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The Sky is Falling


I'm seeing a trend here. So many of us are watching each little comment on every blog, on every thread on WotC, on any article they put out, combing over it for any indication about 4e. And the minute something is found, there's an immediate and prolonged chorus of bellyaching.

"So I'm making minion rules to allow 20 goblins to fight 1st level PCs." "OH GOD 1st level PCs are now Batman and Robin! This totally destroys the essence of D&D!" "They've got untold power. This makes no sense." "I all ready send a billion goblins after my 1st level PCs." "This is stupid, what are they THINKING?!"

"I'm using this logic to design dungeon encounters now." "What, this is new for you? Where have YOU been? I've been doing this forever. How dare you talk down to me, I know what I'm doing!" "This is stupid, what are they THINKING?!"

"The notion we're working on is that the world is a string of city states and farmsteads and everywhere else is dangerous." "What about cities? Where are my cities?" "They're going to tank FR." "They're going to tank my Homebrew." "This is stupid, what are they THINKING?!"

It's like a whole room full of people piling into the kitchen to watch the cook prepare A meal. "He's getting the Grandma's Recipes cookbook; I hated my grandma, she was mean, this is going to suck." "He's reaching for pepper, I don't think he should use too much pepper." "The temperature the oven's on isn't high enough, it's going to be undercooked." "This is going to be awful, what is he THINKING?!"

It reminds me so much of the conversion to 3e. Something would be released in Dragon and immediately people crowed about how broken Feats were, and you know what, you all play 3e. Articles about Eberron popped up in Dragon and it was "Robots and Trains! AUGH" and you know what? The setting is popular.

If anything that WotC leaks immediately receives such horrid complaining all over the internet, why even bother putting it out there? If you expect them to listen to the internet fanbase at all, then they shouldn't get their hands bitten every time they present fluff. They're trying to get this information to us, rather than leave us in the dark, and I feel that we're just brutalizing them

Right now everyone is scrambling, trying to read the tea leaves and putting together scraps because We have nothing substantial to go on. Can we at least hold the panic and "WotC is ruining D&D" until after we have something to actually sink teeth into?

And I say this not as a WotC fanboy. I was one of the first to bemoan that it was too soon for a new Edition, that 8 years is just not fair, that 4.5 is around the corner. But I like most of what I've heard, and I am willing to give them a chance. But I fear that if they see that too few people on the 'net are giving them a chance, they'll just shut down informing Us about what's going on, and giving us any info. Because if I were WotC, I certainly would.

Seriously, if every little tidbit that comes out of the Sorcerers on the Beach makes you sick at your stomach that your D&D is being defiled... stop reading it. You're torturing yourself.

Either you're not going to be happy with the results, you're going to think they're okay, or you're going to like the end result. But the constant speculation and kvetching over the glimpses of shadows on the wall is not helping.
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I'm pretty sure I've seen an equal volume of "cool!" and "awesome!" responses to every little thing. It's just the way things are, and the way they're going to be for quite some time.

You're right that it makes some sense to hold judgement until we have something solid to judge.

However, I'm curious as to who you think we should be helping, and why? :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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