The Sky is Falling

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Gentlegamer said:
Complaining about complaining is analogous to the worm Ouroboros, in my opinion.

“I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am”

I have no problem with complaining. But the majority of the complaining, at this point, is premature. It's undeserved as of yet, imnsho. So I'm complaing about complaining when there's nto enough to complain about.
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Rechan said:
“I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am”

I have no problem with complaining. But the majority of the complaining, at this point, is premature. It's undeserved as of yet, imnsho. So I'm complaing about complaining when there's nto enough to complain about.

Yet there's enough for people to swear it's great and they love it? Eh, to each his own, no skin off my back either way and the discussions are interesting.


I do have to say that I'm getting tired of the complaining too. At first it was amusing. Now it's becoming irritating.

there are some legitimate comlaints.

Something like "I hope 4e doesn't use Saga Star Wars version of skills" is valid IMO as we have the saga rules, can see them in play and can make a decision as to whether we like them or not.

But people making wild assumptions/complaints based on a tibits of information is getting down-right out of hand. Espcially from people who I think have already made up their minds about disliking 4e and wouldn't be happy about any information they heard.


First Post
I'm guessing the OP wasn't around for the advent of 3E? (If I'm wrong, no offense intended.)

The equal (or unequal, depending on your point of view) parts of glee and dismay are pretty much par for the course.

(The difference is this time, the chorus is more organized and centralized in a couple of places, as opposed to being scattered around all kinds of ramshackle sites posting tidbits gleaned from playtests, NDAs, and Dragon magazine, and some comments, wonky forums, and mailing lists.)


First Post
It's an election year In my humble homeland, so crying "victory!" or "tragedy!" over every minute, non-indicative political detail is very much the fashion. I just come to ENworld for a different flavour of panic.


Imaro said:
Yet there's enough for people to swear it's great and they love it?

Actually I think you're right.

At this point, all you can do is be Optimistic, Pessimistic or neutral, but that's more personality than it is evidence-based.


Cthulhudrew said:
I'm guessing the OP wasn't around for the advent of 3E?

The equal (or unequal, depending on your point of view) parts of glee and dismay are pretty much par for the course.

Given that I referenced the invent of 3e in the OP, yes. ;)

I agree, it is that way.

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