D&D 5E The Sherwood Forest Scenerio - How would you do it?

Thanks to the power of the internet, I'm rewatching a favorite: Robin of Sherwood.

So in inspiration of this, I'm asking the following:

How would you do a band of merry men in 5e (assuming the PCs are said merry men)?

What party would you build?

what obstacles would you have to deal with?

What would be in the woods to help/hinder the party?

What magic would be expected to be used to turn Sherwood forest into a fortress?

How would gameplay change when you switch tiers?


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I'm okay with a higher magic robin of sherwood.

Argueably, my most favorite version is where Robin of Locksley was a warlock dedicated to Hernes the hunter and fought Satan's minions as much as the Sherrif of Nottingham.

In Ivanhoe, Robin and Marion were shapeshifters.

I'd be okay with making Little John their pet Bullete that likes belly rubs. :p


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Thanks to the power of the internet, I'm rewatching a favorite: Robin of Sherwood.

So in inspiration of this, I'm asking the following:

How would you do a band of merry men in 5e (assuming the PCs are said merry men)?

What party would you build?
It depends on how high a magic level you’re willing to indulge for accuracy to the setting concept vs adapting it to DnD, rogues and rangers i think are obvious, monks(drunken master, kensei, shadows) and bards(eloquence, lore, swords) possibly some clerics(trickery, twilight, nature) or a warlock or two of the right pact(archfey, genie), a druid or fighter fit in well enough.
Edit:the focus imo is on stealthy mobile types, being tricky and smart rather than the big tanky fighter dude in noisy heavy armour, short/longbows are the iconic weapon but shortswords/knives and staffs also fit the aesthetic, maybe some handaxes, spears, throwing hammers or clubs, think about what you can reflavour to match available tools
what obstacles would you have to deal with?
I’m a little unclear who/what this is meant to be directed at specifically? Assuming you mean the players, resource management, keeping up ammo, potions and rations/fresh food and water(ban goodberry, tiny hut and the like) while trying to not get discovered by the sheriff and royal guards out for the wanted criminals, keeping themselves informed of opportunities to liberate gold for the needy or of upcoming raids by the guards meaning they need to relocate home base in the forest(itself a challenge to present them with how to do this)
What would be in the woods to help/hinder the party?
To help: Natural illusions, communicating with the animals/plants, ruins of old structures, caves and tunnels, magical creatures/fey
To hinder: also natural illusions, beasts/magical creatures/fey, dangerous plants, guard patrols and less moral bandits,
What magic would be expected to be used to turn Sherwood forest into a fortress?
As mentioned above, illusions and speak with plants/animals, commune with nature, enchantments to confuse and misdirect, control plants, plant growth, (permanent?) wall of earth/stone and stoneshape to build fortifications, awakening on the animals.
How would gameplay change when you switch tiers?
This im less certain on but probably small skirmishes in the woods/town, more focus on stealth/hit and run or escaping guards rather than defeating them>>specific missions to acquire allies or neutralise lesser threats(bandits, large wild beasts), rescue NPC prisoners+acquiring resources to improve equipment >>building a defendable home base to defend+Defending it>>raiding the castle to fight the final battles with big names enemies.
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Back when Prince of Thieves came out (back in 2E), we planned to do a Robin Hood game in my homebrew.

Robin was an elf ranger.
Will Scarlett was a gnome bard.
Maid Marian was a human paladin.
Friar Tuck was a (half-orc) cleric.
<Edit > Forgot Little Jon as a burly rogue.
Asseem was a dwarf monk.

The low-level adventures (1-5) were against Sir Guy (a half-orc fighter) and his goons (goblins). Around level 5, the character's antics would have drawn the attention of the Sheriff of Nottingham (a blackguard), his witch (would use a sorcerer nowadays) who employed bugbear mercenaries, adding in enemies who were increasingly a martial/spellcaster mix.

Upon defeating the Sheriff around 10th level, the group discovers that a powerful cabal/cult is behind things. Enemies are more clerical in nature and call upon demons for assistance against the PCs. By this time, the party should an established base they need to defend and wish to expand to overthrow the cult of power.

At around 15th, the party faces the leaders of the cabal/cult and while defeated, the party discovers that the cult has possessed the king with a powerful demon. Not only that, the king has allied itself with a dragon and the group find themselves leading an open revolt (and an army) to march against the king and draconic force. At the final, the party learns that before the king was possessed, the dragon ally had used a ritual to lend part of its heart (ala dragonheart) to ensure the king's health and well-being. Stopping the hell-bent king means destroying the dragon first, before tackling the possessed king.


A suffusion of yellow
Robin swashbuckler Rogue/Battle master Fighter (Archer), Variant Human with Sharpshooter feat.
Little John as a Goliath Barbarian Bear Totem.
Friar Tuck as a Hill Dwarf Monk Drunken Fist.
Will Scarlet as a Wood Elf Rogue Scout.
Azeem as a Tiefling College of Swords Bard 3.
Alan-a-Dale Rogue/Bard
Herne the Hunter - Archfey Patron

Archery contest with Robin, Little John, and Will competing.
Melee (non lethal damage) with the same competing.
Drinking contest with Friar Tuck and Little John.
Race against Robin and Will.
Azeem as social challenge.

Also Castle Infiltration mini-adventure

Stealth challenges to avoid The Sheriff
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