispered. "Good. Now get out of here, and good luck." I started to rise, still shell-shocked, when he said, "Oh, wait, I almost forgot." I braced myself, sure that the other shoe would now drop. "What?"

"Ego te absolvo, my son. Go in peace."

So I did. Really. Life started over, right then.


Not for the first time, either.

My earliest memory is of pain. Unbelievable pain and loss. I screamed and wept and begged without shame. Couldn't seem to move.

Finally it faded, and I was able to take in my surroundings. I was lying naked on a bed in a richly appointed room. I had no idea how I'd gotten there - or of anything else, really, except the pounding in my temples. I sat up, swung my legs over, when an assured voice said, "Your name is Titus." I've always hated his voice. So smug, so confident, like nothing you can do or say matters in the least.

"And I am your Master." Thing is, see, he's right most of the time.

"F*ck you," I suggested, and got up in a hurry, aiming a punch at him. I ain't nobody's slave, thank you sir!

He tsked and I howled, as agony lanced up my arm. "Shut up," he said, and I did, though the pain didn't go away in the slightest. "Stand up." I did that too. "You were wrong just now," he informed me. "You are someone's slave. Mine, to be precise. Right?"

I stood there and sweated and sweated, dying inside. Finally, I forced myself to say, "Right." "Right what?" The pain, impossibly, ratcheted up to a new level of torture. "Right... Master," I gasped. "Good. I'm glad our relationship is firmly established in your mind." The pain faded, and I hated him. Helplessly.

"Get dressed," he informed me brusquely. "You have duties to perform."

He didn't tell me anything else. It took me days to figure out the limits of my new existence. I couldn't try to oppose or disobey him in any way without paying the immediate consequences - it didn't matter if he was there or not. I could think bad thoughts about him (I later learned that he had the power to prevent even that if he felt like it - the fact that he didn't is one of the vanishingly few things I feel grateful to him for) but he would know. Most of the time he would simply be amused. The other times he would hurt me. Not always with the pain. Let's just say that he's got a really good imagination when it comes to degrading people, and leave it at that, OK?

It took me weeks before I even learned his name. Osric. At last I had a name to put to the hatred, for all the good it did me. Weeks more before I learned anything about the Council. That was stunning enough, but I really lost it when he dropped the casual comment to another Master that he'd seen the fall of Rome.

Finally, after several months, he felt I was broken-in enough to formally start as his apprentice.

See, he'd read my aura. I have potential, lucky me. I have more of the Sight than even some of the Masters... though not the willpower or the training to go along with it, which made me irresistible prey.

[In the old priest you get a glimpse of an old, much-loved character of mine, Brother Jordan. (Patron of the original Carlos.) I would have written more, but after I got to this point I realized that I didn't really want to explore it further.]

[Woulda been fun to "see" the looks on you guys' faces when Titus' story was revealed, though. It's a doozy. ;)]
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First Post
It took me a couple false starts but I finally had a chance to finish the darn thing.

I really can't place the guy, though the obvious bet would be either Alex or Carlos--likely the latter considering the blurb at the end.

Have you published any books yet? Seems to me that you have a major talent for capturing someone and keeping them focused (when there isn't a power tool demanding my attention). Your writing is a complete emotional ride with real characters and powerful plot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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